Publications & Testimony
Items: 5291 — 5300
Dec 15, 2005
Growing Concern Among Jurors in Death Penalty Cases
A recent Newsweek article notes that a growing number of jurors in capital murder cases are voicing their concerns about the accuracy and fairness of the justice system. Some of these jurors have petitioned the legal authorities to correct injustices regarding possibly innocent or incorrectly sentenced inmates.“I felt like I was pushed into making the decision of the 10 other jurors. I didn’t feel comfortable with it, but I didn’t know my rights as…
Read MoreDec 13, 2005
European Parliament President Calls for End to Capital Punishment
During a recent meeting of the European Union’s full assembly, European Parliament president Josep Borrell called on the 76 countries around the world that continue to retain the death penalty to discontinue use of capital punishment. He noted that the United States is the only democratic state that makes“widespread use” of the death penalty and that the European Union has a duty to convince Americans to end the practice.“Most unfortunately, in the U.S. the…
Read MoreDec 09, 2005
NEW VOICES: Former Texas DA Millsap Now Opposes Death Penalty
Former San Antonio District Attorney Sam Millsap, who once proclaimed himself a“lifelong supporter of the death penalty,” now opposes capital punishment. Millsap says his decision to oppose the death penalty was recently affirmed as evidence surfaced that Texas may have killed an innocent man when it executed Ruben Cantu, a San Antonio man who was sentenced to die while Millsap was DA.“It is troubling to me personally. No decision is more frightening than…
Read MoreDec 09, 2005
NEW VOICES: New Jersey Prosecutor Calls for End to the Death Penalty
In a letter to acting New Jersey Govenor Richard J. Codey, Ocean County prosecutor Thomas F. Kelaher called for an end to the death penalty in New Jersey because he feels the system is ineffective and fails to meet the needs of victims’ families. Kelaher, who has been a prosecutor for 23 years, said that life without parole would be a more appropriate sentencing option for those convicted of first-degree murder.“The history of nonapplication of the law has been…
Read MoreDec 08, 2005
Birmingham News Criticizes Costly, Arbitrary Death Penalty
A recent editorial in The Birmingham News criticized the costly and unfair nature of Alabama’s capital punishment system. It also called on state legislators to, at a minimum, take steps that would limit the number of crimes eligible for the death penalty. The newspaper, which recently wrote a series of editorials changing its long-standing support for capital punishment and calling on the state to abandon the use of the death…
Read MoreDec 07, 2005
Speech by Richard C. Dieter given at the International Conference on Human Rights and the Death Penalty
Tokyo, JapanDecember 6 – 7, 2005Next we would like to welcome, Mr. Richard Dieter, Executive Director of the Death Penalty Information Center.I would like to thank the European Commission, the American Bar Association and the Japan Federation of Bar Associations for inviting me to speak about the death penalty in the United States. I first want to say that our Japanese hosts have been especially gracious – I immediately felt welcomed here, and I want to thank you for that.Today we…
Read MoreDec 06, 2005
Editorials Criticize Texas Death Penalty
As evidence surfaces that Texas may have killed an innocent man when it executed Ruben Cantu in 1993, recent editorials by the Austin American-Statesman and the Dallas Morning News have criticized Texas’ death penalty and called on the state to take a closer look at its“flawed” capital punishment system. The Austin American-Stateman wrote: We all should remember (Ruben) Cantu’s case and the lessons it offers as the country carries out its 1000th execution since 1976…
Read MoreDec 06, 2005
U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Two Death Penalty Cases on December 7
The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments in two death penalty cases on Wednesday, December 7, 2005, including a case to determine the constitutionality of Kansas’ death penalty statute and a case that involves the issue of innocence. In Kansas v. Marsh, No. 04 – 1170, the justices will consider the constitutionality of Kansas’ death penalty, which requires that a death sentence be imposed when a jury finds that aggravating circumstance and mitigating…
Read MoreDec 02, 2005
Public Opinion: Poll Finds North Carolinians Favor a Moratorium on the Death Penalty
Sixty-five percent of voters in North Carolina favor suspending the death penalty until questions about its accuracy and fairness can be studied according to a recent Hart Research poll sponsored by the North Carolina Academy of Trial Lawyers.The poll found that even among voters who identify themselves as strong supporters of the death penalty, 43% still favor a moratorium on executions while an in-depth study of capital…
Read MoreDec 01, 2005
NEW RESOURCES: Two New Books Address Life in Prison
Two new books by American University Criminology Professor Robert Johnson, including one book of satire and a second book of short stories co-authored with prisoner Victor Hassine and criminologist Ania Dobrzanska, address life in prison and on death row in the United States. Johnson’s first book of satire,“Justice Follies,” offers a collection of parodies that seek to highlight a host of problems within the American prison system.“This book made me laugh out loud. It is…
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