Publications & Testimony
Items: 3501 — 3510
Apr 06, 2012
STUDIES: Researchers Find Racial Disparities in Delaware’s Death Penalty
A new study published on the Social Science Resource Network by a group of professors at Cornell University found a high incidence of racial disparities in the operation of Delaware’s death penalty. The study, published in conjunction with a symposium honoring the late David Baldus (pictured), examined the state’s death penalty since 1972 and found: — Of 49 defendants sentenced to death since 1972, 53% were black, 39% were white, and 8% were Hispanic or Native American. In…
Read MoreApr 05, 2012
RECENT LEGISLATION: Connecticut Senate Votes to Repeal Death Penalty
On April 5, the state senate in Connecticut approved (20 – 16) a bill to repeal the death penalty and replace it with a sentence of life without a parole. The bill is prospective and would not affect the 11 inmates currently on death row. The senate passed an amendment to the original repeal bill requiring future defendants convicted of murder with special circumstances to be subject to the same confinement conditions as current death row inmates. Sen. Gayle Slossberg,…
Read MoreApr 04, 2012
STUDIES: Research Finds Lack of Accountability in Texas Misconduct Cases
A recent study released by the Prosecutorial Oversight Coalition and conducted by the Veritas Initiative of California found that although Texas prosecutors committed error in 91 cases between 2004 and 2008, none of those cases resulted in disciplinary action against the prosecutor. Misconduct was found most often in murder cases. Courts upheld the conviction in 72 of the cases and reversed it in 19. At a symposium discussing the research, two men who were wrongfully…
Read MoreApr 03, 2012
Connecticut Senate Poised to Vote on Death Penalty Repeal
The Connecticut Senate is expected to vote as early as Wednesday (April 4) on a bill to replace the death penalty with a sentence of life without parole. The bill, which would only affect future sentencing, passed the Judiciary Committee on March 21 and needs at least 18 votes to pass in the Senate. If it passes the Senate, it is considered likely to pass the House, and Governor Dannel Malloy has pledged to sign the bill into law. A similar bill passed the General Assembly in…
Read MoreApr 02, 2012
NEW RESOURCES: Spanish Language Podcast Now Available
The Death Penalty Information Center is pleased to present its first podcast in Spanish. This podcast is part of our series, DPIC On The Issues, and is now available for listening and downloading. Our podcast in Spanish is the 18th in the series of podcasts, and it discusses general death penalty topics, with a focus on public opinion among Hispanics, the population of minorities on death row, and the use of the death penalty in Spanish-speaking countries.
Read MoreMar 30, 2012
NEW VOICES: Former Judges and Law Enforcement Officials Criticize Death Row Inmate’s Conviction
Thirty-four high-profile former judges and law enforcement officials recently filed an amicus brief arguing against Virginia’s efforts to reinstate the conviction of Justin Wolfe (pictured). Wolfe’s attorneys maintain he was wrongfully convicted and sentenced to death in a 2002 murder-for-hire case because of false testimony from the actual shooter, Owen Barber. In 2005, Barber admitted to lying under oath, saying, “The prosecution and my own defense attorney…
Read MoreMar 29, 2012
BOOKS: “The Inferno: A Southern Morality Tale”
A new book, “The Inferno: A Southern Morality Tale,” by Joseph Ingle, chronicles the compelling story of Philip Workman, who was executed in Tennessee in 2007. The author, a minister of the United Church of Christ who has spent decades working with those on death row, served as Mr. Workman’s pastor and tells the story from his own viewpoint, as well as those of others familiar with the case. Sister Helen…
Read MoreMar 28, 2012
Federal Court Overturns FDA’s Approval of Foreign Shipments of Lethal Injection Drugs
On March 27, a federal District Court held that foreign-manufactured sodium thiopental was improperly approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use in executions. Judge Richard Leon (pictured) of the District Court of the District of Columbia ordered any correctional departments in possession of the drug to return it to the FDA. The ruling granted summary judgment in favor of a lawsuit filed by death row inmates in Arizona, California, and…
Read MoreMar 27, 2012
STUDIES: New Report from Amnesty International on Worldwide Use of Death Penalty
On March 27, Amnesty International released its annual survey on the use of capital punishment worldwide, titled Death Sentences and Executions 2011. The report illustrated that the use of the death penalty has continued to decline around the world. At the end of 2011, there were 140 countries considered abolitionist in law or practice, while only 20 countries were known to have put prisoners to death in 2011. The United States was the only country…
Read MoreMar 26, 2012
BOOKS: “In This Timeless Time”
A new book, “In this Timeless Time: Living and Dying on Death Row in America,” authors Bruce Jackson and Diane Christian explore the life of death row inmates in Texas and in other states. Jackson and Christian capture, through words and pictures, the daily experiences of inmates while also highlighting arbitrary judicial processes related to capital punishment. Sister Helen Prejean, author of Dead Man Walking, said, “With absolute…
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