Publications & Testimony

Items: 4191 — 4200

Sep 17, 2009

Chronology of A Failed Execution

The par­tial time­line below of the attempt­ed exe­cu­tion of Romell Broom in Ohio on Sept. 15 was com­piled by the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Sept. 17, 2009; reporter Peter Krouse. The entire time­line can found by clicking…

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Sep 16, 2009

New Revelations of Inmate’s Struggles During Ohio Execution Attempt

More infor­ma­tion is being report­ed about the botched exe­cu­tion-attempt of Romell Broom yes­ter­day (Sept. 15) in Ohio. According to the Associated Press, the cor­rec­tion­al offi­cers encoun­tered so much dif­fi­cul­ty in find­ing a suit­able vein for the lethal injec­tion that, after an hour, Broom attempt­ed to assist them by mov­ing on his side, slid­ing the rub­ber tub­ing up and down his arm, and flex­ing his fin­gers. A vein was found, but it col­lapsed as the…

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Sep 15, 2009

Ohio Execution Halted After First Attempt is Botched

Romell Broom (pic­tured) was to be exe­cut­ed at 10 AM on Tuesday, September 15, in Ohio. The exe­cu­tion was delayed as the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit con­sid­ered grant­i­ng him a hear­ing. When that tem­po­rary stay was lift­ed, the exe­cu­tion process began again with a search­ing for a suit­able vein in Broom’s arm to insert an IV and to inject the lethal chem­i­cals. However, after two hours of fruit­less endeav­or, the cor­rec­tion­al offi­cers were unable to…

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Sep 14, 2009

Arson Cases in Texas Under Broader Review

In 2004 Cameron Todd Willingham was exe­cut­ed in Texas for mur­der­ing his chil­dren by arson. Since then, numer­ous foren­sic fire experts have con­clud­ed that the evi­dence of arson pre­sent­ed at Willingham’s tri­al could not sup­port the con­clu­sion that he caused the fire. That same year, Ernest Willis was freed from death row in Texas after the pros­e­cu­tion con­clud­ed that his con­vic­tion and death sen­tence for arson were mis­tak­en. Texas has 742

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Sep 10, 2009

Florida Inmate Who Faced Death Penalty at 15 to be Freed 26 Years Later

Anthony Caravello was con­vict­ed of rape and mur­der for a crime he alleged­ly com­mit­ted in 1983 at age 15 in Florida. The pros­e­cu­tion sought the death penal­ty. Now DNA evi­dence from the crime scene points to anoth­er indi­vid­ual and may result in his exon­er­a­tion. The state is not con­test­ing his release. Caravello has an IQ of 67 and was con­vict­ed large­ly on the basis of his own state­ments, which he says were obtained from him after beat­ings during his…

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Sep 09, 2009

Radio Host Bob Edwards Explores the Troy Davis Case

On September 9, The Bob Edwards Show on Sirius XM Radio inter­viewed Stephen Bright and Nina Morrison regard­ing the case of Troy Anthony Davis. Edwards is the award-win­ning for­mer host of National Public Radio’s Morning Edition.” The show offered this intro­duc­tion: Last month, the U.S. Supreme Court did some­thing it hadn’t done in 50 years – it ordered a stay of exe­cu­tion and court hear­ing for an inmate to attempt to prove his inno­cence. Since 1991, Troy…

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Sep 08, 2009

Vietnam Vet on Death Row Receives His Medals and Waits for Execution

A recent arti­cle in the Fayetteville Observer in North Carolina cap­tures the poignant sto­ry of one man’s life on death row. James Floyd Davis is a Vietnam vet­er­an who lashed out with a burst of vio­lence four­teen years ago, killing three peo­ple includ­ing his boss who had fired him a few days before. He suf­fers from men­tal ill­ness and post-trau­mat­ic stress dis­or­der. Through the inter­ven­tion of a ther­a­pist who also served in Vietnam, it was learned that Davis was…

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Sep 04, 2009

BOOKS: No Human Way to Kill

Acclaimed artist Robert Priseman has assem­bled some of his draw­ings of exe­cu­tion cham­bers with essays on the death penal­ty into a new book enti­tled No Human Way to Kill.” The essays include the sto­ry of a moth­er whose daugh­ter was mur­dered, a death row inmate’s diary, and an inter­view with Jim Willett, for­mer war­den of the prison where Texas exe­cu­tions are held. Death penal­ty attor­ney Clive Stafford Smith writes in review, The etch­ings and accounts offer up a strange and…

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Sep 03, 2009

Texas Inmate Freed From Death Row With Charges Dismissed

Former death row inmate Michael Toney was freed from prison in Texas on September 2 after the state’s Attorney General asked that his death sen­tence and crim­i­nal charges be dis­missed. Toney was sen­tenced to death for a fatal bomb­ing in 1985 that occurred at a trail­er park in Lake Worth. He has always main­tained his inno­cence, and there was no phys­i­cal evi­dence lead­ing to his con­vic­tion. His con­vic­tion and death sen­tence were over­turned by the Texas Court of…

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Sep 03, 2009

Reaction to Execution of a Probably Innoncent Man Grows

Recent sci­en­tif­ic reports indi­cat­ing that Texas like­ly exe­cut­ed an inno­cent man have spurred wide cov­er­age and com­men­tary. Cameron Todd Willingham was exe­cut­ed in 2004 for the arson mur­der of his three chil­dren. Fire experts now say the blaze was like­ly an acci­dent. Excerpts from…

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