Three for­mer Chief Justices of the Oregon Supreme Court have recent­ly called for an end to the death penal­ty in their state. Retired Chief Justice Wallace P. Carson, Jr. (l.), was the most recent Justice to call for a change: In my opin­ion, the excep­tion­al cost of death penal­ty cas­es and the seem­ing­ly hap­haz­ard selec­tion of which cas­es deserve the death penal­ty out­weigh any per­ceived pub­lic ben­e­fit of this sanc­tion,” Carson said. The fair­ly recent addi­tion of a true life’ (no parole) penal­ty should rea­son­ably sub­sti­tute for any deter­rence val­ue that some may claim that the death penal­ty pro­vides. It is time for a change.” In 2013, for­mer Chief Justice Paul J. DeMuniz, said, The death penal­ty is get­ting a pass’ from leg­isla­tive scruti­ny, when look­ing for ways to trim Oregon’s bud­get to fund starv­ing schools and pub­lic safe­ty. We cur­rent­ly have few­er state police today than we did in 1960.” Retired Chief Justice Edwin J. Petersen also spoke out against the death penal­ty in 2013, say­ing Under our sys­tem, fair­ness is dif­fi­cult to achieve. Mistakes are made. The sys­tem sets up the pos­si­bil­i­ty of a fatal mis­take – killing an innocent person.”

The three Chief Justices served con­sec­u­tive­ly on the Supreme Court for a com­bined 29 years, 1983 – 2012. Gov. John Kitzhaber has placed a mora­to­ri­um on exe­cu­tions for the remain­der of his time in office.

(Oregonians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, Yet Another Former Oregon Chief Justice Speaks Out,” Update Newsletter, April, 2014; DPIC post­ed April 29, 2014). See New Voices and Costs.

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