Foreign Nationals

Case Outcomes of Foreign Nationals

As of December 242024

Information pro­vid­ed by Mark Warren of Human Rights Research

Foreign Nationals Released on Grounds of Innocence

NameVCCR ClaimNationalityStateDateConsular Intervention
Roberto Miranda Cuba Nevada Sep-96 NO
Ricardo Aldape Guerra # Mexico Texas Apr-97 YES
Joaquin Martinez (acquit­ted after retrial) # Spain Florida Jun-01 YES
Michael BlairThailandTexasAug-08?
Gabriel Solache # Mexico Illinois Dec-17 YES
Vicente Benavides Figueroa # Mexico California Apr-18 YES
Clemente Aguirre Jarquin Honduras Florida Nov-18 YES

Executive Clemency for Death-Sentenced Foreign Nationals

NameVCCR ClaimNationalityStateDateStatusConsular Intervention
Gerardo Valdez Maltos#MexicoOklahomaJun. 16200130-day reprieveYES
Gerardo Valdez Maltos#MexicoOklahomaAug. 17200130-day reprieve (death sen­tence vacat­ed on appeal)YES
Osbaldo Torres Aguilera#MexicoOklahomaMay 132004Life with­out paroleYES
Hung Thanh Le#VietnamOklahomaFeb. 25200430-day reprieve (lat­er executed)YES
Juan Alonso Caballero Hernandez#MexicoIllinoisJan. 112003Life with­out paroleYES
Gabriel Solache Romero#MexicoIllinoisJan. 112003Life with­out paroleYES
Mario Flores Urban#MexicoIllinoisJan. 11200340 years (since released and deport­ed; possibly innocent)YES
Evan Griffith#BelizeIllinoisJan. 112003Life with­out parole?
Gregory Madej#PolandIllinoisJan. 112003Life with­out paroleYES
Oswaldo Regalado Soriano#MexicoTexasJun. 222005Juvenile death sen­tence reduced to life impris­on­ment, under Roper v. SimmonsYES
Abelardo Arboleda Ortiz#ColombiaFederalJan. 172017Federal death sen­tence com­mut­ed to life without paroleYES
Ivan Teleguz#UkraineVirginiaApr. 202017Life impris­on­ment?
Horacio Alberto Reyes Camarena#MexicoOregonDec. 132022Commuted to life without paroleYES
Ricardo Serrano PiñedaMexicoOregonDec. 132022Commuted to life without paroleYES
Alejandro Umaña#El SalvadorFederalDec. 232024Commuted to life without parole?
Jurijus Kadamovas#LithuaniaFederalDec. 232024Commuted to life without paroleYES
Iouri Mikhel#RussiaFederalDec. 232024Commuted to life without parole?

Noteworthy Court Decisions

NameNationalityStateDateStatusConsular Intervention
Jesus Rodriguez JimenezMexicoArizonaArizona Supreme Court, 8/​7/​1990Death sen­tence reduced to life impris­on­ment with­out pos­si­bil­i­ty of parole for 35 years, for state’s fail­ure to estab­lish espe­cial­ly cru­el’ aggravating factorYES
Francisco Cardenas ArreolaMexicoTexasTexas Court of Criminal Appeals, 6/​1993Death sen­tence reversed on appeal; resen­tenced to life imprisonmentYES
Aurelio BarajasMexicoIdahoAgreement with pros­e­cu­tor, 1995Death sen­tence vacat­ed due to incom­pe­tence to stand tri­al; nego­ti­at­ed life sentenceYES
Gonzalo Marquez MarquezMexicoCaliforniaCalifornia Supreme Court, 1/​23/​2002Death sen­tence vacat­ed for inef­fec­tive assis­tance of coun­sel (fail­ure to con­duct thor­ough mit­i­ga­tion inves­ti­ga­tion in Mexico). Resentenced to life imprisonmentYES
Bernardino Zuniga ZunigaMexicoNorth CarolinaN. Carolina Supreme Court, 5/​8/​1998Death sen­tence vacat­ed for intel­lec­tu­al dis­abil­i­ty mit­i­gat­ing fac­tor; serv­ing life sentenceYES
Gerardo Valdez MaltosMexicoOklahomaCourt of Criminal Appeals, 5/​1/​2002Sentence vacat­ed for inef­fec­tive assis­tance; lat­er resen­tenced to lifeYES
Kwan Fai MakHong KongWashingtonTrial court, 4/​30/​2002; 5/​20/​2002Sentence vacat­ed for inef­fec­tive assis­tance and due process vio­la­tions; 13 LIFE SENTENCES?
Gregory MadejPolandIllinoisFederal District Court, 3/​10/​2002Sentence vacat­ed for inef­fec­tive assis­tance; NEW SENTENCING HEARING ORDERED (lat­er commuted)YES
Julio MoraSpainFloridaState Supreme Court 1/​25/​2002; Trial court 9/​4/​2002Sentence reversed due to erro­neous appli­ca­tion of Koon v. Dugger; LIFE SENTENCEYES
Hector BarrowGuyanaDelawareSuperior Court, 1/​4/​2002Sentence reversed for Confrontation Clause vio­la­tion; LIFE SENTENCE after new penalty hearing?
Krishna MaharajUnited KingdomFloridaTrial court, 3/​27/​2002New penal­ty hear­ing; LIFE SENTENCEYES
Ramon Martinez VillarealMexicoArizonaSuperior Court, 09/​20/​2002Death sen­tence VACATED, due to intellectual disabilityYES
Toribio Rodriguez RodriguezMexicoArizonaTrial court, 1/​28/​2003Conviction reversed on appeal; mis­tri­al; 25 years to life, in exchange for guilty pleaYES
Gerardo Valdez MaltosMexicoOklahomaAgreement with Prosecutor, 11/​16/​2003Plea agree­ment to avoid re-sen­tenc­ing hear­ing; LIFE SENTENCEYES
Kajornsak PrasertphongThailandArizonaArizona Supreme Court, 9/​15/​2003Death sen­tence VACATED under Ring v. Arizona, remand­ed for new sen­tenc­ing hear­ing (re-sen­tenced to life)?
Osbaldo Torres AguileraMexicoOklahomaCourt of Criminal Appeals, 5/​13/​2004Stay of exe­cu­tion, evi­den­tiary hear­ing on: Vienna Convention claim; inef­fec­tive assis­tance (sen­tence also commuted)YES
Jose Jacobo Amaya RuizEl SalvadorArizonaSuperior Court, 7/​9/​2004Sentence vacat­ed due to intel­lec­tu­al dis­abil­i­ty; LIFE SENTENCE imposed (parole eli­gi­ble after 25 years)YES
Raphael Camargo OjedaMexicoArkansasfed­er­al dis­trict court, 8/​12/​2004Prosecution stip­u­lat­ed to intel­lec­tu­al dis­abil­i­ty in exchange for waiv­er of fur­ther appeals, based on Vienna Convention claim. Negotiated LIFE SENTENCE.YES
Gilberto MartinezCubaOklahomaTrial court, 8/​24/​2004Prosecution stip­u­lat­ed to intel­lec­tu­al dis­abil­i­ty in exchange for waiv­er of fur­ther appeals. Negotiated LIFE SENTENCE.?
Kenneth RicheyUnited KingdomOhioSixth Circuit, 1/​25/​2005Conviction and sen­tence REVERSED on appeal; sen­tence REINSTATED on appeal by U.S. Supreme Court (11/​28/​5), for fur­ther review by low­er courts of pro­ce­dur­al obsta­cles to reliefYES
Osbaldo Torres AguileraMexicoOklahomaCourt of Criminal Appeals, 9/​6/​2005affirm­ing tri­al court find­ing of prej­u­dice for con­sular rights vio­la­tion and com­mu­ta­tion to LIFE SENTENCEYES
Peter SakariasEstoniaCaliforniaCalifornia Supreme Court, 3/​3/​2005Death sen­tence vacat­ed due to pros­e­cu­to­r­i­al mis­con­duct (argu­ing con­flict­ing the­o­ries in co-defendant case)?
Tonatihu Aguilar SaucedoMexicoArizonaMaricopa County Superior CourtJuvenile death sen­tence reduced to life, under Roper v. SimmonsYES
Martín Raúl Fong SotoMexicoArizonaPima County Superior Court, 2/​21/​2006Juvenile death sen­tence reduced to life, under Roper v. SimmonsYES
Lynford BlackwoodJamaicaFloridaFlorida Supreme Court, 10/​12/​2006Death sen­tence reversed on appeal due to inef­fec­tive assis­tance of tri­al coun­sel (fail­ure to devel­op and present men­tal health mit­i­ga­tion evi­dence). Re-sen­tenced to LIFE IMPRISONMENT, 4/​20/​2007?
Isidro Marquez BurrolaMexicoOklahomaCourt of Criminal Appeals, 4/​17/​2007Death sen­tence mod­i­fied to LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE due to inef­fec­tive assis­tance, where tri­al coun­sel failed to seek court fund­ing for mit­i­ga­tion inves­ti­ga­tion and refused assis­tance offered by Mexican gov­ern­ment through Mexican Capital Legal Assistance Program (MCLAP).YES
Jesús Álvarez GarcíaMexicoIllinoisTrial court, 3/​9/​2007Death sen­tence vacat­ed and resen­tenced to natural lifeYES
Kenneth RicheyUnited KingdomOhioAgreement with pros­e­cu­tor, entered 12/​20/​2007Death sen­tence and con­vic­tion reversed on appeal; plea bar­gain where­by Richey was RELEASED in exchange for time served and entry of no con­test plea to charge of involuntary manslaughter.YES
Daniel Angel PlataMexicoTexasCourt of Criminal Appeals, 1/​16/​2008Death sen­tence reduced to LIFE IMPRISONMENT on grounds of intellectual disability.YES
Constantino Carrera MontenegroMexicoCaliforniaU.S. District Court, 3/​13/​2008Death sen­tence set aside due to pros­e­cu­to­r­i­al mis­con­duct. Resentenced in 2015 to con­sec­u­tive terms of 25 years to life.YES
Michael BlairThailandTexas366th District Court, 5/​23/​2008Recommended REVERSAL of death sen­tence and con­vic­tion, after pros­e­cu­tion con­ced­ed that key foren­sic evi­dence has been dis­proved by new DNA test­ing. Charge dis­missed in August 2008?
Rudi ApeltGermanyArizonaMaricopa County Superior Court, 5/​21/​2009Death sen­tence reversed on grounds of intel­lec­tu­al dis­abil­i­ty, resen­tenced to life.YES
Hector Juan AyalaMexicoCaliforniaNinth Circuit, 8/​20/​2012Conviction reversed for dis­crim­i­na­to­ry jury selec­tion; on appeal, the US Supreme Court REINSTATED the con­vic­tion in 2015 (Davis v. Ayala)YES
Dieter RiechmannGermanyFloridaFlorida Circuit Court, 3/​19/​2010Death sen­tence reduced to LIFE IMPRISONMENT, fol­low­ing rever­sal on appeal and remand for new sentencing hearingYES
Manuel OrtizEl SalvadorLouisianaLouisiana 24th District Court, 8/​19/​2011Death sen­tence reduced to LIFE IMPRISONMENT, for pros­e­cu­to­r­i­al mis­con­duct (death sen­tence lat­er rein­stat­ed; see below)YES
Erickson Dimas MartinezEl SalvadorArkansasArkansas Supreme Court, 12/​8/​2011NEW TRIAL ordered for juror mis­con­duct (lat­er resen­tenced to LWOP)YES
Abdul AwkalLebanonOhioOhio Supreme Court, 6/​18/​2012INDEFINITE STAY of exe­cu­tion, on grounds of mental incompetence?
Miguel Angel BacigalupoPeruCaliforniaCalifornia Supreme Court, 8/​27/​2012Death sen­tence reversed for prosecutorial misconductYES
Carlos Perez GutierrezMexicoNevadaNevada Supreme Court, 9/​19/​2012Remanded for evi­den­tiary hear­ing to deter­mine prej­u­dice result­ing from denial of con­sular notification rightsYES
Manuel OrtizEl SalvadorLouisianaLouisiana Supreme Court, 1/​29/​2013Death sen­tence REINSTATEDYES
Virgilio Maldonado RodriguezMexicoTexasTexas Court of Criminal Appeals, 5/​22/​2013Death sen­tence reduced to LIFE IMPRISONMENT, on grounds of intellectual disabilityYES
Joaquin ArevaloEl SalvadorFloridaTrial Court
Death sen­tence reversed for inef­fec­tive assis­tance of coun­sel; resen­tenced to life with parole (03/​2014)YES
Cam LyVietnamPennsylvaniaCourt of Common Pleas, 12/​12/​2013Resentenced to life
Bernardo Aban TerceroNicaraguaTexasTexas Court of Criminal Appeals, 8/​25/​2015Execution STAYED and case remand­ed to address claim that key pros­e­cu­tion wit­ness gave false tes­ti­mo­ny at trialYES
Michael ApeltGermanyArizonaU.S. District Court, 12/​1/​2015Death sen­tence reversed for inef­fec­tive assis­tance at penal­ty phase; (reversed on appeal by Ninth Circuit, 12/​28/​2017)YES
Hector Garcia TorresMexicoTexasTexas Court of Criminal Appeals 12/​16/​2015; resen­tenced 2/​4/​2016Death sen­tence reversed for inef­fec­tive assis­tance; resen­tenced on a plea agree­ment to LIFE IMPRISONMENT with parole eligibility.YES
Pablo IbarSpainFloridaFlorida Supreme Court, 2/​4/​2016Conviction over­turned for inef­fec­tive assis­tance, in light of the scant evi­dence’ con­nect­ing Ibar to the murder.YES
Daniel Covarrubias SanchezMexicoCaliforniaCalifornia Supreme Court, 9/​8/​2016Sentence reversed and remand­ed for new penal­ty hear­ing, due to jury selection errorYES
Thao Tan LamVietnamLouisianaLouisiana Supreme CourtNEW TRIAL ordered for inad­e­quate inter­pre­ta­tion; resen­tenced to 50 year term (02/​2019)
Clemente Aguirre JarquinHondurasFloridaFlorida Supreme Court, 10/​27/​2016NEW TRIAL ordered based on new­ly-dis­cov­ered evi­dence of actual innocenceYES
Daniel Covarrubias SanchezMexicoCaliforniaCalifornia Supreme Court, 9/​8/​2016Death sen­tence REVERSED for improp­er jury selec­tion; sub­se­quent­ly resen­tenced to LWOP after pros­e­cu­tor opt­ed not to seek death penaltyYES
Lancelot Uriley ArmstrongJamaicaFloridaFlorida Supreme Court, 1/​19/​2017Death sen­tence VACATED under Hurst v. State because sen­tenc­ing jury did not unan­i­mous­ly rec­om­mend death penal­ty, remand­ed for new sentencing hearing?
Tai PhamVietnamFloridaTrial court, 3/​22/​2017Death sen­tence VACATED under Hurst v. State because sen­tenc­ing jury did not unan­i­mous­ly rec­om­mend death penal­ty, new sen­tenc­ing hearing ordered?
Dolan DarlingBahamasFloridaTrial court, 3/​29/​2017Death sen­tence VACATED under Hurst v. State because sen­tenc­ing jury did not unan­i­mous­ly rec­om­mend death penal­ty, new sen­tenc­ing hearing ordered?
Dane AbdoolTrinidadFloridaFlorida Supreme Court, 4/​16/​2017Death sen­tence VACATED under Hurst v. State because sen­tenc­ing jury did not unan­i­mous­ly rec­om­mend death penal­ty, remand­ed for new sentencing hearing?
Pedro Hernandez-AlbertoMexicoFloridaTrial court, 5/​9/​2017Death sen­tence VACATED under Hurst v. State because sen­tenc­ing jury did not unan­i­mous­ly rec­om­mend death penal­ty, new sen­tenc­ing hearing orderedYES
Noel DoorbalTrinidadFloridaFlorida Supreme Court, 9/​20/​2017Death sen­tence VACATED under Hurst v. State because sen­tenc­ing jury did not unan­i­mous­ly rec­om­mend death penal­ty, remand­ed for new sentencing hearing?
Hector Medina RomeroEl SalvadorTexasCourt of Criminal Appeals, 10/​04/​2017Death sen­tence reversed for inef­fec­tive assis­tance of coun­sel; resen­tenced to LWOP (07/​13/​2020)
Ana Maria CardonaCubaFloridaTrial court
RESENTENCED to life impris­on­ment after retri­al, fol­low­ing rever­sal for improp­er prosecutorial argument?
Tauno WaidlaEstoniaCaliforniaU.S. District Court for the Central District of California, 12/​23/​2017Death sen­tence REVERSED for inef­fec­tive assis­tance of coun­sel for fail­ing to inves­ti­gate and present mitigating evidenceYES
Vicente Benavides FigueroaMexicoCaliforniaCalifornia Supreme Court, 3/​12/​2018Conviction and death sen­tence REVERSED for intro­duc­tion of false foren­sic evi­dence at trialYES
Jose EchavarriaCubaNevadaNinth Circuit, 7/​25/​2018Conviction and death sen­tence rever­sal AFFIRMED, on grounds of poten­tial judi­cial bias under Tumey v. Ohio?
Pedro Hernandez AlbertoMexicoFloridaTrial court, 8/​31/​2018RESENTENCED to 2 con­cur­rent life sen­tences, fol­low­ing rever­sal under Hurst v. StateYES
Clemente Aguirre JarquinHondurasFloridaTrial court,11/5/2018Prosecution DROPPED all charges, fol­low­ing new evi­dence that fur­ther under­mined case for retrialYES
Michael ApeltGermanyArizonaNinth Circuit, 10/​12/​2018Appeal of death sen­tence rever­sal DENIED en banc, over 3 dissenting votesYES
Lam LuongVietnamAlabamaTrial court, 10/​15/​2018RESENTENCED to life with­out parole fol­low­ing joint state and defense sub­mis­sion, on grounds of intellectual disability?
Ahmad Fawzi IssaJordanOhioSixth Circuit, 8/​21/​2018Conviction VACATED due to inad­mis­si­ble tes­ti­mo­ny used at tri­al, under Ohio v. Roberts?
Dora Gudiño Zamudio (Dora Buenrostro)MexicoCaliforniaCalifornia Supreme Court, 12/​3/​2018Death sen­tence REVERSED for jury selec­tion error under Witherspoon, remand­ed for new penalty hearingYES
Pablo IbarSpainFloridaTrial court, 05/​22/​2019RESENTENCED to life impris­on­ment after retrial.YES
Avram Vineto NikaSerbiaNevadaU.S. District Court, 6/​12/​2019Death sen­tence REVERSED for tri­al coun­sel’s fail­ure to obtain con­sular assis­tance in gath­er­ing mitigating evidenceYES
Dora Gudiño Zamudio (Dora Buenrostro)MexicoCaliforniaCalifornia Superior Court, 8/​1/​2019RESENTENCED to life with­out parole, after pros­e­cu­tion elect­ed not to seek death penaltyYES
Carlos Avena GuillenMexicoCaliforniaNinth Circuit, 8/​8/​2019Death sen­tence REVERSED for tri­al counsel’s fail­ure to devel­op and present mitigating evidenceYES
Joel Randu Escalante OrozcoMexicoArizonaSuperior Court, 9/​27/​2019RESENTENCED to life impris­on­ment by sen­tenc­ing agree­ment, fol­low­ing remand under Lynch v. ArizonaYES
Cesar Roberto Fierro ReynaMexicoTexasCourt of Criminal Appeals, 12/​18/​2019Death sen­tence VACATED under Penry v. Lynaugh, for jury’s inabil­i­ty to prop­er­ly con­sid­er mitigating evidenceYES
Cesar Roberto Fierro ReynaMexicoTexasImmigration Court, 5/​13/​2020Removal order issued (deport­ed to Mexico on 5/​14/​2020)YES
Carlos Avena GuillenMexicoCaliforniaSuperior Court, 6/​26/​2020RESENTENCED to life with­out parole, after pros­e­cu­tion elect­ed not to seek new death sentenceYES
Juan Lizcano RuizMexicoTexasCourt of Criminal Appeals, 9/​16/​2020RESENTENCED to life with­out parole, on grounds of intellectual disabilityYES
Gilmar Alexander GuevarraEl SalvadorTexasCourt of Criminal Appeals, 9/​23/​2020RESENTENCED to life with parole eli­gi­bil­i­ty after 40 years on grounds of intellectual disabilityYES
Carlos Perez GutierrezMexicoNevadaNevada Supreme Court, 12/​04/​2020Death sen­tence rever­sal AFFIRMED, due to con­sular rights vio­la­tion result­ing in inef­fec­tive assis­tance of counselYES
Areli Escobar CarbajalMexicoTexasTrial court 12/​31/​2020New tri­al rec­om­mend­ed due to unre­li­able DNA testingYES
Areli Escobar CarbajalMexicoTexasCourt of Criminal Appeals,
Rejecting rec­om­men­da­tion for new trialYES
Avram Vineto NikaSerbiaNevadaNinth Circuit, 09/​15/​2022Denial of habeas cor­pus peti­tion on guilt stage issues
Alfredo Valdéz ReyesMexicoCaliforniaSuperior Court 09/​28/​2022Death sen­tence vacat­ed as exces­sive, RESENTENCED to life without paroleYES
Areli Escobar CarbajalMexicoTexasU.S. Supreme Court 01/​09/​2023Remanded for fur­ther con­sid­er­a­tion in light of the con­fes­sion of error by Texas”YES
Carlos Perez GutierrezMexicoNevadaTrial court
Withdrawal of intent to seek death penal­ty, in exchange for waiv­er of jury resen­tenc­ing
Carlos Perez GutierrezMexicoNevadaTrial court
RESENTENCED to life without paroleYES
Tauno WaidlaEstoniaCaliforniaNinth Circuit
Death sen­tence rever­sal AFFIRMED, for inef­fec­tive assis­tance of coun­sel: fail­ing to inves­ti­gate and present for­eign mitigating evidenceYES
Samuel Zamudio JimenezMexicoCaliforniaTrial court,
RESENTENCED to life with­out parole, due to intellectual disabilityYES
Syed RabbaniBangladeshTexasTrial court, 11/​14/​2023RESENTENCED to life with parole, for improp­er jury instruc­tion on mitigating factors?
Abelino Manrriquez JacquezMexicoCalifornia

Trial Court,


RESENTENCED to life with parole, on prosecutor’s recommendationYES

Case Totals by Final Outcome

Sentence Reduced71
Intellectual dis­abil­i­ty12
Ineffective assis­tance12
Prosecutorial mis­con­duct5
Mentally incom­pe­tent2
Jury instruc­tion3
Jury selec­tion2
Vacated under Ring v. Arizona1
Conviction Vacated, No New Death Sentence7
Ineffective assis­tance1
Juror mis­con­duct1
Inadequate inter­preter1
Died await­ing final case disposition11
Awaiting Retrial or Resentencing5
Still Under Active Death Sentence98
Total Known Cases233

Human Rights Research pro­vides infor­ma­tion on con­sular rights issues in death penal­ty cas­es, along with inter­na­tion­al legal con­sult­ing and research ser­vices to attor­neys, con­sulates and non-governmental organizations.