Publications & Testimony

Items: 3621 — 3630

Oct 19, 2011

RACE: Historic Civil Rights Suit Filed in Alabama Over Exclusion of Blacks from Jury Service

On October 19, five African Americans filed a fed­er­al civ­il rights law­suit charg­ing that Alabama has ille­gal­ly exclud­ed blacks from serv­ing on death penal­ty juries in Houston and Henry Counties. The plain­tiffs in this class action suit were all pre­vi­ous­ly barred from serv­ing on juries in cap­i­tal or oth­er seri­ous felony cas­es. In each case, state courts found blacks were ille­gal­ly exclud­ed from jury ser­vice because of their race. Bryan Stevenson, lead attorney…

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Oct 18, 2011

STUDIES: Geography of the Death Penalty and its Ramifications”

A new study by Professor Robert J. Smith of the DePaul University College of Law exam­ines the impo­si­tion of death sen­tences by coun­ties in the U.S. The author, who is also part of The Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice at Harvard, found that only a rel­a­tive­ly few coun­ties impose a large per­cent­age of death sen­tences, while a large major­i­ty of juris­dic­tions have aban­doned the use of cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment. Prof. Smith’s study found that death sentences that…

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Oct 17, 2011

COSTS: Ohio Judge Warns of High Costs in Upcoming Death Penalty Trial

An upcom­ing death penal­ty tri­al in Ohio will cost three to four times more than the cost of a life-with­out-parole tri­al, accord­ing to the tri­al judge, Michael Sage (pic­tured). The death penal­ty tri­al for Hector Alvarenga Retana, sched­uled to begin on October 31, is expect­ed to cost Butler County an esti­mat­ed $250,000, accord­ing to the judge, not count­ing the cost of appeals. He said, “[The cost] is so great we can’t afford to pay for that direct­ly out of our…

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Oct 14, 2011

PUBLIC OPINION: Gallup Poll Reports Lowest Support for Death Penalty in Nearly 40 Years

Recent polls con­duct­ed by Gallup and CNN indi­cate Americans’ sup­port for the death penal­ty is con­tin­u­ing to decline. According to Gallup’s 2011 poll, the per­cent­age of Americans approv­ing the death penal­ty as a pun­ish­ment for mur­der dropped to its low­est lev­el in 39 years. Only 61% sup­port­ed cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment in the­o­ry, down from 64% last year and from 80% sup­port in 1994. This is the low­est lev­el of sup­port since 1972, when the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in…

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Oct 13, 2011

BOOKS: Anatomy of Injustice: A Murder Case Gone Wrong”

A new book by Pulitzer Prize-win­ning jour­nal­ist Raymond Bonner, Anatomy of Injustice: A Murder Case Gone Wrong, inves­ti­gates the short­com­ings of the jus­tice sys­tem in the case of Edward Lee Elmore, a black man sen­tenced to death in South Carolina in 1982. Elmore, who was semi-lit­er­ate with intel­lec­tu­al dis­abil­i­ties, was sent to death row for the mur­der and sex­u­al assault of a white woman, even though there was little connection…

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Oct 12, 2011

INNOCENCE: Three Men Walk Free in One Day After Unrelated Murder Convictions Overturned

On October 4, three men were released from pris­ons in Chicago (Illinois), Austin (Texas), and Los Angeles (California), after serv­ing a com­bined six decades in prison for unre­lat­ed mur­ders when courts over­turned their con­vic­tions. In Texas, Michael Morton, who was con­vict­ed of killing his wife in 1986 based on cir­cum­stan­cial evi­dence, was cleared by new DNA tests. Jacques Rivera from Illinois was con­vict­ed of a gang-relat­ed mur­der on the…

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Oct 12, 2011

INTERNATIONAL RESOURCES: Death Penalty Lessons from Asia

The Asia-Pacific Journal, Japan Focus, recent­ly fea­tured an arti­cle enti­tled, Death Penalty Lessons from Asia,” writ­ten by David T. Johnson and Franklin E. Zimring. The arti­cle is based in part on the authors’ book, The Next Frontier: National Development, Political Change, and the Death Penalty in Asia. Johnson is Professor of Sociology at the University of Hawaii. Zimring is the William G. Simon Professor…

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Oct 11, 2011

BOOKS: Cruel and Unusual: The American Death Penalty and the Founders’ Eighth Amendment”

A forth­com­ing book by John D. Bessler, Cruel and Unusual: The American Death Penalty and the Founders’ Eighth Amendment,” dis­cuss­es the his­to­ry of the Eighth Amendment and the coun­try’s founders’ views on cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment. While the con­ven­tion­al wis­dom is that the founders were avid death penal­ty sup­port­ers, Bessler’s exam­i­na­tion shows they had con­flict­ing and ambiva­lent views on the sub­ject. Bessler ana­lyzes the U.S. Supreme Court’s Eighth Amendment case law and…

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Oct 10, 2011

NEW RESOURCES: DPIC’s Latest Podcast Addresses Death Row Conditions and Related Issues

The lat­est edi­tion of the Death Penalty Information Center’s series of pod­casts, DPIC on the Issues, is now avail­able for lis­ten­ing or down­load­ing. This pod­cast – the 16th in the series – dis­cuss­es the lit­tle-under­stood world of death row, explor­ing the con­di­tions on the row and the length of time pris­on­ers spend there. The pod­cast dis­cuss­es some of the legal issues that have arisen regard­ing the extend­ed depri­va­tion and iso­la­tion com­mon to death rows around the country,…

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Oct 07, 2011

NEW RESOURCES: DPIC Offers Analysis of Executions by County

The Death Penalty Information Center is pleased to offer a new page illus­trat­ing the geog­ra­phy of the death penal­ty–Executions by County. This page shows the top 15 coun­ties in the U.S. mea­sured by the num­ber of exe­cu­tions since 1976 that emanat­ed from these coun­ties. As revealed on the map, a small num­ber of coun­ties are respon­si­ble for a dis­pro­por­tion­ate num­ber of exe­cu­tions. (Click on the map at left to enlarge.) The infor­ma­tion con­trasts with the coun­ties that have had…

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