Publications & Testimony

Items: 2361 — 2370

Feb 19, 2016

Orthodox Jewish Organization Calls for an End to Capital Punishment in the U.S.

As Jews, as cit­i­zens of a nation ded­i­cat­ed to lib­er­ty and jus­tice, we believe that gov­ern­ments must pro­tect the dig­ni­ty and rights of every human being. The use of the death penal­ty, in America, fails to live up to this basic require­ment,” wrote Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz (pic­tured), founder and President of Uri L’Tzedek, the Orthodox Jewish social jus­tice move­ment. In a col­umn for Jewish Journal, Rabbi Yanklowitz out­lines the rea­sons for Jewish oppo­si­tion to the death penalty,…

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Feb 18, 2016

NEW VOICES: A Leader of Florida Federation of Young Republicans Calls for Re-examination of Death Penalty

Saying that if one is look­ing to iden­ti­fy failed gov­ern­ment pro­grams …, Florida’s death penal­ty cer­tain­ly fills the bill,” Brian Empric (pic­tured), vice-chair­man of the Florida Federation of Young Republicans, presents a con­ser­v­a­tive case against the death penal­ty. In a recent guest col­umn for the Orlando Sentinel, Empric says that — as the Florida leg­is­la­ture weighs its response to the U.S. Supreme Court deci­sion in Hurst v. Florida — the state should halt all…

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Feb 17, 2016

Former State Chief Justices: Pennsylvania Justice Should Not Have Approved Death as D.A., Then Reviewed Case on Appeal

In a recent Washington Times op-ed, two for­mer state supreme court chief jus­tices argue that a state supreme court jus­tice who, as dis­trict attor­ney, had autho­rized the cap­i­tal pros­e­cu­tion of a defen­dant, should not have lat­er par­tic­i­pat­ed as a judge in decid­ing an appeal in that case. Gerald Kogan (pic­tured, l.), for­mer chief jus­tice of the Florida Supreme Court, and Michael Wolff (pic­tured, r.), for­mer chief jus­tice of the Supreme Court of…

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Feb 16, 2016

Georgia Naval Veteran Files for Clemency as More Culpable Superior Officer Will Become Eligible for Parole

Naval vet­er­an Travis Hittson (pic­tured), sched­uled to be exe­cut­ed by Georgia on February 17, has filed an appli­ca­tion for clemen­cy with the State Board of Pardons and Paroles. Hittson assist­ed his supe­ri­or offi­cer, Edward Vollmer, to kill and dis­mem­ber a fel­low sailor, Conway Utterbeck in 1992. Despite evi­dence that Vollmer was the more cul­pa­ble of the two, pros­e­cu­tors per­mit­ted him to plead guilty and receive a life sen­tence from which he…

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Feb 15, 2016

U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia, Outspoken Defender of Capital Punishment, Has Died

United States Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia, one of the Court’s most ardent defend­ers of the con­sti­tu­tion­al­i­ty of cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment, has died at age 79. Appointed to the Court in 1986 by President Ronald Reagan, Justice Scalia vot­ed to uphold the appli­ca­tion of the death penal­ty in a wide vari­ety of cir­cum­stances. He was part of 5 – 4 con­ser­v­a­tive majori­ties in a num­ber of sig­nif­i­cant death penal­ty cas­es, includ­ing the 1987 deci­sions in McCleskey v.

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Feb 12, 2016

Judge Orders Evidentiary Hearing On Constitutionality of Federal Death Penalty

U.S. District Court Judge Geoffrey Crawford has ordered an evi­den­tiary hear­ing on Donald Fells (pic­tured) chal­lenge to the con­sti­tu­tion­al­i­ty of the fed­er­al death penal­ty. In court fil­ings seek­ing to bar fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tors from seek­ing death against him in a pend­ing retri­al, Fell has argued that the fed­er­al death penal­ty con­sti­tutes cru­el and unusu­al pun­ish­ment in vio­la­tion of the Fifth and Eighth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Among oth­er grounds, he has assert­ed that…

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Feb 11, 2016

Texas Prisoner Seeks Supreme Court Review of Death Sentence Tainted By Racial Bias

Duane Buck, who was sen­tenced to death after a defense expert wit­ness tes­ti­fied that Buck could pose a future dan­ger to soci­ety because he is black, has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to grant him a new sen­tenc­ing hear­ing because of his lawyer’s inef­fec­tive­ness. Buck is one of six defen­dants whose Texas cap­i­tal tri­als were iden­ti­fied by a Texas Attorney General’s report as hav­ing been taint­ed by race-based tes­ti­mo­ny by psy­chol­o­gist, Dr. Walter…

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Feb 10, 2016

Texas Board Confirms Disbarment of Prosecutor for Misconduct in Anthony Graves Case

The dis­ci­pli­nary board of the Texas State Bar reject­ed an appeal on February 9 from Charles Sebesta, the pros­e­cu­tor whose mis­con­duct led to the wrong­ful con­vic­tion of Anthony Graves (pic­tured, r.). The board­’s deci­sion dis­bar­ring Sebesta for what it called egre­gious” mis­con­duct is now final. Anthony Graves was con­vict­ed in 1994 on the false tes­ti­mo­ny of Robert Carter, who claimed Graves was his accom­plice. Graves was exon­er­at­ed in 2010 and filed a complaint…

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Feb 09, 2016

Majority of Floridians Prefer Life Sentence to Death Penalty, 73% Would Require Unanimous Jury Vote for Death

In the wake of a U.S. Supreme Court deci­sion strik­ing down Floridas death-sen­tenc­ing pro­ce­dures, a new poll shows that near­ly two thirds of Floridians now pre­fer some form of life sen­tence to the death penal­ty and near­ly three-quar­ters favor requir­ing the jury to unan­i­mous­ly agree on the sen­tence before the death penal­ty can be imposed. The poll by Public Policy Polling found that 62% of respon­dents pre­ferred some form of life in prison over the death penal­ty for convicted…

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