Publications & Testimony
Items: 5761 — 5770
Jul 28, 2004
NEW RESOURCE: Study Identifies Flaws in Recent Deterrence Research
A new study conducted by Professor Richard Berk of the UCLA Department of Statistics has identified significant statistical problems with the data analysis used to support recent studies claiming to show that executions deter crime in the United States. In“New Claims about Executions and General Deterrence: Deja Vu All Over Again?,” Professor Berk addresses the problem of“influence,” which occurs when a very small and atypical fraction of the available data…
Read MoreJul 27, 2004
New York Legislators Put Off Attempts to Fix State’s Death Penalty Law
Despite efforts by some state leaders to quickly“fix” the state’s death penalty statue, opposition from many legislators halted attempts to pass a bill before the summer recess at the end of July. At a legislative conference on the issue, Assemblyman Jeffrion Aubry noted that“a lot of people who spoke were against it.” These sentiments prompted Majority Leader Paul Tokasz to announce that legislators were“going to take some time with it” before deciding how to…
Read MoreJul 27, 2004
International shame
Baltimore Sun July 27, 2004International…
Read MoreJul 27, 2004
International shame
Read MoreJul 27, 2004
Court should end juvenile executions
Read MoreJul 26, 2004
Deadline Premiers on NBC’s Dateline; Supreme Court Accepts Amicus Briefs in Roper v Simmons
U.S. SUPREME COURT: AMICUS BRIEFS FILED IN LANDMARK CASEOn July 19, 2004, amicus briefs in support of ending the execution of juvenile offenders were filed in Roper v. Simmons (No. 03 – 0633) that will decide whether the execution of juvenile defendants is a violation of the Eighth Ammendment. In addition to the defendant’s brief, amicus briefs were…
Read MoreJul 26, 2004
DPIC Presents 2004 Thurgood Marshall Journalism Awards
The Death Penalty Information Center honored journalists and producers from the Chicago Tribune, The New York Times Magazine, Frontline, Sound Portraits Productions, and investigative journalist Alan Berlow during its 8th Annual Thurgood Marshall Journalism Awards at the National Press Club on Monday, July 26. The awards honor those journalists who have made an exceptional contribution to the understanding of problems associated with capital punishment.
Read MoreJul 26, 2004
Court should keep children off death row
Read MoreJul 26, 2004
Shameful superlative: U.S. leads world in execution of young offenders
Read MoreJul 26, 2004
Executing Juveniles: Alabama AG Shouldn’t Defend Shameful Practice
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