Publications & Testimony
Items: 5881 — 5890
Apr 13, 2004
New Jersey Death Sentence Overturned After 18 Years
A federal court has ordered a new sentencing hearing for Robert Marshall after determining that his trial attorney failed to adequately represent him at his 1986 trial. In its ruling, the court noted:“This is not a case where, after reasonable investigation, Zeitz (the attorney) determined that it was tactically a better choice not to put on a mitigating case. Rather, it is a situation where Zeitz inadequately prepared for the penalty phase and put…
Read MoreApr 13, 2004
Ban executions for juveniles: Louisiana should join the rest of the country and stop executing young offenders
Read MoreApr 12, 2004
NEW VOICES: Rosalynn Carter Calls for End to Juvenile Death Penalty
In a recent opinion piece published in The Miami Herald, former First Lady Rosalynn Carter called on Florida and other states that continue to sentence juvenile offenders to death to abandon the practice, noting that it“violates current principles of American justice.” Carter stated that America could soon be the last nation on Earth to execute juvenile offenders, and that the U.S. is one of only two nations that have not ratified the United Nations…
Read MoreApr 12, 2004
It’s time to put a legal end to juvenile execution
Read MoreApr 12, 2004
Read MoreApr 07, 2004
International Court Finds U.S. in Violation of Treaty
Apr 07, 2004
Death Penalty Often a Plea Bargaining Tool
An Associated Press analysis of the 334 capital indictments filed in Franklin County, Ohio, found that only 16 (5%) of the cases ended with a death sentence. Of those sentences, two have been reduced to life in prison without parole, one man died on the row, and two men were executed this year. Research shows that of the remaining Franklin County cases, 183 cases (55%) ended in plea agreements, and in 111 cases (33%) juries or three-judge panels convicted the…
Read MoreApr 07, 2004
Expert Defense and Resources Make Difference Between Life and Death in Philadelphia
About half of Pennsylvania’s death row of 240 inmates comes from Philadelphia. Yet in the 11 years that the Defender Association of Philadelphia has been handling capital cases, not one of their clients has been sentenced to death. The Defender Office handles one of every five capital cases in the city. The difference between life and death appears to rest with the quality of representation and often comes down to dollar and cents.“What is going on in…
Read MoreApr 07, 2004
NEW RESOURCES: Amnesty International Issues Latest Report on Worldwide Executions
According to Amnesty International’s latest report on executions around the world, China, Iran, the United States, and Vietnam accounted for 84% of the 1,146 known executions carried out in 21 nations in 2003. China carried out at least 726 executions, Iran executed 108 people, the United States carried out 65 executions, and Viet Nam reported 64 executions last year. Among those executed in 2003 were two juvenile offenders, 1 in China and 1 in the United States.
Read MoreApr 07, 2004
No death penalty for juveniles
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