Publications & Testimony

Items: 3931 — 3940

Sep 14, 2010

Kentucky Judge Rules Against Lethal Injection Protocol and Halts Execution

On September 10, Franklin County Circuit Judge Phillip Shepherd ruled that Kentuckys new exe­cu­tion pro­to­col is incon­sis­tent with state law and does not pro­vide safe­guards to pre­vent an inmate who is intel­lec­tu­al­ly dis­abled or crim­i­nal­ly insane from being exe­cut­ed. As a result, Judge Shepherd stayed the September 16 exe­cu­tion of Gregory Wilson, stat­ing, Because the state’s pro­to­col does­n’t include a mech­a­nism to deter­mine if some­one is men­tal­ly retarded and…

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Sep 14, 2010

NEW VOICES: John Grisham Asks– Why is Teresa Lewis on Death Row?

Acclaimed author John Grisham recent­ly pub­lished an op-ed in the Washington Post ques­tion­ing why Teresa Lewis is fac­ing the death penal­ty when both her co-defen­dants, two men who actu­al­ly com­mit­ted the killings, were giv­en life-with­out-parole sen­tences. According to Grisham, the judge who sen­tenced Lewis to death mis­tak­en­ly believed that she was the mas­ter­mind” behind the killings. However, it has now been revealed that her IQ of 72

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Sep 10, 2010

RESOURCES: Free Online Educational Curricula for High School and College Students

As many schools are now begin­ning their new terms, the Death Penalty Information Center is proud to remind you of our two edu­ca­tion­al cur­ric­u­la on the death penal­ty. Our award-win­ning high school pro­gram, Educational Curriculum on the Death Penalty, includes 10-day les­son plans, inter­ac­tive maps and exer­cis­es, and a pre­sen­ta­tion of pros and cons on the death penal­ty for dis­cus­sion and debate. Our col­lege-lev­el cur­ricu­lum, Capital Punishment in…

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Sep 09, 2010

SUPREME COURT: Arguments Set in Three Death Penalty Cases in the Coming Term

The U.S. Supreme Court has set oral-argu­ment dates in three death penal­ty-relat­ed cas­es for the upcom­ing 2010 – 2011 term. The Court begins its new term on Monday, October 4. On October 6, the Court will hear Connick v. Thompson. This case chal­lenges an award of $14 mil­lion to John Thompson, who had been sen­tenced to death in New Orleans but was lat­er acquit­ted of all charges. Lower courts had found that the dis­trict attor­ney’s office failed to train…

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Sep 08, 2010

REPRESENTATION: Kentucky Inmate Faces Execution Despite Sham Trial

Gregory Wilson is sched­uled for exe­cu­tion in Kentucky on September 16, despite hav­ing been rep­re­sent­ed by woe­ful­ly unqual­i­fied and unpre­pared attor­neys in his death penal­ty tri­al. It took over a year for the tri­al judge to find an attor­ney to take Wilson’s case. Wilson was indi­gent, and the max­i­mum state fee for a cap­i­tal-mur­der rep­re­sen­ta­tion was $2,500. The judge even put a note on his cour­t­house door, say­ing: PLEASE HELP. DESPERATE. THIS CASE CANNOT BE

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Sep 07, 2010

NEW VOICES: Washington Attorney General Says Death Penalty May Not Be Worth the Costs and Delays

Washington Attorney General Rob McKenna recent­ly said he is not sure the death penal­ty is the way to han­dle the worst crimes in his state. I could live with­out it frankly. I think it’s very expen­sive, and the delays are inor­di­nate, delay­ing clo­sure for the vic­tims’ fam­i­lies,” he said. McKenna said he uses the death penal­ty spar­ing­ly in Washington, reserv­ing it for the most seri­ous aggra­vat­ed-mur­der con­vic­tions. He said he would con­tin­ue to uphold the law, if the people still…

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Sep 06, 2010

Death Row Chaplain is Certain: This Woman Doesn’t Deserve to Die”

Teresa Lewis is sched­uled to be exe­cut­ed on September 23 in Virginia, the first woman to be exe­cut­ed in that state in a cen­tu­ry. But Lynn Litchfield, the for­mer prison chap­lain who came to know Lewis over six years, has said she does­n’t deserve to die.” Litchfield recent­ly wrote in Newsweek Magazine that Lewis has an IQ of 72” and that one of the the two men who car­ried out the killings admitt[ed] that it was he, not she, who masterminded the…

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Sep 03, 2010

CLEMENCY: Gov. Strickland Commutes Kevin Keith’s Sentence to Life Without Parole

On September 2, Ohio Governor Ted Strickland (pic­tured) grant­ed clemen­cy to Kevin Keith, com­mut­ing his death sen­tence to life with­out parole. Keith, who was con­vict­ed of killing three peo­ple, has always main­tained his inno­cence, and some evi­dence point­ed to anoth­er sus­pect. Gov. Strickland’s com­mu­ta­tion state­ment addressed his con­cerns regard­ing Keith’s case: Mr. Keith’s con­vic­tion relied upon the link­ing of cer­tain eye­wit­ness testimony with…

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Sep 02, 2010

EDITORIALS: The last man to die”

A recent edi­to­r­i­al in the Greensboro, NC, News & Record indi­cat­ed that cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment may be on its last legs” in North Carolina. In prac­tice,” the edi­to­r­i­al stat­ed, the death penal­ty near­ly is erad­i­cat­ed. It is com­pli­cat­ed, cost­ly and no longer trust­ed.” According to the paper, use of the death penal­ty has been in steady decline. In 1999, 25 defen­dants were sen­tenced to death and anoth­er 16 were added the fol­low­ing year. In 2009, there were only two new…

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Sep 01, 2010

NEW VOICES: North Carolina District Attorneys Support Moratorium on Executions

Seth Edwards, pres­i­dent of the North Carolina Conference of District Attorneys, said that he sup­port­ed a mora­to­ri­um on the exe­cu­tion of any death row inmates whose cas­es include evi­dence from the State Bureau of Investigation. “[W]e need to make sure the issues are resolved in the SBI crime lab,” Edwards said. I just feel like the pub­lic right now is skep­ti­cal.” Last month, a gov­ern­ment audit showed that the lab had tam­pered with evi­dence and issued false…

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