Publications & Testimony

Items: 5771 — 5780

Jul 22, 2004

As Alabama Prepares to Execute Elderly, Ill Inmate, Officials Block Clemency Petition

A clemen­cy let­ter-writ­ing cam­paign orga­nized by Alabama death row pris­on­ers on behalf of James Barney Hubbard, an ail­ing 74-year-old man who is sched­uled to be exe­cut­ed on August 5th, was recent­ly halt­ed by Department of Correction author­i­ties at Donaldson Prison. Just two months before Hubbard’s sched­uled exe­cu­tion, Willie Dorrell Minor wrote a clemen­cy peti­tion to Alabama Governor Robert Riley. He planned to have the peti­tion ask­ing Riley to spare Hubbard’s life signed…

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Jul 22, 2004

NEW RESOURCE: Tennesee Study Finds Death Penalty Costly, Ineffective

A new report released by the Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury rec­om­mend­ed changes to the state’s cost­ly death penal­ty and called into ques­tion its effec­tive­ness in pre­vent­ing crime. The Office of Research not­ed that it lacked suf­fi­cient data to accu­rate­ly account for the total cost of cap­i­tal tri­als, stat­ing that​“because cost and time records were not main­tained, the Office of Research was unable to deter­mine the total, com­pre­hen­sive cost of the death penalty…

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