Publications & Testimony
Items: 5341 — 5350
Oct 14, 2005
Jury Sentences Airman to Death
A military jury unanimously voted for a death sentence for U.S. Airman Andrew Witt in Georgia on October 13, 2005 following his conviction in the murders of another military officer and his spouse. The murders took place at Robins Air Force Base and stemmed from an interpersonal dispute. The verdict and sentence now go before Maj. Gen. Michael Collings, commander of the Warner Robins Air Logistics Center at Robins. Collings has the authority to uphold or modify…
Read MoreOct 13, 2005
Florida Supreme Court Urges Legislature to Institute Unanimous Juries
In a recent opinion addressing several procedural issues regarding the state’s capital punishment law, the Florida Supreme Court urged state legislators to require capital jurors to be unanimous in recommending death sentences or at least in deciding what aggravating factors support a death sentence.“The bottom line is that Florida is now the only state in the country that allows the death penalty to be imposed even though the penalty-phase jury may…
Read MoreOct 12, 2005
NEW RESOURCE: Christian Networks Journal Examines Death Penalty
The latest edition of Christian Networks Journal features a series of articles under the theme “Shalt Thou Kill?: An In-Depth Look at Capital Punishment.” In addition to commentary from two former governors and articles by death penalty experts Franklin Zimring, Rob Warden, David Dow, and DPIC Executive Director Richard Dieter (on Costs), the magazine also contains interviews and death row stories. The magazine states that its purpose is“to provide…
Read MoreOct 11, 2005
U.S. Supreme Court Hears California Death Penalty Case
In its first death penalty case this term, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in Brown v. Sanders, a California case in which the Justices considered whether Ronald Sanders was wrongly sentenced to die by jurors who relied on invalid aggravating factors. Sanders was sentenced to death in 1982. The jury found four of the“special circumstances” required in California and some other states for a defendant to be eligible for the death penalty. Two of those…
Read MoreOct 10, 2005
INTERNATIONAL: World Day Against the Death Penalty
October 10th was World Day Against the Death Penalty, an occassion that Amnesty International used to urge abolition of the death penalty in all African states. Amnesty officials noted that recent developments show a trend toward death penalty abolition among African countries, and they stated that the majority of the continent’s nations have abandoned using capital punishment. Senegal abolished the death penalty for all crimes in December 2004 and Liberia in…
Read MoreOct 06, 2005
Former Death Row Inmate Acquitted at Re-Trial
A jury in Arizona acquitted Christopher Huerstel of first-degree murder and of attempted armed robbery of a Tucson pizzeria in which 3 people were killed. Huerstel, who was 17-years-old at the time the crime was committed, was orignally convicted along with a co-defendant and both were sentenced to death in 2001. His conviction was overturned by the Arizona Supreme Court because of errors by the trial judge. The jury at the re-trial was unable to reach a verdict on…
Read MoreOct 05, 2005
Johnny Paul Penry’s Death Sentence Overturned for Third Time
Ruling that jurors in the most recent retrial of Johnny Paul Penry may not have properly considered his claims of mental impairment, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals sent Penry’s case back for re-sentencing. The Texas court’s decision marks the third time that Penry’s death sentence has been overturned during the past 16 years. The U.S. Supreme Court overturned his capital conviction in 1989 in Penry v. Lynaugh, a decision upholding the execution of defendants…
Read MoreOct 04, 2005
NEW VOICES: Federal Judge Says Death Penalty Is “Beyond Repair”
In a dissenting opinion filed in the capital case of Moore v. Parker, Judge Boyce Martin of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit wrote that “the death penalty in this country is arbitrary, biased, and so fundamentally flawed at its very core that it is beyond repair.” Among his many criticisms of the way capital punishment is applied in the U.S., Martin specifically noted his concerns about the issues of innocence, inadequate defense counsel, and…
Read MoreOct 03, 2005
New York Times Series Examines Life Sentences
A new study by a team of researchers at the New York Times looks at the expanding use of life sentences in the American criminal justice system. The study, headed by Times reporter Adam Liptak, found that about 132,000 of the nation’s prisoners, or almost 10%, are serving life sentences. Of those, 28% have life sentences with no chance of parole. This is a marked increase from a 1993 Times study that found 20% of all lifers had no chance of parole. Liptak also reported that…
Read MoreOct 01, 2005
Age at Which All Suspects Are Tried as Adults
(Pursuant to the Supreme Court’s 2005 ruling in Roper v. Simmons, the death penalty is prohibited in all states for those under the age of 18 when the offense for which they were charged…
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