The Death Penalty Information Center’s High School Curriculum on the Death Penalty is now available for students and teachers as a free electronic textbook for use on the Apple iPad. This balanced and dynamic resource uses an issue of public concern to teach civic responsibility, research, and critical thinking. The e‑textbook contains all the features of DPIC’s award-winning online curriculum, including summaries of arguments for and against the death penalty, case studies based on actual trials, summaries of the legal stages in a capital case, a brief history of the death penalty, color maps and interactive features. The e‑book version incorporates the interactivity and user-friendly interface of a tablet, including touch-screen navigation, access to the full curriculum even when offline, and use of standard iBook features, such as instant word definitions and easy note-taking functions. For instructions on downloading the e‑book, click here or go to the iBookstore on your iPad and search “Death Penalty Information Center.”
(DPIC Posted, September 5, 2012). See Educational Curricula and Student Resources.
Student Research Center
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