Live Updates: Alabama Executes Alan Miller, 1600th Person Executed in Modern Era of the Death Penalty

Updated Sep 26, 2024 8:03 pm


Additional Resources

American Bar Association Juvenile Justice Center

Amnesty International

Time Magazine Article, “What Makes Teens Tick,” May 10, 2004

Scripps Howard News Service Article, “New research shows stark differences in teen brains,” May 11, 2004

Wall Street Journal Article, “Psychiatrists Question Death for Teen Killers,” May 26, 2004

Ferdinand, Pamela, “Seventeen an Awkward Age, N.H. Juvenile Justice Finds: In Reversal, State Moves to Raise Criminal Adulthood to 18,” Washington Post, March 27, 2002 at A03.

Bonner, Raymond and Rimer, Sara, “Young and Condemned/A Special Report: Whether to Kill Those Who Killed as Youths” New York Times, August 22, 2000.

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