Live Updates: Larry Roberts Becomes the 200th Person Exonerated from Death Row

Updated Jul 02, 2024 4:45 pm

Publications & Testimony

Items: 1211 — 1220

Mar 16, 2020

Georgia Supreme Court Votes 9 – 0 for New Trial for Former Death-Row Prisoner Johnny Gates

More than forty years after he was con­vict­ed and sen­tenced to death by an all-white Columbus, Georgia jury for the rape and mur­der of a 19-year-old white woman, Johnny Lee Gates (pic­tured) will be get­ting a new tri­al. On March 13, 2020, the Georgia Supreme Court unan­i­mous­ly held that DNA con­tained on phys­i­cal evi­dence that police and pros­e­cu­tors had with­held for decades raised sig­nif­i­cant doubt” as to Gates’…

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Mar 13, 2020

News Brief — North Carolina Innocence Commission Orders Review of Murder Convictions of Teens Falsely Threatened With Death Penalty

NEWS (3/​13/​20): The North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission vot­ed 5 – 3 on March 13, 2020 to empan­el a three-judge review com­mit­tee to deter­mine whether four men con­vict­ed as teens should be exon­er­at­ed of the mur­der of NBA star Chris Paul’s grand­fa­ther, Nathaniel Jones. A fifth teen con­vict­ed in the mur­der died before he could sub­mit his case for review by the…

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Mar 12, 2020

News Brief — Florida Supreme Court Upholds Death Sentence for Man Who Pled Guilty and Waived Jury

NEWS (3/​12/​20): The Florida Supreme Court on March 12, 2020 denied death-row pris­on­er Hector Sanchez-Torress post-con­vic­tion chal­lenge to his con­vic­tion and death sen­tence for a 2008 armed rob­bery and mur­der. In an unsigned opin­ion, the court ruled that Sanchez-Torres’s coun­sel had not been inef­fec­tive in advis­ing him to plead guilty to the charges and to waive a sen­tenc­ing jury based on counsel’s belief that a Clay County jury would…

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Mar 12, 2020

Winter 2020 Death Row USA: U.S. Death Row Shrinks 20% During the 2010s

The num­ber of peo­ple on death row across the United States or fac­ing poten­tial cap­i­tal resen­tenc­ings declined by near­ly 20% in the 2010s, accord­ing to a Death Penalty Information Center analy­sis of data from the lat­est quar­ter­ly death-row cen­sus by the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational…

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Mar 11, 2020

Timothy Hurst, Whose Case Struck Down Florida’s Death-Penalty Statute, Is Resentenced to Life

Former Florida death-row pris­on­er Timothy Hurst (pic­tured), whose case led the U.S. Supreme Court to strike down Florida’s death-penal­ty statute in 2016 and spurred the elim­i­na­tion of non-unan­i­mous jury ver­dicts for death in Florida and Delaware, has been resen­tenced to life with­out parole. Hurst was offi­cial­ly removed from Florida’s death row after his cap­i­tal resen­tenc­ing jury did not reach a unan­i­mous sen­tenc­ing rec­om­men­da­tion on March 5,…

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