Publications & Testimony
Items: 5641 — 5650
Nov 09, 2004
Inmate Exonerated of Murder After His Death; Co-Defendant Who Had Been Given Death Sentence Exonerated Earlier
A murder charge against Louis Greco was finally dismissed by Massachusetts authorities 9 years after he died in prison. According to the Associated Press, in 2000, a Justice Department task force uncovered secret F.B.I. memoranda showing that Mr. Greco and three co-defendants, Peter J. Limone, Joseph Salvati, and Edward Tameleo, had been wrongly convicted of a murder that occurred in 1965 based on perjured testimony. (Limone had been sentenced to death, but was later released and exonerated…
Read MoreNov 05, 2004
NEW RESOURCE: Capital Punishment Research Initiative
Based at the State University of New York’s Albany campus, the Capital Punishment Research Initiative (CPRI) is dedicated to conducting and supporting empirical and historical studies of the death penalty. CPRI research is conducted by the University’s graduate students and professors, as well as by collaborating researchers from around the country. The center’s current projects…
Read MoreNov 04, 2004
NEW RESOURCE: New York’s Wrongful Convictions
Scott Christianson’s new book, Innocent: Inside Wrongful Conviction Cases, examines mistakes in New York’s criminal justice system with an emphasis on mistaken identifications, perjury by eyewitnesses, ineffective counsel, false confessions, and police and prosecutorial misconduct. The book includes a log of the state’s wrongful conviction cases, including some capital cases. Christianson reminds readers, “Unfortunately, not much is known about the current nature and extent of wrongful…
Read MoreNov 04, 2004
Juveniles and the Mentally Disabled More Likely to Give False Confessions
Studies and surveys have found that both minors and the mentally impaired are more likely to make false confessions, in part because they are more vulnerable to suggestion. A recent study conducted by Northwestern University law professor Steve Drizin and UC Irvine criminologist Richard Leo examined 125 cases in which individuals were exonerated after giving false confessions. The researchers found that 32% of the cases involved minors and 22% of the cases involved individuals with mental…
Read MoreNov 04, 2004
NY Times Magazine Article on the Science of Adolescent Brain Development
As the U.S. Supreme Court considers Roper v. Simmons, a case that will determine the constitutionality of executing juvenile offenders, new scientific research continues to emerge regarding the brain development of those under 18 years of age. New MRI-based research has shown that the brain continues to develop and mature into the mid-20’s, and that prior to the completion of this process, adolescents use their brains in different ways than adults. For example, teens often operate from a more…
Read MoreNov 04, 2004
NEW RESOURCE: Gubernatorial Politics and Executions
The University of Chicago Law School’s Journal of Law and Economics features an article by researchers Jeffrey Kubik and John Moran examining the relationship between politics and executions. In their article, Lethal Elections: Gubernatorial Politics and the Timing of Executions, Kubik and Moran found that states are about 25% more likely to conduct executions in gubernatorial election years than in other years. They also found that the effect of elections on executions is more…
Read MoreNov 02, 2004
California’s Record on Wrongful Convictions
A recent San Francisco magazine article entitled “Innocence Lost,” examines California’s record of wrongful convictions. The researchers report that the nation’s largest criminal justice system has sent more innocent people to prison for longer terms than any other state. Among the exonerees are three from the state’s death row and nearly 200 people who were serving either life or very long terms. The magazine notes that despite these numbers, state lawmakers have repeatedly passed up…
Read MoreNov 02, 2004
FBI Releases 2003 Uniform Crime Report: South Has Highest Murder Rate
The FBI recently released its Uniform Crime Report for 2003. The number of murders in the United States increased slightly from 16,229 to 16,503. Once again, the South had the highest murder rate (6.9 murders per 100,000 people). In 2003, the South carried out 89% of the executions in the country. The Northeast had the lowest murder rate in the country (4.2 murders per 100,000 people) and carried out no executions in 2003. (2003 FBI Uniform Crime Report, October 27, 2004 (execution…
Read MoreNov 02, 2004
LEGISLATION: Innocence Protection Act Signed Into Law
President Bush signed into law the Justice for All Act (H.R.5107) that includes a version of the Innocence Protection Act. The bill was co-sponsored by Senators Patrick Leahy (D‑Vt.) and Orrin Hatch (R.-Ut.). It will create a post-conviction testing process to protect innocent defendants and provide training funds for the defense and prosecution in death penalty cases. (Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 2, 2004). See the Justice Project for more details on the…
Read MoreNov 02, 2004
Arguments Heard in Roper v. Simmons
ARGUMENTS HEARD IN ROPER v. SIMMONS Marsha Levick (2d right) and Dr. David Fassler (far right) On Wednesday, October 13, the United States Supreme Court heard arguments in Roper v. Simmons, a case that will determine the constitutionality of executing juvenile offenders. Marsha Levick, Chief Counsel of the Juvenile Law Center, and Dr. David Fassler, Trustee of the American Psychiatric Association, were among the juvenile law and medical experts who spoke to reporters…
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