Entries tagged with “Law Enforcement


New Voices


Nov 12, 2021

South Carolina Execution-Team Members Talk of Debilitating Emotional Toll of Capital Punishment, Former Warden Calls Death Penalty Inequitable’

South Carolina cor­rec­tion­al staff who par­tic­i­pat­ed in exe­cu­tions suf­fered life-alter­ing trau­ma that was wors­ened by an inflex­i­ble prison admin­is­tra­tion that pro­vid­ed lit­tle sup­port to address the psy­cho­log­i­cal injuries they sus­tained. Two senior staff mem­bers are now on dis­abil­i­ty, unable to work, and are suf­fer­ing from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Depression. A third mem­ber of the exe­cu­tion team end­ed his own life by…


Victims' Families


New Voices


Federal Death Penalty


Nov 13, 2019

Former State and Federal Judges, Prosecutors, and Law Enforcement Officials and Families of Murder Victims Urge Federal Government to Call Off Executions

Hundreds of for­mer state and fed­er­al judges, pros­e­cu­tors, law enforce­ment and cor­rec­tions offi­cials, and fam­i­ly mem­bers of homi­cide vic­tims have signed on to a series of let­ters urg­ing the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment to halt the five fed­er­al exe­cu­tions sched­uled for December 2019 and January 2020. In four sep­a­rate let­ters addressed to President Donald Trump and Attorney General William Barr, 175 fam­i­ly mem­bers of mur­der vic­tims, 65 for­mer state and fed­er­al judges, 59 cur­rent and for­mer state and…


New Voices


Federal Death Penalty


Aug 05, 2019

Former National Corrections Chief Warns of Dangers Federal Execution Plan Poses for Prison Personnel

A for­mer high-rank­ing fed­er­al cor­rec­tions offi­cial has warned that the fed­er­al government’s plan to exe­cute five pris­on­ers over a five-week peri­od in December and January risks seri­ous­ly trau­ma­tiz­ing cor­rec­tion­al work­ers. Allen Ault (pic­tured) is a for­mer chief of the Justice Department’s National Institute of Corrections who also served as cor­rec­tions com­mis­sion­er in Georgia, Mississippi, and Colorado, and as chair­man of the Florida Department of Corrections. In a July 31, 2019 op-ed in…


New Voices


Feb 07, 2019

THE ARTS: Death-Penalty Film, Clemency,’ Wins Sundance Festival Best Drama Award

Clemency, a film explor­ing the psy­cho­log­i­cal toll of the death penal­ty, has been award­ed the U.S. Grand Jury Prize for Drama at the pres­ti­gious Sundance Film Festival on February 2, 2019. The movie, writ­ten and direct­ed by Nigerian-American film­mak­er Chinonye Chukwu, tells the sto­ry of prison war­den Bernadine Williams (por­trayed by Alfre Woodard) as she pre­pares to over­see her 12th exe­cu­tion in the after­math of a botched execution.


New Voices


Jan 04, 2019

NEW VOICES: Retiring Georgia Bureau of Investigation Director Predicts End of Death Penalty

As he pre­pared for retire­ment, the long-time direc­tor of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) said he does not sup­port the death penal­ty and believes the pun­ish­ment is on its way out in Georgia and across the coun­try. In a tele­vi­sion inter­view on his final day of work as GBI direc­tor, Vernon Keenan (pic­tured) told WXIA-TV, Atlanta’s NBC tele­vi­sion affil­i­ate, that he has nev­er believed in the death penal­ty” and “[t]he day will come when we won’t have the…


New Voices


Jun 14, 2018

Retired Warden, Former Judge and Prosecutor Urge Ohio to Grant Clemency to Raymond Tibbetts

The Ohio Parole Board held a hear­ing on June 14, 2018 to con­sid­er clemen­cy for death-row pris­on­er Raymond Tibbetts, whose February 13 exe­cu­tion was halt­ed by Governor John Kasich to con­sid­er a juror’s request that Tibbets be spared. Ross Geiger, one of the twelve jurors who sen­tenced Tibbetts to death in 1997, wrote to Governor Kasich on January 30 express­ing deep con­cerns” about a very flawed” tri­al and say­ing he would not have…


New Voices


Nov 07, 2017

NEW VOICES: Former Law Enforcement Officials Say Arizona, Kansas Should End Death Penalty

Former high-rank­ing law enforce­ment offi­cials from Arizona and Kansas have called on their states to end the death penal­ty. In sep­a­rate op-ed sto­ries one week apart, for­mer Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard (pic­tured, left) and for­mer Kansas Secretary of Corrections Roger Werholtz (pic­tured, right) con­clude that the cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment schemes in their states have failed and should be aban­doned. In a November 5 op-ed in…


New Voices


Jul 12, 2016

NEW VOICES: Former FBI Agent Now Opposes Death Penalty, Seeks Exoneration of California Death Row Prisoner Kevin Cooper

During his 45 years in law enforce­ment, includ­ing 24 years with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, homi­cide inves­ti­ga­tor Tom Parker (pic­tured) changed his view on the death penal­ty. There were times dur­ing my career when I would glad­ly have pushed the but­ton on a mur­der­er,” he said. Today, my posi­tion would be, life with­out parole.” Parker says that see­ing cor­rupt homi­cide inves­ti­ga­tions con­vinced him that inno­cent peo­ple could be exe­cut­ed. As result, he now opposes…


New Voices


Jan 22, 2016

NEW VOICES: Retired Colorado Corrections Officer Raises Questions of Deterrence, Innocence

In a recent op-ed for The Denver Post, retired cor­rec­tions offi­cer and mil­i­tary vet­er­an Pete Lister offered a cri­tique of the death penal­ty, say­ing it fails as a deter­rent, risks exe­cut­ing inno­cent peo­ple, and costs more than life with­out parole. Capital pun­ish­ment has not, in a sin­gle state, proven to be a deter­rent to cap­i­tal crime.” Lister said. Society con­sists of human beings who make mis­takes. There are those who are, occa­sion­al­ly, neg­li­gent, and some who are even dishonest…


New Voices


Dec 08, 2008

NEW VOICES: Law Enforcement Officer Changed Views Because of Death Penalty’s Risks

Michael May served as a Baltimore City police offi­cer and as a mil­i­tary police offi­cer. He for­mer­ly sup­port­ed cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment, but changed his stance upon learn­ing of inno­cent peo­ple who had been sen­tenced to death. Mr. May tes­ti­fied ear­li­er this yar before the Maryland Commission on Capital Punishment. He recent­ly pub­lished an op-ed in the Baltimore Examiner explain­ing how his views changed and why he sup­ports for repeal of Maryland’s death penal­ty. The full…


New Voices


Nov 17, 2008

NEW VOICES: 30 FBI Agents Call for Pardon in VA Case with Death Penalty Implications

On November 10 in Richmond, Virginia, thir­ty for­mer FBI agents held a press con­fer­ence call­ing for the par­don of four sailors, known as the Norfolk Four, who were con­vict­ed of rape and mur­der. Their con­vic­tions were based main­ly on their own con­fes­sions, which were appar­ent­ly made out of fear that they might oth­er­wise receive the death penal­ty. The FBI agents point­ed out that DNA and foren­sic evi­dence now points to a prison inmate who has con­fessed as the sole per­pe­tra­tor of the crimes. They…


New Voices


Oct 02, 2008

NEW VOICES: Former San Quentin Warden Says Death Penalty Detracts cru­cial resources from pro­grams that could tru­ly make our communities safe”

The for­mer war­den of San Quentin prison in California, Jeanne Woodford, regrets hav­ing tak­en part in exe­cu­tions and has called for replac­ing the death penal­ty with life with­out the pos­si­bil­i­ty of parole. In an op-ed in the Los Angeles Times, Woodford notes that after each exe­cu­tion, some­one on the staff would ask, Is the world safer because of what we did tonight?’ We knew the answer: No.” The full arti­cle can be found…


New Voices


Mar 31, 2008

NEW VOICES: Law Enforcement Officials Say California’s death penal­ty is broken”

On March 28, two let­ters were sent to the California Commission on the Fair Administration of Justice–one from mem­bers of the law enforce­ment com­mu­ni­ty and the oth­er from judges, rais­ing con­cerns about the state’s death penal­ty. Thirty law enforce­ment offi­cers, includ­ing cur­rent and for­mer pros­e­cu­tors, police chiefs and oth­er offi­cers, signed a let­ter stat­ing that California’s death penal­ty is bro­ken.” The let­ter cites mul­ti­ple rea­sons why the state’s death…


Victims' Families


New Voices


Jan 21, 2008

NEW VOICES: Police Chief Says The death penal­ty isn’t any­where on my list”

In an op-ed in the Fort-Worth Star-Telegram, police chief James Abbott stat­ed that the death penal­ty is bro­ken beyond repair and that the extra mon­ey spent pur­su­ing exe­cu­tions could be bet­ter spent on crime pre­ven­tion and the needs of vic­tims. Abbott is the Police Chief of West Orange, New Jersey, and he served on the New Jersey Death Penalty Study Commission. He was a long­time sup­port­er of the death penal­ty but even­tu­al­ly con­clud­ed that abo­li­tion was just plain com­mon sense.” Chief Abbott…


New Voices


Nov 21, 2007

NEW VOICES: Veteran Police Officer Concludes death penal­ty is inef­fi­cient and extravagantly expensive’

Norm Stamper, a 35-year vet­er­an police offi­cer from San Diego, recent­ly wrote in The Mercury News that from his expe­ri­ence, the death penal­ty is inef­fi­cient and extrav­a­gant­ly expen­sive.” Instead of spend­ing mil­lions of dol­lars on the death penal­ty, Stamper writes, Spending scarce pub­lic resources on after-school pro­grams, men­tal health care, drug and alco­hol treat­ment, edu­ca­tion, more crime labs and new tech­nolo­gies, or on hir­ing more police offi­cers, would tru­ly help create safer…


New Voices


Executions Overview


Nov 20, 2007

NEW VOICES: Former Texas Warden Reconsiders the Death Penalty

Jim Willet, for­mer war­den of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice’s Walls Unit where Texas exe­cu­tions take place, recent­ly described his expe­ri­ences to the Dallas Observer as emo­tion­al­ly dif­fi­cult for him. As war­den dur­ing 1998 – 2001, three of the busiest years for Texas’ death cham­ber, Willet over­saw 89 exe­cu­tions. The first time is unbe­liev­able,” he told the Observer. You have this healthy per­son – this per­son who was able to just jump up on the gur­ney – and you’ve said, Kill this…


New Voices


Jul 02, 2007

NEW VOICES: Former Florida Prison Warden Calls for End to Death Penalty

Eleven years after super­vis­ing his first exe­cu­tion as at the Florida State Prison at Starke, for­mer war­den Ron McAndrew is urg­ing an end to the death penal­ty. McAndrew is call­ing on states to aban­don cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment and replace it with life with­out parole, a pun­ish­ment he notes is worse than the death penal­ty and pro­tects states from exe­cut­ing an inno­cent per­son. He observes, “(T)he most severe pun­ish­ment you could ever give any­one would be to lock them in a lit­tle cage made out of…


New Voices


May 31, 2007

NEW VOICES: Former FBI Chief Expresses Concerns about Innocence and the Death Penalty

In a guest col­umn pub­lished in the Jurist, for­mer FBI Director William S. Sessions under­scored the impor­tance of mak­ing DNA test­ing avail­able for those fac­ing exe­cu­tion. He also encour­aged states to thor­ough­ly review their cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment sys­tems and to make reforms to ensure greater reli­a­bil­i­ty. DNA test­ing, he not­ed, has revealed that police often do not have the right sus­pect in seri­ous crimes. In about 25% of the cas­es where DNA was avail­able and a suspect had…


New Voices


Mar 28, 2007

NEW VOICES: Law Enforcement Officer Says Death Penalty is Too Expensive and Does Not Deter Crime

Jim Davidsaver, a 20-year vet­er­an with the Lincoln Police Department in Nebraska, recent­ly wrote a col­umn out­lin­ing his sup­port for leg­is­la­tion that would have repealed the state’s death penal­ty. Davidsaver said he sup­port­ed the mea­sure, which failed to pass into law, because the death penal­ty does not deter crime and is too expen­sive. He not­ed that in his years of ser­vice with the police force he wit­nessed many hor­rif­ic crime scenes, but none of the accused…


New Voices


Mar 15, 2007

NEW VOICES: Law Enforcement Officials Gather in Maryland to Oppose Death Penalty

Corrections offi­cials, pros­e­cu­tors and police chiefs recent­ly gath­ered in Annapolis, Maryland, to voice sup­port for a leg­isla­tive mea­sure that would repeal the state’s death penal­ty. It is a human sys­tem, and because it is fal­li­ble and because it is human, it makes mis­takes. Executions make those mis­takes irre­versible,” said Matthew Campbell, a for­mer deputy state’s attor­ney for Montgomery and Howard coun­ties. Gary J. Hilton, a for­mer war­den at the Trenton State Prison in New Jersey, added…


New Voices


Jan 16, 2007

NEW VOICES: Former Ohio Corrections Director Calls for Ending Death Penalty

Reggie Wilkinson, who wit­nessed 19 exe­cu­tions dur­ing his 33 years with the Ohio Department of Corrections, recent­ly stat­ed that he would like to see exe­cu­tions end­ed in the state. Wilkinson, who served for 15 years as Director of the Department of Corrections and advo­cat­ed for aban­don­ing the state’s elec­tric chair and replac­ing it with lethal injec­tion, not­ed, I would not oppose the abo­li­tion of the death penal­ty. The United States is the only indus­tri­al­ized nation in the world with…


New Voices


Nov 27, 2006

NEW VOICES: Former Death Row Warden Changes His Views

Dennis O’Neill had been an assis­tant war­den at Florida State Prison for two years and war­den at Union Correctional Institution for 7 years, both death row pris­ons. He even­tu­al­ly left the cor­rec­tion­al sys­tem and became an Episcopal priest. He was assigned back to the town of Starke, Florida, where death row inmates reside. As a cor­rec­tion­al offi­cer, he had been involved in more than a dozen exe­cu­tions over 14 years, but now O’Neill oppos­es the death penal­ty. For years, I told myself it was…


New Voices


Nov 09, 2006

NEW VOICES: Former Death Row Warden Calls for Clemency on Eve of Execution

The for­mer war­den of the Virginia prison that hous­es the state’s death row inmates has called for clemen­cy for a man about to be exe­cut­ed on November 9. Page True was war­den of the Sussex I State Prison and knew death row inmate John Schmitt for over 4 years. The crime was just ter­ri­ble,” True said, but there’s a lot worse inmates that I’ve dealt with in my 36 years in prison sys­tems than Mr.


New Voices


Oct 12, 2006

NEW VOICES: New Jersey Law Enforcement Official Discusses Problems with the Death Penalty

Edward Johnson is a for­mer FBI Agent who cur­rent­ly over­sees inves­tiga­tive work for the Union County (NJ) Prosecutor’s Office. He recent­ly expressed his per­son­al opin­ions about the state’s death penal­ty. He con­clud­ed that in New Jersey pub­lic opin­ion may now have moved to the point where the death penal­ty will be abol­ished. He not­ed, in…


New Voices


Sep 27, 2006

NEW VOICES: Former FBI Director Warns Against Stripping Death Penalty Appeals

The for­mer Director of the FBI, William Sessions (pic­tured), along with Timothy Lewis, a for­mer judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals, called on mem­bers of Congress to refrain from bar­ring death row inmates and oth­er defen­dants from the full access to the fed­er­al courts in their appeals. Some leg­is­la­tors have pro­posed elim­i­nat­ing fed­er­al habeas cor­pus review in many cas­es, and bar­ring access to the fed­er­al courts to many of those rais­ing chal­lenges to their…


New Voices


Jan 13, 2006

NEW VOICES: California Moratorium Bill Gains Broad Support From Law Enforcement, Prosecutors and Judges

A group of 40 law enforce­ment offi­cers, cur­rent and for­mer pros­e­cu­tors, and judges at the state and fed­er­al lev­el have urged California law­mak­ers to enact a tem­po­rary halt to exe­cu­tions in the state while a com­mis­sion exam­ines the accu­ra­cy and fair­ness of the death penal­ty. In a let­ter to mem­bers of the California Assembly, the bi-par­ti­san group of death penal­ty sup­port­ers and oppo­nents wrote, “[G]iven that DNA test­ing and oth­er new evi­dence has proven that more than 121 peo­ple who sat on…


New Voices


Jan 03, 2006

NEW VOICES: Former Warden and Supreme Court Justice Seek Clemency for California Man

Former California Supreme Court Justice Joseph Grodin and for­mer San Quentin war­den Daniel Vasquez are urg­ing California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to grant clemen­cy to Clarence Ray Allen. Allen, who will turn 76 just a day before his sched­uled exe­cu­tion on January 17, is blind and dis­abled, con­di­tions that his attor­neys have argued would make his exe­cu­tion cru­el and unusu­al pun­ish­ment. In a let­ter to Schwarzenegger, Grodin, who authored the court’s 1986 opin­ion upholding Allen’s…

Nov 29, 2004

NEW VOICES: Former FBI Chief and Texas Judge Call for Halt to Texas Executions

William S. Sessions, who served as direc­tor of the FBI from 1987 to 1993, and Charles F. Baird, a for­mer Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Judge from 1990 to 1998, have called for a halt to exe­cu­tions in Texas because of the risk of exe­cut­ing an inno­cent per­son. Sessions and Baird, both of whom are native Texans, cit­ed the prob­lems at the Houston Crime Lab as a prin­ci­pal rea­son for their doubts about the reli­a­bil­i­ty of the death penal­ty sys­tem: Since November 2002, when its…

Oct 01, 2004

Texas Police Chief Calls for Halt to Executions in Wake of Scandal

In the wake of a scan­dal that has called into ques­tion the reli­a­bil­i­ty of the police crime lab’s test­ing and han­dling of evi­dence in Harris County, Texas, Police Chief Harold Hurtt has said that exe­cu­tions of inmates from the coun­ty should not be sched­uled until all rel­e­vant evi­dence has been reex­am­ined to assure accu­ra­cy. He went on to note that the exe­cu­tions of nine indi­vid­u­als con­vict­ed in Harris County that are sched­uled to take place before March 2005 should not be…

Apr 14, 2004

NEW VOICES: Law Enforcement Officials Support Bill to End Juvenile Death Penalty

A bipar­ti­san mea­sure to elim­i­nate the juve­nile death penal­ty in Florida has passed the Senate Criminal Justice Committee and is now on its way to the full Senate for con­sid­er­a­tion. The mea­sure was intro­duced by Republican Senator Victor Crist, a death penal­ty sup­port­er who notes that young peo­ple are dif­fer­ent because they don’t have the same under­stand­ing of con­se­quences as an adult. .The bill also has sup­port from the state’s top law enforce­ment offi­cers, Florida Attorney General…

Mar 04, 2004

NEW VOICES: Police Chief Says Death Penalty Is Unwise Use of Limited Resources

West Hartford Police Chief James Strillacci, pres­i­dent of the Connecticut Police Chiefs Association, has told state law­mak­ers that resources devot­ed to the death penal­ty would be bet­ter spent else­where. He not­ed, It is a prac­ti­cal issue. We have a death penal­ty law on the books, but we haven’t exe­cut­ed any­one since 1960, and it does­n’t look like any­one will be exe­cut­ed. The process is long, labor inten­sive and expen­sive. Now, any mon­ey we’ve put into death penal­ty cas­es has really…

Jul 18, 2003

Law Enforcement Views: Houston Police Chief Voices Concern About Prosecutors

Houston Police Chief C.O. Bradford said that crim­i­nal defen­dants in Texas are at the mer­cy of pros­e­cu­tors in an unfair sys­tem that empha­sizes win­ning rather than jus­tice. Bradford said that he believes there is suf­fi­cient prob­a­ble cause to con­vene a court of inquiry to inves­ti­gate the entire Police Department crime lab, not just the DNA por­tion (see below). Bradford also voiced sup­port for changes that would help to bal­ance the Texas jus­tice sys­tem, which he believes cur­rent­ly works in favor…

Jun 26, 2003

NEW VOICES: Former FBI Chief Sessions Calls for Innocence Commission in Texas

NEW VOICES: Former FBI Chief Sessions Calls for Innocence Commission in Texas In a recent op-ed, William Sessions called on state leg­is­la­tors in Texas to pass a mea­sure to cre­ate an Innocence Commission. The Commission would exam­ine the Texas crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem in an effort to pro­tect against wrong­ful con­vic­tions. Sessions, a for­mer direc­tor of the FBI and fed­er­al judge, not­ed that numer­ous exon­er­a­tions , recent crime lab scan­dals (see below) in the state, and oth­er troubling events…