Publications & Testimony

Items: 2381 — 2390

Jan 26, 2016

PUBLIC OPINION: Support for Repealing Death Penalty Grows in California

A recent sur­vey of Californians con­duct­ed by The Field Poll found that vot­ers are even­ly split between want­i­ng to speed up the exe­cu­tion process (48%) and sup­port­ing repeal of the death penal­ty and replac­ing it with life with­out parole (47%). Support for repeal has grown since 2014, when the ques­tion was last asked. At that time, 40% favored replac­ing the death penal­ty with life with­out parole and 52% sup­port­ed speed­ing up the process. Californians may face a choice…

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Jan 25, 2016

VICTIMS: Murder Victim’s Daughter Says Broken” Death Penalty Doesn’t Bring Closure and is A Waste”

Dawn Mancarella, whose moth­er, Joyce Masury, was mur­dered 20 years ago, called the death penal­ty a waste of ener­gy and mon­ey [that] doesn’t bring jus­tice or clo­sure.” Sharing her views on the death penal­ty in a col­umn for Connecticut’s Register Citizen, Mancarella expressed sup­port for the Connecticut Supreme Court’s 2015 deci­sion declar­ing the death penal­ty incom­pat­i­ble with con­tem­po­rary stan­dards of decen­cy in Connecticut.” It’s dis­ap­point­ing to see that the…

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Jan 22, 2016

NEW VOICES: Retired Colorado Corrections Officer Raises Questions of Deterrence, Innocence

In a recent op-ed for The Denver Post, retired cor­rec­tions offi­cer and mil­i­tary vet­er­an Pete Lister offered a cri­tique of the death penal­ty, say­ing it fails as a deter­rent, risks exe­cut­ing inno­cent peo­ple, and costs more than life with­out parole. Capital pun­ish­ment has not, in a sin­gle state, proven to be a deter­rent to cap­i­tal crime.” Lister said. Society con­sists of human beings who make mis­takes. There are those who are, occa­sion­al­ly, neg­li­gent, and some who are even dishonest…

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Jan 21, 2016

Ten Years After Last Execution, California Still Far From Resuming Executions

On January 17, 2006, California exe­cut­ed Clarence Ray Allen, who was 76 years old, legal­ly blind, dia­bet­ic, and used a wheel­chair. He was the last per­son the state has exe­cut­ed. A decade lat­er, California’s death row pop­u­la­tion has increased by 100 to 746, mak­ing it the largest in the nation. The state has exe­cut­ed 13 pris­on­ers in 40 years at an esti­mat­ed cost of $4 bil­lion, while more than 100 oth­er pris­on­ers have died on death row.

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Jan 20, 2016

U.S. Supreme Court Reverses 3 Kansas Decisions Overturning Death Penalties

In an 8 – 1 deci­sion in Kansas v. Carr, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed the deci­sions of the Kansas Supreme Court grant­i­ng new sen­tenc­ing hear­ings in three cap­i­tal cas­es, restor­ing the death sen­tences of Jonathan Carr, Reginald Carr, Jr., and Sidney Gleason pend­ing fur­ther appel­late review. The Kansas Supreme Court had vacat­ed the men’s death sen­tences because the jury had not been…

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Jan 19, 2016

Report Finds 74% of Florida Death Row Inmates Had Non-Unanimous Death Verdicts

Floridas death row would be three-quar­ters small­er if the state fol­lowed the prac­tice of all but two oth­er states and required that a jury unan­i­mous­ly agree that a death sen­tence can be imposed before a defen­dant can be sen­tenced to death. Alabama and Delaware also per­mit judges to impose death sen­tences fol­low­ing non-unan­i­mous jury rec­om­men­da­tions for…

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Jan 15, 2016

Texas Prepares to Execute Richard Masterson While Autopsy Data Suggests Death Was Not Murder At All

As Texas read­ies itself to exe­cute Richard Masterson (pic­tured), his lawyers have filed new plead­ings ques­tion­ing whether any mur­der occurred at all and are seek­ing a stay of exe­cu­tion based on what they say is evi­dence of State fraud, mis­con­duct, and his actu­al inno­cence.” Masterson’s fil­ings chal­lenge the foren­sic tes­ti­mo­ny pre­sent­ed by the pros­e­cu­tion in the case, the accu­ra­cy of instruc­tions giv­en to jurors, and the con­sti­tu­tion­al­i­ty of Texas’ lethal…

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Jan 14, 2016

Study Finds Disparities in Race, Gender, and Geography in Florida Executions

Florida exe­cu­tions are plagued by stark racial, gen­der, and geo­graph­ic dis­par­i­ties, accord­ing to a new University of North Carolina study, with exe­cu­tions 6.5 times more like­ly for mur­ders of white female vic­tims than for mur­ders of black males. (See graph, left. Click to enlarge.). UNC Chapel Hill Professor Frank Baumgartner exam­ined data from the 89 exe­cu­tions con­duct­ed in Florida between 1976 — when the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Florida’s use of the death penal­ty — and…

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Jan 13, 2016

60 Minutes Profiles Life After Death Row for Exoneree Anthony Ray Hinton

On Sunday, January 10, 60 Minutes aired an inter­view with Anthony Ray Hinton, who was exon­er­at­ed on April 3, 2015 after spend­ing near­ly 30 years on Alabamas death row. In the inter­view, Hinton described how issues of race per­me­at­ed his case. Hinton told 60 Minutes cor­re­spon­dent Scott Pelley about a con­ver­sa­tion he had with a police lieu­tenant after hav­ing been arrest­ed: I said, You got the wrong guy.’ And he said, I don’t care whether you did it or…

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