Publications & Testimony
Items: 4161 — 4170
Nov 02, 2009
NEW VOICES: The High Cost of the Death Penalty in Mississippi
The costs of the death penalty have been a burden on various counties in Mississippi for many years. Quitman County was forced to raise taxes for three years and borrowed $150,000 to provide legal counsel to Robert Simon and Anthony Carr, who were sentenced to death for murders committed in 1990. A death-penalty case “is almost like lightning striking,” county administrator Butch Scipper told The Wall Street Journal in 2002. “It is…
Read MoreOct 31, 2009
EDITORIALS: The Price of Death
A recent editorial in America Magazine entitled The Price of Death reviewed the growing problems with the death penalty and stated, “It is time for the nation to conclude once and for all that in our civilized society there is no place for capital punishment.” The national Catholic weekly cited the recently botched execution in Ohio, racial disparities, and the possibility of executing the innocent as reasons why public support for capital punishment has declined.
Read MoreOct 30, 2009
All Charges Dismissed Against Former Texas Death Row Inmate – 139th Exoneration Nationally
On October 28, 2009, Travis County, Texas, prosecutors moved to dismiss all charges against Michael Scott and Robert Springsteen, who had been convicted of the murder of four teens in an Austin yogurt shop in 1991. (Springsteen was convicted in 2001; Scott in 2002.) Springsteen had been sentenced to death and Scott was sentenced to life in prison. The convictions of both men were overturned by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals because they had not been…
Read MoreOct 29, 2009
EDITORIALS: “Time for America to Move Past Capital Punishment”
A recent editorial from the Aurora Sentinel in Colorado commented on the botched execution of Romell Broom. The paper entitled its position as “Time for America to move past capital punishment.” In addition to citing the problems with lethal injection, the paper noted the risk of executing the innocent and the U.S.‘s increasing isolation on the death penalty in the world. The editorial continuted, “Even for those who believe that such heinous…
Read MoreOct 28, 2009
NEW RESOURCES: The Status of the Death Penalty in Countries Comprising the European Security Area
The OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe), the world’s largest regional security organization comprised of 56 States including the U.S., recently published a 2009 Background Paper on The Death Penalty in the OSCE Area. It was prepared by the OSCE’s Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), and updates the 2008 background paper of the same title. The 2009 paper highlights the changes in status of the death penalty in…
Read MoreOct 26, 2009
Leading Law Group Withdraws Model Death Penalty Laws Because System is Unfixable
The Council of the American Law Institute (ALI) recently voted to withdraw a section of its Model Penal Code concerned with capital punishment because of the “current intractable institutional and structural obstacles to ensuring a minimally adequate system for administering capital punishment.” The Council based its decision on a study it commissioned to look into the practice of the death penalty since the recommendations were made in the Model Penal Code.
Read MoreOct 23, 2009
LAW REVIEW: Death Penalty Stories
The University of Missouri-Kansas City Law Review recently published a symposium issue of Death Penalty Stories, highlighting the role of the narrative in the defense of death penalty cases. The compilation includes contributions from litigators who have used persuasive narrative in support of a life sentence. Russell Stetler’s The Unknown Story of a Motherless Child chronicles the case of Edgar H., who was convicted of killing four men in California. Edgar’s…
Read MoreOct 22, 2009
Court Pressure in Arizona Leads to Settlements in Death Cases
A growing backlog of death penalty cases and delays in starting trials in Arizona’s Maricopa County has forced Superior Court judges to apply pressure on both sides by refusing to postpone trial dates and demanding that attorneys discuss settlements. The backlog came as a result of County Attorney Andrew Thomas’s aggressive pursuit of death sentences in more than 120 cases since taking office in 2005. The number of death penalty defendants grew faster than…
Read MoreOct 21, 2009
NEW VOICES: Former Texas Governor Now Expresses Doubts About Death Penalty
Mark White, a former governor of Texas and strong supporter of the death penalty, recently expressed serious reservations about the practice in Texas. “There is a very strong case to be made for a review of our death penalty statutes and even look at the possibility of having life without parole so we don’t look up one day and determine that we as the State of Texas have executed someone who is in fact innocent,” he said. White was…
Read MoreOct 20, 2009
STUDIES: Disparities in Legal Representation in Harris County, Texas
Scott Phillips, a professor in the Department of Sociology and Criminology at the University of Denver, recently published a study that revealed disparities in who receives the death penalty inTexas. Phillips studied the 504 death penalty cases that occurred between 1992 and 1999 in Harris County (Houston and surrounding areas). Harris County is the largest jurisdiction in the United States to use a court-appointment system for selecting lawyers to defend…
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