Foreign Nationals

Foreign Nationals Under Sentence of Death in the U.S.

This infor­ma­tion has been pro­vid­ed by Mark Warren of Human Rights Research.

TOTAL: 103* (as of December 24, 2024
*On December 23, President Joe Biden com­mut­ed the death sen­tences of 37 fed­er­al death row pris­on­ers, includ­ing 3 for­eign nation­als. There are now 103 for­eign nation­als on U.S. death rows.


Foreign Nationals Under Sentence of Death in the U.S. By Foreign Nationality

Active Death Sentences (98)

Country Number
Mexico 45
Vietnam 6
Cuba 5
El Salvador 5
Honduras 5
Cambodia 3
Guatemala 2
Dominican Republic 2
Iran 2
Jamaica 2
Laos 2
Philippines 2
Argentina 1
Armenia 1
Bahamas 1
Canada 1
Colombia 1
China 1
Costa Rica 1
Egypt 1
Germany 1
Haiti 1
India 1
Lebanon 1
Nicaragua 1
St. Kitts and Nevis /​UK 1
Tonga 1
Bangladesh 1
Trinidad 1

Awaiting Retrial or Resentencing (5)

(Includes defen­dants await­ing a retri­al or resen­tenc­ing fol­low­ing a court rever­sal, or whose court-ordered rever­sal is not yet final)

Country Number
Trinidad (over­turned under Hurst v. Florida) 1
Bahamas (over­turned under Hurst v. Florida) 1
Estonia (sen­tenced reversed on appeal) 1
Colombia (over­turned under Hurst v. Florida) 1
Serbia (sen­tence reversed on appeal) 1

Foreign Nationals Under Sentence of Death in the U.S. by State of Confinement

TOTALS BY JURISDICTION: All State Jurisdictions (103): California (57), Florida (13), Texas (14), Pennsylvania (5), Nevada (4), Arizona (2), Ohio (2), Georgia (1), Alabama (1), Louisiana (1), Montana (1), Mississippi (1), Nebraska (1).

Totals include all report­ed for­eign nation­als under sen­tence of death, includ­ing those await­ing new sen­tenc­ing hear­ings and cas­es in which the indi­vid­u­al’s nation­al­i­ty is dis­put­ed. Confirmed cas­es of dual cit­i­zen­ship (indi­vid­u­als pos­sess­ing both U.S. cit­i­zen­ship and that of anoth­er coun­try) are not listed.

List of Symbols in Table Below

  • for­eign nation­al­i­ty independently confirmed
  • Female
  • fac­ing pos­si­ble exe­cu­tion in the near future
  • await­ing re-sen­tenc­ing or new tri­al after appel­late court ruling
  • cas­es in which a vio­la­tion of con­sular rights has been raised in court pro­ceed­ings or oth­er­wise directly reported.
  • cas­es in which noti­fi­ca­tion of con­sular rights was report­ed­ly pro­vid­ed by author­i­ties with­out delay (i.e. upon arrest, or pri­or to book­ing for detention).
  • cas­es in which a con­sular rights vio­la­tion is disputed
  • I claim of inno­cence raised on appeal (incom­plete data)
  • M cas­es of report­ed men­tal ill­ness, intel­lec­tu­al dis­abil­i­ty or brain dam­age (incom­plete data)
  • D inmate with INS deten­tion num­ber, but for whom no nation­al­i­ty has been specified
  • ? cas­es of pos­si­ble dual nationality

StateNameNotesCountry of 
Mohammad SharifiIran
Fabio Evelio GomezDominican Republic
Michael Apelt⚠ MGermany
Iftekhar MurtazaBangladesh?
Run Peter ChhounCambodia
Mao HinCambodia
Samreth Sam PanCambodia
Charles Chitat NgChina (Hong Kong)
John GhobrialEgypt
Julian BeltranEl Salvador
Irving RamirezEl Salvador
Salvador Vasquez OlivaEl Salvador
Tauno Waidla⚠☀Estonia
Cristhian Antonio MonterrosoGuatemala
Cristian Tomas PerezGuatemala
Osman Alex CanalesHonduras
Johnny MoralesHonduras
Edgardo Fuentes SánchezHonduras
Hooman Ashkan PanahIran
Ka PasasoukLaos
Vaene SivongxxayLaos
Santiago Martinez AlonsoMexico
Ignacio Tafoya ArriolaMexico
Eduardo David Vargas BarocioMexico
Marcos Esquivel BarreraMexico
Ramon Salcido BojorquezMexico
Luis Enrique Monrroy BracamontesMexico
Miguel Enrique Felix BurgosMexico
Jose Lupercio CasaresMexico
Tomas Verano CruzMexico
Pedro Espinosa DavilaMexico
Enrique Parra DuenasMexico
Jose Luis Leon EliasMexico
Martin Mendoza GarciaMexico
Adrian Camacho GilMexico
Victor Miranda GuerreroMexico
Juan Manuel Lopez HernandezMexico
Luis Alberto Maciel HernandezMexico
Santiago Pineda HernandezMexico
Jaime Armando HoyosMexico
Jorge Contreras Lopez⚠ IMexico
Omar Fuentes MartinezMexico
Hector Juan Ayala MedranoMexico
Carlos Martinez MendivilMexico
Huber Joel Mendoza Novoa⚠MMexico
Francisco Beltran MezaMexico
Magdaleno Salazar NavaMexico
Ruben Gomez PerezMexico
Juan Sanchez Ramirez⚠ IMexico
Victor Manuel Rojas (Daniel Cervantes)Mexico
Alfredo Valencia SalazarMexico
Arturo Juarez SuarezMexico
Sergio Ochoa Tamayo⚠ MMexico
Jesus Penuelas VelasquezMexico
Juan de Dios Ramirez VillaMexico
Miguel Crespo CotaMexico
Sonny EnracaPhilippines
Hung Thanh MaiViet Nam
Lam NguyenViet Nam
Dung Anh TrinhViet Nam
Dolan Darling⚠☀Bahamas
Ian LightbournBahamas
Guillermo ArbelaezMColombia
Rory Enrique CondeColombia
Terance ValentineCosta Rica
Omar BlancoCuba
Leonardo FranquiCuba
Pablo San MartinCuba
Marbel MendozaCuba
Manolo RodriguezCuba
Robert GordonJamaica
Dane Abdool?Trinidad
Noel DoorbalTrinidad
Pablo Maldonado ZequeidaMexico
Manuel Ortiz⚠IEl Salvador
Mississippi (1)Thong LeViet Nam
Montana (1)Ronald SmithCanada
Nebraska (1)Jorge Galindo EspriellaMexico
Avetis ArchanianArmenia
Ralph Simon JeremiasPhilippines
Avram Vineto Nika⚠☀Serbia
Siaosi VanisiTonga
Abdul AwkalMLebanon
Jose Trinidad Loza VenturaMexico
Borgela PhilistinHaiti
Albert ReidJamaica
Miguel Padilla LozanoMexico
Tam Minh LeVietnam
Raghunandan YandamuriIndia
Victor SaldanoArgentina
Obel Cruz GarciaDominican Republic
Walter Alexander Sorto⚠MEl Salvador
Dennis Zelaya Corea (Carlos Ayestas)Honduras
Edgardo CubasHonduras
Juan Carlos Alvarez BandaMexico
Areli Escobar CarbajalMexico
Felix Rocha DiazMexico
Ramiro Ibarra RubiMexico
Gustavo Tijerina SandovalMexico
Hector Acosta OjedaMexico
Bernardo TerceroNicaragua
Linda Carty♀ ⬅ ⚠St. Kitts/​UK
Chuong Duong TongVietnam


Solely for the pur­pos­es of this list, a for­eign nation­al” is any indi­vid­ual under sen­tence of death in the USA who does not pos­sess U.S. cit­i­zen­ship. More gen­er­al­ly, for­eign nation­als in the United States would include: tourists and vis­i­tors, migrant work­ers with tem­po­rary per­mits, res­i­dent aliens, undoc­u­ment­ed aliens, asy­lum-seek­ers, and per­sons in tran­sit. Foreign cit­i­zens com­prise a sig­nif­i­cant por­tion of the pop­u­la­tion: more than 60 mil­lion for­eign­ers vis­it the United States annu­al­ly from over­seas and approx­i­mate­ly 22 mil­lion U.S res­i­dents are non-cit­i­zens (accord­ing to the 2012 data from the U.S. Census Bureau).

Along with the gen­er­al con­sular noti­fi­ca­tion oblig­a­tions that apply under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, the USA has also nego­ti­at­ed sep­a­rate bilat­er­al con­sular agree­ments applic­a­ble to some 50 coun­tries. Under the terms of most of these agree­ments, there is a manda­to­ry oblig­a­tion to prompt­ly noti­fy the con­sulate of an arrest irre­spec­tive of the nation­al’s wish­es (typ­i­cal­ly with­in a spec­i­fied time peri­od, such as 72 hours fol­low­ing the detention).

Dual Nationality

Individuals retain­ing dual nation­al­i­ty who are arrest­ed in one of their coun­tries of cit­i­zen­ship are prob­lem­at­ic for the pur­pos­es of con­sular noti­fi­ca­tion under the VCCR (which makes no ref­er­ence to dual cit­i­zen­ship). Individuals are list­ed pro­vi­sion­al­ly if a report is received that they pos­sess cit­i­zen­ship in a coun­try oth­er than the USA; if U.S. cit­i­zen­ship is lat­er con­firmed, the name is removed from this list.

The U.S. Department of State has tak­en the posi­tion that indi­vid­u­als who retain U.S. cit­i­zen­ship along with anoth­er nation­al­i­ty are not enti­tled to noti­fi­ca­tion of con­sular rights if arrest­ed in the USA. At a min­i­mum, how­ev­er, for­eign con­sulates in the United States retain the right to com­mu­ni­cate with and vis­it their cit­i­zens in cus­tody, irre­spec­tive of dual nation­al­i­ty. Many coun­tries have assert­ed a right to pro­vide con­sular pro­tec­tion to dual nation­als arrest­ed in their oth­er coun­try of cit­i­zen­ship, par­tic­u­lar­ly in life-threat­en­ing sit­u­a­tions and denial of con­sular noti­fi­ca­tion to dual nation­als may deny the accused access to con­sular assis­tance in inves­ti­gat­ing and prepar­ing his or her guilt or penal­ty defens­es. While the scope of con­sular rights for this cat­e­go­ry of dual nation­als may be open to some inter­pre­ta­tion, all non‑U.S. cit­i­zens detained or arrest­ed in the USA are unques­tion­ably enti­tled to the full range of con­sular rights afford­ed under international law.

Sources of Information

Since U.S. author­i­ties do not always accu­rate­ly list or report incar­cer­at­ed indi­vid­u­als by nation­al­i­ty, it is dif­fi­cult to iden­ti­fy and ver­i­fy all for­eign nation­als under sen­tence of death. For instance, a recent U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics sur­vey not­ed that a report­ed 95,977 nonci­t­i­zens were held in cus­tody at midyear 2010, but also indi­cat­ed that the cri­te­ria used to deter­mine for­eign nation­al­i­ty var­ied wide­ly by state. There is no acces­si­ble nation­al reg­istry of death-sen­tenced for­eign­ers (although the USCIS data base of deportable aliens serv­ing prison terms would like­ly include all known for­eign nation­als on death row nation­wide). Compounding the prob­lem is the still-wide­spread fail­ure of U.S. law enforce­ment offi­cials to noti­fy detained for­eign­ers of their con­sular rights. Without this noti­fi­ca­tion and sub­se­quent com­mu­ni­ca­tion at the request of the detained nation­al, for­eign con­sulates in the United States are like­ly to remain unaware of the true num­ber of their nation­als who are impris­oned, let alone sen­tenced to death.

The infor­ma­tion for this list comes from a vari­ety of sources, includ­ing appel­late attor­neys, post-con­vic­tion resource cen­ters, tri­al coun­sel, pros­e­cu­tors, news­pa­per arti­cles, jour­nal­ists, con­sulates, and prison officials.

Research to date indi­cates that there are no for­eign nation­als cur­rent­ly on death row in South Carolina. There is as yet no com­plete data from a num­ber of U.S. states with sig­nif­i­cant death row pop­u­la­tions, includ­ing Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee. A com­pre­hen­sive list would like­ly include some 145 names (i.e., rough­ly 5% of the total U.S. death row population).

A name is includ­ed on the list if it is con­firmed by at least one reli­able con­tact. The even­tu­al goal is to ver­i­fy the nation­al­i­ties of all indi­vid­u­als on this list from two or more inde­pen­dent sources. At present, approx­i­mate­ly three-quar­ters of the names have been cor­rob­o­rat­ed by mul­ti­ple independent sources.

I wel­come any and all addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion on this subject.

Mark Warren, Human Rights Research
tel: (613) 2568308

Human Rights Research pro­vides infor­ma­tion on con­sular rights issues in death penal­ty cas­es, along with inter­na­tion­al legal con­sult­ing and research ser­vices to attor­neys, con­sulates and non-governmental organizations.