Live Updates: Larry Roberts Becomes the 200th Person Exonerated from Death Row

Updated Jul 02, 2024 4:45 pm

Publications & Testimony

Items: 1201 — 1210

Mar 23, 2020

News Brief — U.S. Supreme Court Rules Against Kansas Death-Row Prisoner on Right to Present an Insanity Defense

NEWS (3/​23/​20): U.S. Supreme Court — The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled against a Kansas death-row pris­on­er who had argued his con­vic­tion vio­lat­ed due process because he had not been per­mit­ted to present an insan­i­ty defense. In a 6 – 3 deci­sion authored by Justice Elena Kagan, the Court upheld the con­vic­tion of James Kahler for mur­der­ing his estranged wife, two teenage daugh­ters, and a fourth fam­i­ly mem­ber in 2009, while in a state of severe depres­sion from the…

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Mar 20, 2020

News Brief — Crusading Capital Defense Lawyer Millard Farmer Dies at 85

NEWS (3/​20/​20): Georgia — Crusading civ­il rights and death-penal­ty defense lawyer Millard Farmer (pic­tured, left, in 1980), age 85, has died. Farmer, a relent­less fight­er against racism and dis­crim­i­na­tion, devel­oped a con­tro­ver­sial style of lit­i­ga­tion he called con­flic­tion­eer­ing,” in which he took direct aim at judges, pros­e­cu­tors, and law enforce­ment offi­cials whose big­otry he believed was pro­mot­ing or pro­tect­ing unjust appli­ca­tion of the criminal…

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Mar 19, 2020

Ohio Death-Row Prisoner Granted New Trial After Lawyer Allowed Racially Biased Juror to Sit on Jury

The Ohio Supreme Court has grant­ed a new tri­al to a Cincinnati death-row pris­on­er whose lawyer’s inac­tion per­mit­ted a racial­ly biased juror to serve in his case. In a 5 – 2 opin­ion issued February 27, 2020, the court ruled that defense coun­sel for Glen Bates (pic­tured) had been inef­fec­tive for fail­ing to ques­tion a juror about her racial bias, chal­lenge her for cause, or exer­cise one of his remain­ing dis­cre­tionary strikes to pre­vent her from serv­ing in the case, in vio­la­tion of…

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Mar 19, 2020

News Brief — Florida Supreme Court Denies Relief in Two More Jury Non-Unanimity Cases

NEWS (3/​19/​20): Florida — The Florida Supreme Court has denied new sen­tenc­ing hear­ings to two more death-row pris­on­ers who were sen­tenced to death after non-unan­i­mous sen­tenc­ing rec­om­men­da­tions by their juries. Relying on the court’s January 23, 2020 deci­sion in State v. Poole that aban­doned its require­ment of unan­i­mous sen­tenc­ing rec­om­men­da­tions, the court upheld death sen­tences imposed on Grover Reed and Lucious…

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Mar 18, 2020

Virginia Death Row Shrinks to 2 as Prosecutor Drops Death Penalty Against Mark Lawlor

Virginias death row shrank to just two pris­on­ers on March 12 as recent­ly elect­ed Fairfax County, Virginia Commonwealth’s Attorney Steve T. Descano agreed to a deal to resen­tence for­mer death-row pris­on­er Mark Lawlor (pic­tured) to life with­out parole. Lawlor was sen­tenced to death in 2011 for the mur­der of Genevieve Orange. No one has been sen­tenced to death in Virginia…

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Mar 17, 2020

Texas Court Issues 60-Day Stay of Execution for John Hummel in Response to Coronavirus Crisis

Responding to esca­lat­ing health con­cerns caused by the COVID-19 coro­n­avirus pan­dem­ic, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals (TCCA) has tem­porar­i­ly halt­ed the exe­cu­tion of John Hummel. In an order issued on March 16, 2020, the TCCA stayed Hummel’s exe­cu­tion, which had been sched­uled for March 18, for 60 days, say­ing the delay was nec­es­sary in light of the cur­rent health cri­sis and the enor­mous resources need­ed to address that…

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