Publications & Testimony
Items: 2061 — 2070
Sep 08, 2017
Virginia, Pennsylvania Death Rows Smallest in a Quarter Century as Death Sentences Show Long-Term Decline
Death rows are shrinking nationwide, and the experience in states like Virginia and Pennsylvania helps explain why. Virginia’s death row has fallen from a reported high of 58 in 1995 to four in September 2017, the lowest it has been since 1979. Pennsylvania’s death row of 160 prisoners is its smallest in nearly 25 years — down from 175 last December and from a reported 247 in April…
Read MoreSep 07, 2017
For Second Time in Two Years, Georgia Prepares to Execute Black Prisoner Whom White Juror Called N‑Word
For the second time in as many years, Georgia is preparing to execute an intellectually disabled African-American man, despite evidence that the death verdict in his case may have been tainted by a white juror’s profound racial…
Read MoreSep 06, 2017
Federal Appeals Court Sides with Alabama Prisoners on Lethal-Injection Case, Sends Back to District Court
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit has issued a ruling reviving a lawsuit brought by Alabama death-row prisoners that challenged the constitutionality of the state’s three-drug execution protocol using the controversial lethal-injection drug midazolam. The unanimous decision by the three-judge federal appeals panel on September 1 reversed a federal district court ruling against several death-row prisoners who sued the Alabama…
Read MoreSep 05, 2017
Three Years Later, Report Explores Lessons From Two North Carolina Death-Penalty Exonerations
On the third anniversary of their groundbreaking exoneration, a new report by the Center for Death Penalty Litigation (CDPL) reviews in-depth the long path from wrongful convictions and death sentences to freedom traveled by former North Carolina death-row prisoners Henry McCollum and Leon…
Read MoreSep 01, 2017
REPORT: Most of the 26 Prisoners Facing Execution in Ohio Through 2020 Severely Abused, Impaired, or Mentally Ill
Almost all of the 26 men scheduled for execution in Ohio over the next three years suffer from mental, emotional, or cognitive impairments or limitations that raise questions as to whether they should have been sentenced to death, according to a new report released August 30 by Harvard’s Fair Punishment Project. While the U.S. Constitution requires that the death penalty be reserved for the worst crimes and the worst offenders, the report—Prisoners on…
Read MoreAug 31, 2017
Florida Supreme Court Upholds Removal of Prosecutor From Death-Eligible Cases
The Florida Supreme Court has upheld Governor Rick Scott’s (pictured, left) removal of Orange and Osceola County State Attorney Aramis Ayala (pictured, right) as prosecutor in more than two dozen murder cases because of her official policy not to seek to seek the death penalty. Over two dissents, the seven-member Court held that Scott had acted “well within the bounds of the Governor’s broad authority” when he replaced Ayala with Lake County…
Read MoreAug 30, 2017
50 Years After Historic Confirmation to Supreme Court, Thurgood Marshall’s Legacy Continues To Shape Future
Fifty years ago today, Thurgood Marshall (pictured) was confirmed as the nation’s first African-American Supreme Court…
Read MoreAug 29, 2017
Texas Execution Stayed to Permit Proper Consideration of Intellectual Disability Claim
A Texas appeals court has stayed the August 30 execution of Steven Long (pictured) to provide him an opportunity to litigate a claim that he is ineligible for the death penalty because of intellectual disability. On August 21, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals issued the stay and remanded Long’s case to a Dallas County trial court, directing the court to reconsider his claim of intellectual disability in light of the U.S. Supreme Court’s…
Read MoreAug 28, 2017
Oklahoma to Have Longest Hiatus Between Executions in Modern Death-Penalty History
Oklahoma will not execute anyone in 2017 and, without an execution protocol in place, cannot seek any execution dates through at least January 2018, marking the longest period of time between executions in the state in the modern era of capital punishment. As part of an agreement in a federal lawsuit challenging the state’s execution procedures, the Oklahoma Attorney General’s office may not request execution dates for any prisoner for at least five months after the state…
Read MoreAug 25, 2017
California Supreme Court Upholds, But Limits, Initiative to Speed Up Death-Penalty Appeals
In a 5 – 2 decision that left both proponents and opponents of the death penalty declaring victory, the Supreme Court of California has upheld the constitutionality of Proposition 66, a voter initiative intended to speed up death-penalty appeals and executions, but severely limited the scope of its core provisions. In Briggs v. Brown, the court on August 24 sustained portions of the measure that shifted which court will hear capital cases, increased…
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