Publications & Testimony
Items: 4421 — 4430
Oct 29, 2008
NEW VOICES: Veteran Detective Points to the Possibility of Wrongful Convictions
Jim Trainum, a police officer of over 25 years, recently discussed how shocked he was to discover how he and other officers were able to obtain a confession to murder from an innocent woman. Trainum explained, “Reviewing the tapes years later, I saw that we had fallen into a classic trap. We ignored evidence that our suspect might not have been guilty, and during the interrogation we inadvertently fed her details of the crime that she repeated back to us in her…
Read MoreOct 28, 2008
Former Death Row Inmates Seek Changes in Texas
Two dozen exonerated ex-death row prisoners from across the country will hold a news conference on October 31 in Austin to call for the establishment of a statewide commission on wrongful convictions and a moratorium on executions in Texas. The 24 men spent a combined total of nearly 200 years on death row before being freed. They will be joined by State Rep. Elliot Naishtat and former Bexar County District Attorney Sam Millsap…
Read MoreOct 27, 2008
NEW RESOURCES: The Private Bar’s Efforts to Secure Proper Representation for those Facing Execution
Civil rights litigator and death penalty expert Ronald J. Tabak recently published “The Private Bar’s Efforts to Secure Proper Representation for those Facing Execution” in the Justice System Journal. The article presents an in-depth review of the American Bar Association’s (ABA) role in ensuring effective counsel in capital cases. Tabak recounts the ABA’s efforts since the mid-1980’s to secure competent representation at every state of legal proceedings, stating that…
Read MoreOct 24, 2008
Troy Davis Execution Stayed by Federal Appeals Court
The US Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit issued a stay for Georgia death row inmate Troy Davis on October 24. The federal appeals court’s three-judge panel ordered both sides to draft briefs to address wheter Davis can be executed if he can demonstrate his likely innocence. Davis’ case has garnered both international and national attention. Former President Jimmy Carter and the European Union were among those calling for a stay of execution. Davis was scheduled to be executed on…
Read MoreOct 23, 2008
BOOKS: Streib’s Death Penalty in a Nutshell
Elon University School of Law’s Professor Victor Streib has released a new edition of his book, Streib’s Death Penalty in a Nutshell. It covers both the substantive and the procedural law of the death penalty and begins with arguments for and against the death penalty and an explanation of its basic constitutional challenges and limitations. Professor Streib covers capital crimes and defenses, as well as trial level and post trial procedural issues. Other topics include race and gender…
Read MoreOct 22, 2008
Professor Anthony Amsterdam Delivers Speech at Southern Center of Human Rights Event
Leading attorney, law professor, and advocate Anthony Amsterdam was honored by the Southern Center for Human Rights with the Frederick Douglass Human Rights Award in Washington, DC on October 2. Professor Amsterdam conducts the Capital Defender Clinic at New York University Law School and is recognized for his four decades of prominent work in cases ranging from death penalty defense to claims of free speech and the press, privacy, and equality of opportunity for racial minorities and…
Read MoreOct 20, 2008
SUPREME COURT: Justice Stevens Questions Thoroughness of Review by Georgia Supreme Court
Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens took the occasion of the Court’s denial of review to a death row defendant in Georgia to question the adequacy of the appeals process in that state. On October 20, the Supreme Court denied certiorari in Walker v. Georgia, an appeal from the Georgia Supreme Court, and Justice Stevens concurred in that denial. However, Justice Stevens said he found the lack of careful scrutiny by the lower court to be “particularly troubling,” especially…
Read MoreOct 16, 2008
EDITORIALS: A Call for Examination of Death Penalty in Tennessee
The Tennessean called for a more just legal system as a state legislative study committee on the death penalty continues to meet. The committee began its work this year after a series of embarrassing mistakes in applying the death penalty in Tennessee. Executions currently are on hold due to a lethal injection challenge brought last year by a death row inmate. The editorial called the committee’s work a “sliver of hope for improvement” after “costly confusion and…
Read MoreOct 15, 2008
NEW RESOURCES: BBC Documentary Examines US Capital Punishment System Through the Lethal Injection Issue
The BBC documentary “Lethal Solution” chronicles reporter Vivian White’s exploration of the death penalty in the US through the prism of the lethal injection issue. White traveled across the US to execution chambers where lethal injection executions are carried out and interviewed participants from a wide variety of…
Read MoreOct 14, 2008
DPIC Materials in Multiple Languages
Select pages of DPIC’s Web site are now available in Spanish, German and French. DPIC’s Death Penalty Fact Sheet and other information are in Spanish. DPIC’s Innocence List Case Descriptions are availabile in German. DPIC’s 1998 Report The Death Penalty in Black & White: Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Decides is available in…
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