Publications & Testimony
Items: 4851 — 4860
May 24, 2007
Texas High Court Dismisses Woman’s Death Sentence As Unsupported by the Evidence
In an important ruling, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals has thrown out the death sentence of Kenisha Berry, who was sentenced to death in 1998 for the murder of her infant son, Malachi. The 5 – 4 decision stated that Jefferson County prosecutors misstated the special issue presented to jurors regarding Berry’s likelihood of being a future danger to society, one of the key questions Texas jurors consider when they are deliberating a death…
Read MoreMay 23, 2007
ARBITRARINESS: Numbers of Death Sentences Differ Dramatically Between Bordering Arizona Counties
Last year, prosecutors in two neighboring Arizona counties, Pima and Maricopa, sought the death penalty at dramatically different rates, a fact that has many questioning the arbitrary nature of the state’s death penalty. Though just five years ago it had the highest rate of death penalty cases in the nation, Pima County now ranks among the lowest. County Attorney Barbara LaWall sought the death penalty for 1 of 65 accused murderers last year, but in bordering…
Read MoreMay 18, 2007
NEW RESOURCES: Amnesty International Report: “Prisoner-Assisted Homicides” regarding Volunteers
With a number of executions of inmates who have waived their appeals approaching in the U.S., Amnesty International has released a new report,“Prisoner-assisted homicide – more‘volunteer’ executions loom.” The report addresses the fact that about 12% of executions in the U.S. since the death penalty was reinstated have been of inmates who gave up appeals that would have extended their time on death row. The report looks at some of the possible…
Read MoreMay 17, 2007
NEW RESOURCES: “Towards the Abolition of the Death Penalty In Africa”
“Towards the Abolition of the Death Penalty in Africa: A Human Rights Perspective” is a new book by Lilian Chenwi that examines the history of capital punishment in Africa and the continent’s emerging trend away from the death penalty. In her book, Chenwi details the impact that both international human rights organizations and international treaties have had on shifting African views about capital punishment. This resource includes chapters on the history…
Read MoreMay 17, 2007
California Proposes New Lethal Injection Procedures
California has proposed new lethal injection procedures that attempt to satisfy the concerns raised by U.S. District Court Judge Jeremy Fogel, who found that the state’s previous practice was unconstitutional. The new protocol does not change the existing three-drug cocktail and will not require a doctor’s participation in executions. Defense attorneys for Michael Morales, whose appeal led to the state’s current moratorium on executions, said the new protocol…
Read MoreMay 16, 2007
NEW RESOURCES: Web Site Features “Innocent and Executed”
A new Web page launched by the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty features information about four men who have been executed but who may have been innocent. The site, based on NCADP’s report“Innocent and Executed: Four Chapters in the Life and Death of America’s Death Penalty,” provides an in-depth look at the strong post-execution innocence claims that have surfaced in the cases of Cameron Todd Willingham, Carlos DeLuna, and Ruben Cantu, all of Texas, and…
Read MoreMay 15, 2007
New Jersey Man Who Faced the Death Penalty Freed Through DNA
Byron Halsey, who narrowly escaped a death sentence in New Jersey in 1988, had his conviction vacated after DNA tests pointed to another man as the assailant. Halsey’s defense attorneys from the New York-based Innocence Project and the Union County District Attorney’s Office had asked a state judge to grant a joint motion to vacate Halsey’s conviction for the sexual assault and murder of two young children. The motion states that DNA testing on several…
Read MoreMay 14, 2007
NEW VOICES: John Grisham on Capital Punishment
Acclaimed author John Grisham recently told The Kansas City Star that the death penalty should be“abolished forever” in the United States.“I think the system is so badly flawed that all executions should be stopped.… Let’s start with the basic concept of a fair trial. We are so far away from that in every state in this country,” said Grisham, an attorney whose views on capital punishment started to shift when he wrote“The Chamber,” a novel that deals…
Read MoreMay 11, 2007
Excerpts from Florida’s New Execution Protocols
Florida’s Department of Corrections established new execution protocols for carrying out lethal injections at the request of the governor, following the botched execution of Angel Diaz in December 2006. Excerpts from the new protocols…
Read MoreMay 11, 2007
BREAKING NEWS: Oklahoma Man Freed Today from Death Row — 124th Death Penalty Exoneration
Curtis Edward McCarty, who had been sentenced to die three times and has spent 21 years on Oklahoma’s death row for a crime he did not commit, has been released after District Court Judge Twyla Mason Gray ordered that the charges against him be dismissed. Gray ruled that the case against McCarty was tainted by the questionable testimony of former police chemist Joyce Gilchrist, who gave improper expert testimony about semen and hair evidence during McCarty’s…
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