Publications & Testimony

Items: 2501 — 2510

Aug 24, 2015

Human Rights Commission Calls for Stay of Execution for Nicaraguan Man on Texas Death Row

(UPDATE: The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals has grant­ed Bernardo Tercero a stay of exe­cu­tion to per­mit him to lit­i­gate evi­dence that a lead pros­e­cu­tion wit­ness tes­ti­fied false­ly against him.) The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), a unit of the Organization of American States, has called on Texas offi­cials to stay the exe­cu­tion of Nicaraguan cit­i­zen Bernardo Tercero (pic­tured), who is sched­uled to be executed…

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Aug 21, 2015

CNN’s Death Row Stories” Examines Possible Innocence of Man Executed in Texas

In the first episode of sea­son 2 of Death Row Stories,” CNN exam­ined the case of Ruben Cantu, who was exe­cut­ed in Texas in 1993 despite seri­ous doubts about his guilt. The episode fea­tured an inter­view with Sam Milsap, the District Attorney at the time of Cantu’s tri­al, who assert­ed his belief in Cantu’s inno­cence. Cantu’s co-defen­dant and a key eye­wit­ness from the case both sup­port­ed Cantu’s claim of inno­cence. The hour-long episode of the…

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Aug 20, 2015

Ohio Warned Not to Import Execution Drug

A Food and Drug Administration let­ter to the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction indi­cat­ed the state was con­sid­er­ing import­ing sodi­um thiopen­tal from over­seas for use in exe­cu­tions. The let­ter warned the depart­ment that import­ing the drug would vio­late fed­er­al law: Please note that there is no FDA approved appli­ca­tion for sodi­um thiopen­tal, and it is ille­gal to import an unap­proved new drug into the United States.” A sim­i­lar let­ter was sent to…

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Aug 19, 2015

NEW VOICES: Execution Secrecy Has No Place in a Democracy”

A recent op-ed by for­mer Texas Governor Mark White (pic­tured) and for­mer Florida Supreme Court Chief Justice Gerald Kogan crit­i­cized a recent­ly passed North Carolina law that impos­es secre­cy on the source of lethal injec­tion drugs and removes exe­cu­tion pro­ce­dures from pub­lic review and com­ment. The authors said the new law will only pro­long lit­i­ga­tion, rather than end­ing North Carolina’s hold on exe­cu­tions, as intend­ed. The op-ed also main­tained that the new…

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Aug 18, 2015

STUDIES: Racial Bias in Jury Selection

A new study of tri­als in Caddo Parish, Louisiana, revealed that poten­tial jurors who were black were much more like­ly to be struck from juries than non-blacks. The results were con­sis­tent with find­ings from Alabama, North Carolina, and oth­er parts of Louisiana, high­light­ing an issue that will be reviewed by the U.S. Supreme Court this…

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Aug 17, 2015

DPIC Series, 50 Facts About the Death Penalty,” Now Complete

DPIC’s com­plete set of 50 facts about the death penal­ty is now avail­able. The 50 facts pro­vide an excel­lent intro­duc­tion to a vari­ety of death penal­ty top­ics, includ­ing costs, deter­rence, race, inno­cence, and more. Each fact is pre­sent­ed in graph­i­cal form, with links to fur­ther infor­ma­tion avail­able on our 50 Facts page. The series is also avail­able on Facebook and Twitter, and we encour­age read­ers to share…

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Aug 14, 2015

EDITORIALS: North Carolina Newspapers Critique Execution Secrecy Law

On August 6, North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory signed a law that removed the require­ment that a physi­cian be present at exe­cu­tions and shroud­ed in secre­cy many ele­ments of the lethal injec­tion process, includ­ing the spe­cif­ic drugs to be used and the sup­pli­ers of those drugs. By elim­i­nat­ing the physi­cian-par­tic­i­pa­tion require­ment, the law attempt­ed to remove a legal hur­dle that has halt­ed exe­cu­tions in North Carolina since 2006. Two major state news­pa­pers sharply criticized…

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Aug 13, 2015

Connecticut Supreme Court Finds Death Penalty Violates State Constitution

The Connecticut Supreme Court ruled on August 13 that the death penal­ty vio­lates the state con­sti­tu­tion. In the 4 – 3 deci­sion in State v. Santiago, the Court said that, because of the prospec­tive repeal of the death penal­ty in 2012 and the state’s near total mora­to­ri­um on car­ry­ing out exe­cu­tions over the past fifty-five years, cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment has become incom­pat­i­ble with con­tem­po­rary stan­dards of decen­cy in Connecticut.” As a result, the Court…

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Aug 13, 2015

Bloodsworth: An Innocent Man” Premieres

A new film, Bloodsworth: An Innocent Man,” pre­mieres on August 13. The movie, described as a doc­u­men­tary mem­oir,” tells the sto­ry of Kirk Bloodsworth, an inno­cent man sen­tenced to death in Maryland who became the first death row pris­on­er in the United States to be exon­er­at­ed by DNA evi­dence. Bloodsworth was con­vict­ed and sent to death row in 1985 for the sex­u­al assault and mur­der of a 9‑year-old girl. He won a new tri­al as a result of prosecutorial…

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Aug 12, 2015

Death Sentences Drop in Three High-Use Counties As Prosecutors Change

Changes in who is District Attorney have caused a dra­mat­ic decline in death sen­tences in 3 coun­ties that his­tor­i­cal­ly have pro­duced a dis­pro­por­tion­ate num­ber of death sen­tences in the United States, accord­ing to a sto­ry from The Marshall Project. Harris County (Houston), Texas, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, and Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania were all among the 2% of coun­ties that account­ed for 56% of inmates on death row as of 2013, but the res­ig­na­tions or…

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