Publications & Testimony

Items: 2351 — 2360

Aug 02, 2016

Policy Platform of The Movement for Black Lives Calls for An End to Capital Punishment”

On August 1, The Movement for Black Lives issued a 40-point pol­i­cy plat­form that includes a call for the abo­li­tion of cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment. The plat­form, which was writ­ten or endorsed by more than 60 activist groups includ­ing the Black Lives Matter Network, describes its pur­pose as articulat[ing] our vision of a fun­da­men­tal­ly dif­fer­ent world.” The por­tion of the plat­form seek­ing an end to cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment” calls the death penal­ty moral­ly repug­nant,” and links it to the lega­cy of…

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Aug 01, 2016

Nearly 3/​4 of Kentuckians Support Moratorium on Executions, Majority Prefer Lengthy Prison Terms to Death Penalty

Nearly three-quar­ters of Kentuckians (72.4%) would sup­port a mora­to­ri­um on exe­cu­tions while prob­lems in the admin­is­tra­tion of Kentucky’s death penal­ty are addressed, accord­ing to a new poll released on August 1 by the University of Kentucky Survey Research Center. Nearly two-thirds (62.6%) of those who said they sup­port the death penal­ty were nev­er­the­less in favor of a mora­to­ri­um. The poll also found that 57.8% of respon­dents pre­ferred a lengthy prison term (options ranged…

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Jul 28, 2016

Colorado Law to Speed Up Death Penalty Appeals Has Faltered and Failed

Twenty years ago, frus­trat­ed by what they per­ceived to be the slow pace of cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment, Colorado leg­is­la­tors adopt­ed a law to fix” their death penal­ty by speed­ing up appeals. Proponents and oppo­nents of the state’s death penal­ty agree on one thing: the law has­n’t worked. As The Denver Post reports, the state law intend­ed to stream­line the death penal­ty appeals process by impos­ing a two-year dead­line for deci­sion and con­sol­i­dat­ing direct appeals and…

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Jul 26, 2016

Defendant Seeks Supreme Court Review of Prosecutorial Ghostwriting, A Widespread Practice in Capital Cases

Doyle Lee Hamm (pic­tured), an Alabama death row pris­on­er, has asked the United States Supreme Court to con­sid­er his case after Alabama’s state and fed­er­al appel­late courts upheld an order in which the tri­al court reject­ed his appeal by adopt­ing word-for-word an 89-page order writ­ten by the state attor­ney gen­er­al’s office. In a process The Marshall Project’s Andrew Cohen described as a sham,” the court dis­missed Hamm’s appeal one busi­ness day after receiving the…

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Jul 25, 2016

NEW RESOURCE: Political Party Platforms on Capital Punishment

As sup­port for the death penal­ty has waxed and waned over the years, the views of the major U.S. polit­i­cal par­ties, as reflect­ed in their nation­al con­ven­tion plat­forms, has changed. To track those changes, DPIC has cre­at­ed a new resource pre­sent­ing the Democratic and Republican par­ty plat­form posi­tions on crime and the death penal­ty from 1960 to 2016. With the most recent views of both the Republican and Democratic par­ties expressed in their 2016 plat­forms, the new page now…

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Jul 22, 2016

Arkansas Court Puts Lethal Injection Ruling on Hold, Blocking Executions Pending U.S. Supreme Court Review

On July 21, a divid­ed Arkansas Supreme Court vot­ed 4 – 3 to deny a request by state death row pris­on­ers to recon­sid­er its recent deci­sion uphold­ing Arkansas’ lethal injec­tion pro­to­col and secre­cy law, but in anoth­er 4 – 3 vote, the court issued an order stay­ing the man­date, delay­ing the deci­sion from tak­ing effect until the U.S. Supreme Court has an oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­sid­er an appeal. The stay order pre­vents the state from set­ting new exe­cu­tion dates before the…

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Jul 21, 2016

EDITORIAL: San Jose Mercury News Endorses Death Penalty Repeal, Says Competing Measure Would Magnify Inequity

Weighing in on California’s com­pet­ing death penal­ty bal­lot ini­tia­tives, the San Jose Mercury News edi­to­r­i­al board urged vot­ers to sup­port repeal of cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment and reject a pro­pos­al to speed up exe­cu­tions. The edi­to­r­i­al called California’s death penal­ty sys­tem, a fail­ure on every lev­el,” not­ing that the state has spent $4 bil­lion to car­ry out just 13 exe­cu­tions and the $150 mil­lion annu­al sav­ings the inde­pen­dent Legislative Analysts Office says death penalty…

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