DPIC recent­ly pub­lished a new page that presents exe­cu­tion data for each state and each year since 1976. This allows users to more eas­i­ly see exe­cu­tion trends in states over time. We have also recent­ly post­ed updat­ed state data from Death Row, USA.” As of October 1, 2013, there were 3,088 inmates on death row, con­tin­u­ing the decline in death row pop­u­la­tion since 2000. As devel­op­ments sur­round­ing lethal injec­tion con­tin­ue to emerge, users can find cur­rent infor­ma­tion on our State-by-State Lethal Injection page. Finally, infor­ma­tion on leg­isla­tive action on cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment, such as the upcom­ing vote on repeal­ing the death penal­ty in New Hampshire, can be found on our Recent Legislation page.

(Posted by DPIC, April 15, 2014). See also DPIC’s Fact Sheet of death penalty statistics.

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