Publications & Testimony
Items: 3931 — 3940
Sep 14, 2010
Kentucky Judge Rules Against Lethal Injection Protocol and Halts Execution
On September 10, Franklin County Circuit Judge Phillip Shepherd ruled that Kentucky’s new execution protocol is inconsistent with state law and does not provide safeguards to prevent an inmate who is intellectually disabled or criminally insane from being executed. As a result, Judge Shepherd stayed the September 16 execution of Gregory Wilson, stating, “Because the state’s protocol doesn’t include a mechanism to determine if someone is mentally retarded and…
Read MoreSep 14, 2010
NEW VOICES: John Grisham Asks– Why is Teresa Lewis on Death Row?
Acclaimed author John Grisham recently published an op-ed in the Washington Post questioning why Teresa Lewis is facing the death penalty when both her co-defendants, two men who actually committed the killings, were given life-without-parole sentences. According to Grisham, the judge who sentenced Lewis to death mistakenly believed that she was the “mastermind” behind the killings. However, it has now been revealed that her IQ of 72…
Read MoreSep 10, 2010
RESOURCES: Free Online Educational Curricula for High School and College Students
As many schools are now beginning their new terms, the Death Penalty Information Center is proud to remind you of our two educational curricula on the death penalty. Our award-winning high school program, Educational Curriculum on the Death Penalty, includes 10-day lesson plans, interactive maps and exercises, and a presentation of pros and cons on the death penalty for discussion and debate. Our college-level curriculum, Capital Punishment in…
Read MoreSep 09, 2010
SUPREME COURT: Arguments Set in Three Death Penalty Cases in the Coming Term
The U.S. Supreme Court has set oral-argument dates in three death penalty-related cases for the upcoming 2010 – 2011 term. The Court begins its new term on Monday, October 4. On October 6, the Court will hear Connick v. Thompson. This case challenges an award of $14 million to John Thompson, who had been sentenced to death in New Orleans but was later acquitted of all charges. Lower courts had found that the district attorney’s office failed to train…
Read MoreSep 08, 2010
REPRESENTATION: Kentucky Inmate Faces Execution Despite Sham Trial
Gregory Wilson is scheduled for execution in Kentucky on September 16, despite having been represented by woefully unqualified and unprepared attorneys in his death penalty trial. It took over a year for the trial judge to find an attorney to take Wilson’s case. Wilson was indigent, and the maximum state fee for a capital-murder representation was $2,500. The judge even put a note on his courthouse door, saying: “PLEASE HELP. DESPERATE. THIS CASE CANNOT BE…
Read MoreSep 07, 2010
NEW VOICES: Washington Attorney General Says Death Penalty May Not Be Worth the Costs and Delays
Washington Attorney General Rob McKenna recently said he is not sure the death penalty is the way to handle the worst crimes in his state. “I could live without it frankly. I think it’s very expensive, and the delays are inordinate, delaying closure for the victims’ families,” he said. McKenna said he uses the death penalty sparingly in Washington, reserving it for the most serious aggravated-murder convictions. He said he would continue to uphold the law, if the people still…
Read MoreSep 06, 2010
Death Row Chaplain is Certain: “This Woman Doesn’t Deserve to Die”
Teresa Lewis is scheduled to be executed on September 23 in Virginia, the first woman to be executed in that state in a century. But Lynn Litchfield, the former prison chaplain who came to know Lewis over six years, has said she “doesn’t deserve to die.” Litchfield recently wrote in Newsweek Magazine that Lewis “has an IQ of 72” and that “one of the the two men who carried out the killings admitt[ed] that it was he, not she, who masterminded the…
Read MoreSep 03, 2010
CLEMENCY: Gov. Strickland Commutes Kevin Keith’s Sentence to Life Without Parole
On September 2, Ohio Governor Ted Strickland (pictured) granted clemency to Kevin Keith, commuting his death sentence to life without parole. Keith, who was convicted of killing three people, has always maintained his innocence, and some evidence pointed to another suspect. Gov. Strickland’s commutation statement addressed his concerns regarding Keith’s case: “Mr. Keith’s conviction relied upon the linking of certain eyewitness testimony with…
Read MoreSep 02, 2010
EDITORIALS: “The last man to die”
A recent editorial in the Greensboro, NC, News & Record indicated that capital punishment may be “on its last legs” in North Carolina. “In practice,” the editorial stated, “the death penalty nearly is eradicated. It is complicated, costly and no longer trusted.” According to the paper, use of the death penalty has been in steady decline. In 1999, 25 defendants were sentenced to death and another 16 were added the following year. In 2009, there were only two new…
Read MoreSep 01, 2010
NEW VOICES: North Carolina District Attorneys Support Moratorium on Executions
Seth Edwards, president of the North Carolina Conference of District Attorneys, said that he supported a moratorium on the execution of any death row inmates whose cases include evidence from the State Bureau of Investigation. “[W]e need to make sure the issues are resolved in the SBI crime lab,” Edwards said. “I just feel like the public right now is skeptical.” Last month, a government audit showed that the lab had tampered with evidence and issued false…
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