Publications & Testimony
Items: 3521 — 3530
Mar 12, 2012
U.S. Supreme Court Denies California Death Row Inmate’s Request for New Attorneys
On March 5, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled that California inmate Kenneth Clair cannot have his conviction overturned because he disagreed with the defense strategy used by his attorneys. Clair was represented by court-appointed attorneys because he could not afford to hire his own. The dispute arose after Clair complained his attorneys were ignoring evidence found by the prosecution that might prove his innocence. In 2005, he filed…
Read MoreMar 09, 2012
A Special Request from DPIC
Today, in lieu of a news update, we are making a special request of our readers. In order to continue our efforts to provide the most comprehensive, up-to-date information on the death penalty, we need your help. Please consider making a contribution to this important work. Whether you are an educator, an attorney, a journalist, or a concerned citizen, you may have found value in the information we provide. By donating today, you help DPIC’s work…
Read MoreMar 09, 2012
STUDIES: American Bar Association Recommends Reforms to Missouri’s Death Penalty
The American Bar Association has released a report on Missouri’s capital punishment system after a two-year study of the state’s death penalty. The study was conducted by legal experts, including former and current judges, lawyers, and law professors. Douglas Copeland, a member of the assessment team and former president of the Missouri Bar, said “We identified substantial problems with the death penalty in Missouri. Our group unanimously agreed there are key…
Read MoreMar 08, 2012
NEW RESOURCE: Legal Experts in Maryland Issue New Report on the State’s Death Penalty
In 2009, Maryland passed legislation that imposed new requirements for prosecutors seeking the death penalty. A recent report presented to the Maryland General Assembly by prominent attorneys, legal experts and law professors analyzes the 2009 law three years after its passage, highlighting its effects on the state’s death penalty system. According to the report, the 2009 law exacerbated a significant set of problems with the state’s death penalty, including…
Read MoreMar 07, 2012
NEW VOICES: Kentucky Prosecutors Call for Death Penalty Reform
An Op-Ed signed by eleven current and former Kentucky prosecutors calls for reforms to Kentucky’s death penalty, in light of the recent report issued by the American Bar Association. The ABA report was released in December after a two-year study of fairness and accuracy in capital cases in Kentucky. The prosecutors cite Kentucky’s “unacceptable” 60% error rate in death sentencing, saying “As a matter of basic fairness, we must pause to…
Read MoreMar 06, 2012
Death Penalty Trial Delayed by Underfunded Indigent Defense System
The Georgia Supreme Court recently warned Gwinnett County officials that time to try the murder case of Khahn Dinh Phan is running out. Phan had petitioned the court to dismiss his charges due to the state’s inability to fund his defense and the violation of his right to a speedy trial. His case has not been brought to trial in nearly seven years, partly because of Georgia’s financially strained indigent defense system. Attorneys for Phan, who were hired by…
Read MoreMar 05, 2012
NEW VOICES: Former Louisiana Supreme Court Chief Justice Calls for Reform
A recent op-ed written by retired Louisiana Supreme Court Chief Justice Pascal F. Calogero Jr. highlights the state’s history of violating the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Brady v. Maryland. According to this ruling, prosecutors are required to disclose evidence favorable to the defense, and that failure to do so violates the defendant’s right to due process. Calogero cited a report by the Innocence Project New Orleans which found that favorable…
Read MoreMar 02, 2012
Case Testing Maryland’s New Death Penalty Law Ends with Life Sentence
A case testing new death penalty statutes in Maryland has recently concluded. The new statutes limited when the death penalty could be sought to cases of first degree murder in which there is DNA or other biological evidence linking the defendant to a murder, a video-taped confession by the defendant, or a video linking the defendant to the murder. Lee Edward Stephens, who was convicted of the fatal stabbing of Cpl. David McGuinn, was spared…
Read MoreMar 01, 2012
POSSIBLE INNOCENCE: Alabama Denies DNA Testing for Man Facing Execution
Alabama recently set an execution date for Thomas Arthur (pictured), who was convicted of a murder that took place 30 years ago. Arthur has always maintained his innocence, but has been denied access to DNA evidence that might lead to a different verdict. As Andrew Cohen pointed out in an investigative piece in The Atlantic, Arthur is scheduled for execution on March 29, despite the confession of Bobby Ray Gilbert to the crime for which Arthur is…
Read MoreMar 01, 2012
Testimony of Richard C. Dieter, Executive Director, Death Penalty Information Center, before the Kentucky Standing Committee on Judiciary Hearings on the Costs of the Death Penalty
Testimony of Richard C. Dieter, Executive Director, Death Penalty Information Center, before the Kentucky Standing Committee on Judiciary Hearings on the Costs of the Death Penalty (Frankfort, March 1,…
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