The Death Penalty Information Center is pleased to offer a new and more com­pre­hen­sive ver­sion of our Execution Database. The new data­base includes infor­ma­tion on the coun­ty where the crime was com­mit­ted and on the gen­der of vic­tim, in addi­tion to the infor­ma­tion avail­able in our pre­vi­ous data­base. The data­base includes such cat­e­gories as Race of Defendant and Victim, Foreign Nationals, Method of Execution, and Age at Execution. Moreover, results of search­es are sortable by each search cat­e­go­ry. This will allow, for exam­ple, all the exe­cu­tions in a par­tic­u­lar coun­ty to appear togeth­er. The Execution Database cov­ers all exe­cu­tions since the death penal­ty was rein­stat­ed in 1976. Information in this data­base was obtained from news reports, state Departments of Corrections and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. County and vic­tim-gen­der infor­ma­tion was pro­vid­ed by Professor Frank Baumgartner of the University of North Carolina. Please con­tact us with any com­ments or ques­tions regard­ing this new resource.

(DPIC, Posted July 28, 2011). See also Executions and DPIC’s State by State Database.

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