Publications & Testimony

Items: 3811 — 3820

Feb 08, 2011

STUDIES: Misunderstandings by Jurors Undermines Constitutionality of Death Penalty

A new study by William Bowers and oth­ers pub­lished in the Criminal Law Bulletin revealed that most jurors in death penal­ty cas­es lack suf­fi­cient under­stand­ing of their duties, ren­der­ing the process uncon­sti­tu­tion­al by Supreme Court stan­dards. The study showed that cap­i­tal jurors often mis­tak­en­ly believe that a death sen­tence is required by law, and fail to take pri­ma­ry respon­si­bil­i­ty for the defen­dan­t’s pun­ish­ment. The study sug­gest­ed that jurors tend to believe…

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Feb 07, 2011

Victim’s Family and Jurors Urge Clemency for Texas Death Row Inmate

On February 7, attor­neys for Tim Adams (pic­tured) filed a peti­tion for clemen­cy urg­ing the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles to rec­om­mend spar­ing Adams’ life and to ask Governor Rick Perry to com­mute his death sen­tence to life in prison with­out parole. Adams, an army vet­er­an with no crim­i­nal his­to­ry, killed his son while plan­ning his own sui­cide in 2002. He plead­ed guilty and has tak­en respon­si­bil­i­ty for his actions. Family mem­bers and three…

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Feb 04, 2011

Sen. Leahy Introduces Bill to Reauthorize Justice for All Act

On February 1, Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy (D‑Vermont) intro­duced leg­is­la­tion (S. 250) that would reau­tho­rize the Justice for All Act. The Act, first passed in 2004, pro­vid­ed impor­tant tools and assis­tance to help state and local gov­ern­ments use DNA evi­dence to con­vict the guilty and exon­er­ate the inno­cent. It also bol­stered crime vic­tim sup­port ser­vices. If re-autho­rized, the Justice for All Act would direct more resources to improving the…

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Feb 03, 2011

Lawsuit Challenges FDA’s Inaction on Lethal Injection Drugs in Many States

On February 2, the nation­al law firm of Sidley Austin LLP filed a suit against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in fed­er­al court on behalf of six death row inmates from Arizona, California, and Tennessee. The suit seeks to com­pel the FDA to bar the impor­ta­tion or use of unap­proved sodi­um thiopen­tal, a drug used by most states in lethal injec­tions, but no longer avail­able in the U.S. The plain­tiff’s brief states that, following a…

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Feb 02, 2011

NEW RESOURCES: DPIC Introduces App for iPhone and iPad

The Death Penalty Information Center is proud to present a new mobile appli­ca­tion for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. This FREE appli­ca­tion pro­vides access to the most fre­quent­ly used resources on DPIC’s main web­site, includ­ing our Fact Sheet on the Death Penalty, our Execution Database, and the most recent death penal­ty news from around the coun­try. Click here to down­load the mobile…

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Feb 01, 2011

EDITORIALS: National Papers Raise Concerns About Lethal Injection

Recent edi­to­ri­als in the New York Times and Los Angeles Times called into ques­tion the cur­rent use of lethal injec­tion in exe­cu­tions, in light of the deci­sion by the sole U.S. man­u­fac­tur­er of a key drug used by almost all states to stop its pro­duc­tion. Hospira Inc. was the only U.S. pro­duc­er of sodi­um thiopen­tal, the main anes­thet­ic used in lethal injec­tions, but the com­pa­ny said inter­na­tion­al con­cerns about the death penal­ty prompt­ed its halt. The short­age of the drug…

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Jan 31, 2011

NEW VOICES: Manufacturer of Drug Used in Executions Says This goes against everything we’re in business to do”

Lundbeck Inc., a com­pa­ny based in Denmark and the sole U.S. man­u­fac­tur­er of pen­to­bar­bi­tal, a new drug select­ed by Ohio and Oklahoma for their lethal injec­tion pro­to­cols, has request­ed that states not use the drug to exe­cute inmates. The com­pa­ny recent­ly announced that their drug was nev­er intend­ed to be used in exe­cu­tions. A spokes­woman for the com­pa­ny said, This goes against every­thing we’re in busi­ness to do. We like to devel­op and make available…

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Jan 28, 2011

NEW VOICES: Former Ohio Corrections Chief Calls for End of Death Penalty

Terry Collins, for­mer direc­tor of the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction, recent­ly urged the state to replace cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment with life in prison with­out parole. In an op-ed in the Columbus Dispatch, Collins said he per­son­al­ly observed the exe­cu­tion of 33 men from 2001 to 2010, and ques­tioned whether it was the right thing to do all 33 times: Had all the reviews and appeals got this case right? Did the process make certain,…

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Jan 27, 2011

Update on Lethal Injection as Sole U.S. Manufacturer of Key Drug Ceases Production

On January 21, Hospira Inc., the sole U.S. man­u­fac­tur­er of sodi­um thiopen­tal, announced that it will no longer pro­duce an anes­thet­ic com­mon­ly used in lethal injec­tions around the United States. Hospira, which had planned to pro­duce the drug in its plant in Italy, made the deci­sion to end pro­duc­tion of the anes­thet­ic after Italian offi­cials demand­ed that the com­pa­ny make sure it will not be used for exe­cu­tions. Nebraska, a state that has not…

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Jan 26, 2011

STUDIES: In Louisiana, Odds of a Death Sentence 97% Higher If Victim is White

A recent study con­duct­ed by Professors Glenn Pierce and Michael Radelet pub­lished in the Lousiana Law Review showed that the odds of a death sen­tence in parts of Louisiana were 2.6 times high­er for those charged with killing a white vic­tim than for those charged with killing a black vic­tim. The study exam­ined 191 homi­cides in East Baton Rouge Parish between 1990 and 2008 involv­ing a charge of first-degree mur­der. Even after con­sid­er­ing oth­er vari­ables such as the…

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