Publications & Testimony

Items: 2471 — 2480

Oct 02, 2015

Virginia Executes Inmate with Appeal Still Pending Before Supreme Court

On October 1, Virginia exe­cut­ed Alfredo Prieto (pic­tured) before the U.S. Supreme Court had decid­ed whether to grant a stay on his chal­lenge to Virginia’s use of an exe­cu­tion drug obtained from Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Robert Lee, Prieto’s attor­ney, said, The Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States were con­sid­er­ing Mr. Prieto’s request for a stay of exe­cu­tion but the Virginia Department of Corrections went ahead with the execution…

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Oct 01, 2015

NEW VOICES: Newt Gingrich More Open” to Death Penalty Repeal After Pope’s Speech

Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Newt Gingrich said he is more open” to the abo­li­tion of the death penal­ty after hear­ing Pope Francis’ address to Congress. Gingrich, who con­vert­ed to Catholicism sev­er­al years ago, said he was very impressed” with Pope Francis’ com­ments. In an appear­ance on HuffPost Live, Gingrich high­light­ed the work he has done on crim­i­nal jus­tice reform, say­ing, I very deeply believe we need to pro­found­ly rethink what…

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Sep 30, 2015

Spate of Scheduled Executions Highlight Broad Issues in Capital Punishment

An unusu­al­ly high num­ber of exe­cu­tions are sched­uled for late September and ear­ly October — five states intend to car­ry out six exe­cu­tions in nine days. Pieces in the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post describe the larg­er issues raised by the cas­es in this burst of lethal activ­i­ty.” In the Los Angeles Times, Scott Martelle exam­ined the three exe­cu­tions sched­uled for con­sec­u­tive days in Georgia, Oklahoma, and Virginia, con­clud­ing, So here we have three…

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Sep 29, 2015

Virginia Governor Denies Reprieve for Inmate Who May Have Intellectual Disability

Virginia may exe­cute Alfredo Prieto on October 1 despite con­cerns by dis­abil­i­ty advo­cates that he may be intel­lec­tu­al­ly dis­abled. Governor Terry McAuliffe (pic­tured) announced on September 28 that he would not grant Prieto a reprieve. Gov. McAuliffe issued a state­ment say­ing It is the Governor’s respon­si­bil­i­ty to ensure that the laws of the Commonwealth are prop­er­ly car­ried out unless cir­cum­stances mer­it a stay or com­mu­ta­tion of the…

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Sep 28, 2015

Glossip Defense Alleges Intimidation of Innocence Witnesses by Oklahoma Prosecutors

Defense lawyers have filed a motion in the case of Richard Glossip (pic­tured) alleg­ing that two wit­ness­es who have come for­ward with evi­dence of Glossip’s inno­cence have been intim­i­dat­ed by pros­e­cu­tors. Glossip was sen­tenced to death for the mur­der of Barry Van Treese, based upon the tes­ti­mo­ny of the actu­al killer, Justin Sneed, who was spared the death penal­ty in exhange for tes­ti­fy­ing that Glossip had offered him thou­sands of dol­lars to kill Van…

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Sep 28, 2015

Kelly Gissendaner [UPDATED]: Former Chief Justice, Corrections Deputy Join Appeal for Clemency

Former Georgia Supreme Court Chief Justice Norman Fletcher and for­mer State Corrections Deputy Director Vanessa O’Donnell have joined the effort to spare Kelly Gissendaner, who is sched­uled to be exe­cut­ed in Georgia on September 29 for recruit­ing Gregory Owen, with whom she was roman­ti­cal­ly involved, to mur­der her hus­band. Owen made a deal with pros­e­cu­tors for a life sen­tence and will be eli­gi­ble for parole in 8 years. Justice Fletcher wrote…

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Sep 25, 2015

Former Inmates Plead for Clemency for Kelly Gissendaner, Who Gave Them Hope in Prison

A group of for­mer Georgia pris­on­ers is call­ing for clemen­cy for Kelly Gissendaner, who is sched­uled to be exe­cut­ed on September 29. The women say Gissendaner gave them hope and helped them turn their lives around. Nikki Roberts said she spoke to Gissendaner through a heat­ing vent after Roberts had been placed in lock­down” for try­ing to slit her wrists. Gissendaner told her, Don’t wish death on your­self. You sound like you’ve got some sense.” Gissendaner…

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Sep 24, 2015

In Address to Congress, Pope Francis Calls for Abolition of Death Penalty

In an his­toric address before a joint ses­sion of the United States Congress, Pope Francis called for the abo­li­tion of cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment. Linking to the broad­er theme of pro­tect­ing human life and dig­ni­ty, he said, This con­vic­tion has led me, from the begin­ning of my min­istry, to advo­cate at dif­fer­ent lev­els for the glob­al abo­li­tion of the death penal­ty. I am con­vinced that this way is the best, since every life is sacred, every human per­son is endowed with an inalienable…

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Sep 23, 2015

Another Drug Company Opposes Use of Its Product in Executions

Sun Pharma, which is based in India, has pub­licly dis­so­ci­at­ed itself from the use of its drugs in upcom­ing Arkansas exe­cu­tions. The com­pa­ny said it pro­hibits the sale of its prod­ucts to enti­ties that might use them for killing. Sun Pharma was noti­fied of the pos­si­ble mis­use of its prod­ucts by the Associated Press, which had obtained redact­ed pho­tographs of the drugs Arkansas planned to use in eight sched­uled exe­cu­tions. A recent­ly passed secre­cy law allows…

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Sep 22, 2015

STUDIES: Elected High Court Judges Half as Likely as Appointed Judges to Overturn Death Sentences

A Reuters analy­sis of more than 2,000 state Supreme Court rul­ings in cap­i­tal cas­es has found that elect­ed judges are much less like­ly to over­turn death sen­tences than judges who are appoint­ed. In the 15 states in which the state Supreme Court is direct­ly elect­ed, jus­tices over­turned death sen­tences only 11% of the time as com­pared to a 26% rever­sal rate in the 7 states in which jus­tices are appoint­ed. 15 states have a hybrid sys­tem, where jus­tices are ini­tial­ly appoint­ed, but must…

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