Publications & Testimony

Items: 5881 — 5890

Apr 13, 2004

New Jersey Death Sentence Overturned After 18 Years

A fed­er­al court has ordered a new sen­tenc­ing hear­ing for Robert Marshall after deter­min­ing that his tri­al attor­ney failed to ade­quate­ly rep­re­sent him at his 1986 tri­al. In its rul­ing, the court not­ed:​“This is not a case where, after rea­son­able inves­ti­ga­tion, Zeitz (the attor­ney) deter­mined that it was tac­ti­cal­ly a bet­ter choice not to put on a mit­i­gat­ing case. Rather, it is a sit­u­a­tion where Zeitz inad­e­quate­ly pre­pared for the penal­ty phase and put…

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Apr 12, 2004

NEW VOICES: Rosalynn Carter Calls for End to Juvenile Death Penalty

In a recent opin­ion piece pub­lished in The Miami Herald, for­mer First Lady Rosalynn Carter called on Florida and oth­er states that con­tin­ue to sen­tence juve­nile offend­ers to death to aban­don the prac­tice, not­ing that it​“vio­lates cur­rent prin­ci­ples of American jus­tice.” Carter stat­ed that America could soon be the last nation on Earth to exe­cute juve­nile offend­ers, and that the U.S. is one of only two nations that have not rat­i­fied the United Nations…

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Apr 07, 2004

Death Penalty Often a Plea Bargaining Tool

An Associated Press analy­sis of the 334 cap­i­tal indict­ments filed in Franklin County, Ohio, found that only 16 (5%) of the cas­es end­ed with a death sen­tence. Of those sen­tences, two have been reduced to life in prison with­out parole, one man died on the row, and two men were exe­cut­ed this year. Research shows that of the remain­ing Franklin County cas­es, 183 cas­es (55%) end­ed in plea agree­ments, and in 111 cas­es (33%) juries or three-judge pan­els convicted the…

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Apr 07, 2004

Expert Defense and Resources Make Difference Between Life and Death in Philadelphia

About half of Pennsylvania’s death row of 240 inmates comes from Philadelphia. Yet in the 11 years that the Defender Association of Philadelphia has been han­dling cap­i­tal cas­es, not one of their clients has been sen­tenced to death. The Defender Office han­dles one of every five cap­i­tal cas­es in the city. The dif­fer­ence between life and death appears to rest with the qual­i­ty of rep­re­sen­ta­tion and often comes down to dol­lar and cents.​“What is going on in…

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Apr 07, 2004

NEW RESOURCES: Amnesty International Issues Latest Report on Worldwide Executions

According to Amnesty International’s lat­est report on exe­cu­tions around the world, China, Iran, the United States, and Vietnam account­ed for 84% of the 1,146 known exe­cu­tions car­ried out in 21 nations in 2003. China car­ried out at least 726 exe­cu­tions, Iran exe­cut­ed 108 peo­ple, the United States car­ried out 65 exe­cu­tions, and Viet Nam report­ed 64 exe­cu­tions last year. Among those exe­cut­ed in 2003 were two juve­nile offend­ers, 1 in China and 1 in the United States.

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