On April 11, the Connecticut House of Representatives passed (86 – 62) a bill to abol­ish the death penal­ty for future crimes. The same bill passed the Connecticut Senate on April 5. Governor Dannel Malloy has pledged to sign the bill, which will make Connecticut the 17th state to abol­ish the death penal­ty, and the 5th to do so in the last 5 years. In a state­ment released after the House vote, Gov. Malloy said, When I sign this bill, Connecticut will join 16 oth­er states and almost every oth­er indus­tri­al­ized nation in mov­ing toward what I believe is bet­ter pub­lic pol­i­cy.” During the lengthy debate on the bill, leg­is­la­tors dis­cussed issues of cost, deter­rence, and inno­cence, as well as their moral con­vic­tions on the issue. Rep. Auden Grogins (D‑Bridgeport) said, The law is cost­ly, can be arbi­trar­i­ly applied and does not pro­duce accu­rate results. It is not unusu­al for the legal process, from the begin­ning to the end, to take 20 years.” Rep. Terry Backer (D‑Stratford) voiced con­cerns about wrong­ful con­vic­tions, say­ing, We have an imper­fect sys­tem and there are many mis­takes we make as gov­ern­ment. Unfortunately, when we are wrong in these cas­es, there is no way to put them back on track.”

Connecticut cur­rent­ly has 11 peo­ple on death row. Because the bill is prospec­tive, it will not affect those sen­tences. Only one exe­cu­tion has been car­ried out since Connecticut rein­stat­ed the death penal­ty in 1973. Michael Ross dropped his appeals and was exe­cut­ed in 2005. The oth­er states to recent­ly abol­ish the death penal­ty are New Jersey, New York, New Mexico and Illinois. Michigan was the first state to abol­ish the death penal­ty in 1847.

(K. Dixon, State House votes to repeal death penal­ty,” Connecticut Post, April 12, 2012; GOVERNOR MALLOY STATEMENT ON FINAL PASSAGE OF CAPITAL PUNISHMENT REPEAL LEGISLATION,” Press Release, April 12, 2012.) See Recent Legislative Activity and Connecticut. For facts and quotes from lead­ers in Connecticut, see Death Penalty at a Glance.

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