Publications & Testimony
Items: 5851 — 5860
May 06, 2004
Investigation Reveals Cases of Innocence in Massachusetts
As Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney seeks to reinstate capital punishment with a“foolproof” system(see earlier What’s New item), a news investigation has revealed that 22 state men have served lengthy prison terms over the last two decades for rapes and murders that they did not commit. Most of the wrongly convicted inmates were black. Experts say that Boston’s Suffolk County prosecutors have wrongly convicted the second highest number of innocent people in…
Read MoreMay 06, 2004
North Carolina Lawyers’ Group Recommends Overhaul of Death Penalty
After a review of North Carolina’s death penalty, the North Carolina Academy of Trial Lawyers has issued a series of 11 recommendations that aim to address issues of fairness and accuracy in the state’s capital punishment statutes. In addition to recommendations addressing hidden evidence, mistaken eyewitness identifications, discrimination, and unreliable confessions, the group urged North Carolina lawmakers to enact a moratorium on…
Read MoreMay 05, 2004
Alabama’s Death Penalty Problems Continue
Questions about the accuracy and fairness of Alabama’s death penalty continue to surface as illustrated by a series of recent federal court rulings granting two new trials and one new sentencing hearing. All of the rulings were based on inadequate representation provided to the defendants.“Counsel simply provided no defense to the death penalty,” Chief U.S. District Judge U.W. Clemon of Birmingham wrote March 31 in giving one of the inmates a new trial. The…
Read MoreMay 04, 2004
NEW VOICES: Massachusetts District Attorneys Criticize Governor’s Death Penalty Plan
District attorneys from several Massachusetts counties, including Suffolk, Norfolk, Middlesex, Essex and Barnstable, had strong reservations about Governor Mitt Romney’s attempt to establish a nearly“foolproof” death penalty system in the state. Some noted that nothing can eliminate the possibility of human error in such cases. The district attorneys said that the state’s medical examiner’s office and crime labs are currently overwhelmed with work, and that the…
Read MoreApr 30, 2004
Three scheduled executions in May – Osvaldo Torres in Oklahoma, Kelsey Patterson in Texas, and Sammy Perkins in North Carolina – raise troubling questions about the application of the death penalty. Torres is a Mexican foreign national whose execution is scheduled for May 18, just weeks after the International Court of Justice ruled that the United States should review the cases of 51 Mexican foreign nationals on death row in the U.S., including Torres’s case. At issue…
Read MoreApr 30, 2004
Florida Supreme Court Asked to Clarify Impact of Ring Decision
A District Court panel in Florida has endorsed a special verdict form that asks jurors to specify what elements of a crime warrant a death penalty. The District Court certified its decision as a matter of great public importance and asked the Florida Supreme Court to review the rulings, noting“this ruling could affect many cases that may ultimately be reviewed by the Supreme Court.” In the original ruling in the capital case against Alfredie Steele Jr., Pasco…
Read MoreApr 30, 2004
Recent Editorials on the March 2004 Decision by the International Court of Justice
Exhibit A in how emotion can cloud reason is the political yammering over an International Court of Justice ruling that the United States had violated a treaty guaranteeing foreign criminal defendants the right to consult with…
Read MoreApr 29, 2004
Another Federal Death Penalty Case Results in Life Sentence
After less than five hours of deliberation, jurors in a federal death penalty case in Maryland returned life sentences for two men convicted earlier of federal drug conspiracy charges and firearms violations. The federal case against Michael Taylor and Keon Moses was the first time since 1998 that U.S. prosecutors in Baltimore had sought a death sentence. The life sentences for Taylor and Keon continue a national trend identified last year by the Federal Death…
Read MoreApr 29, 2004
Juvenile Executions — At least raise Florida’s minimum age to 18
Read MoreApr 28, 2004
NEW RESOURCE: North Carolina Web Site Contains Valuable Information on Moratorium Issue
North Carolina may become the first state to enact a moratorium on executions through the legislative process. A moratorium measure has already passed their Senate and is awaiting action in the House. A new Web site launched by the North Carolina Coalition for a Moratorium,, contains a vast amount of information related…
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