Publications & Testimony

Items: 5011 — 5020

Nov 14, 2006

NEW VOICES: Life Without Parole Offers Prosecutors, Jurors, and Victims an Acceptable Alternative to the Death Penalty

Prosecutors in Utah have stat­ed that the sen­tenc­ing option of life with­out parole has been very help­ful in giv­ing jurors and fam­i­ly mem­bers of vic­tims a viable alter­na­tive to the death penal­ty. Salt Lake County District Attorney David Yocom not­ed that life with­out parole is often a bet­ter option to present to jurors:​“It’s a tool for juries as well as pros­e­cu­tors and defense attor­neys, too,” Yocom said.​“It’s an alter­na­tive to avoid ask­ing a jury of 12 peo­ple to make…

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Nov 14, 2006

Supreme Court Justices Raise Issue of Time on Death Row

The U.S. Supreme Court upheld California’s death penal­ty law in a 5 – 4 deci­sion on Nov. 13 in Ayers v. Belmontes. The major­i­ty held that the state’s law allowed the jury to con­sid­er all appro­pri­ate mit­i­gat­ing evi­dence. The deci­sion reversed the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, which had over­turned Belmontes death sen­tence. The dis­sent, con­sist­ing of Justices Stephens, Breyer, Ginsburg and Souter, how­ev­er, dis­agreed, con­tend­ing that the jury…

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Nov 10, 2006

Ruling Expected Soon on Lethal Injection Controversy

Federal District Court Judge Jeremy Fogel is expect­ed to rule soon on a chal­lenge to the lethal injec­tion process in California, the state with the largest death row in the coun­try. Extensive hear­ings with nation­al experts were con­duct­ed ear­li­er in the year and some tes­ti­mo­ny raised seri­ous con­cerns about the super­vi­sion and reli­a­bil­i­ty of the exe­cu­tion process. Final respons­es to Judge Fogel’s sup­ple­men­tary ques­tions after the close of the hear­ings were due on…

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Nov 09, 2006

NEW VOICES: Former Death Row Warden Calls for Clemency on Eve of Execution

The for­mer war­den of the Virginia prison that hous­es the state’s death row inmates has called for clemen­cy for a man about to be exe­cut­ed on November 9. Page True was war­den of the Sussex I State Prison and knew death row inmate John Schmitt for over 4 years.​“The crime was just ter­ri­ble,” True said,​“but there’s a lot worse inmates that I’ve dealt with in my 36 years in prison systems than…

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Nov 07, 2006

Judge Carolyn King

DPIC’s Lethal Injection Page Federal Judge Carolyn Dineen King Speaks on the Death Penalty at Red Mass October 4, 2006 marked the annu­al litur­gy held for mem­bers of the legal pro­fes­sion called the Red Mass. This year’s keynote speak­er in Corpus Christi, Texas, was Judge Carolyn Dineen King of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. She chose to speak about the death penal­ty from both a legal and moral point of view, while…

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Nov 03, 2006

Death Sentence Upheld Despite Abysmal Representation

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit upheld the con­vic­tion and death sen­tence of a death row inmate on a tie vote (7 – 7), despite the fact that the defen­dant was rep­re­sent­ed by an attor­ney who did not even learn his clien­t’s true name. The defense lawyer mis­led a review­ing court about his expe­ri­ence in cap­i­tal cas­es and has been indict­ed for per­jury. The defen­dant, who was tried in Kentucky as James Slaughter but whose real name is Jeffrey Leonard, is…

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Nov 02, 2006

Clemency Urged for Mentally Ill Man in North Carolina

At a press con­fer­ence on November 1, the North Carolina Black Leadership Caucus called for the gov­er­nor to com­mute the death sen­tence of Guy LeGrande. Le Grande is sched­uled to be exe­cut­ed on December 1. He was allowed to rep­re­sent him­self at his 1996 mur­der tri­al, despite the fact that he claimed to be hear­ing mes­sages from Oprah Winfrey and Dan Rather through tele­vi­sion sets. His defense lawyer, Jay Ferguson, said LeGrande false­ly believes he has already…

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Nov 01, 2006

INTERNATIONAL: China Moves to Sharply Restrict Use of Death Penalty

China has adopt­ed new rules that will require all death sen­tences to be reviewed by the Supreme People’s Court, the coun­try’s high­est court. In the past, China has been con­sis­tent­ly list­ed as the lead­ing coun­try in the world in car­ry­ing out exe­cu­tions. The cur­rent reforms are a response to domes­tic and inter­na­tion­al crit­i­cism that cit­ed China’s wide­spread and arbi­trary use of the death penal­ty. In addi­tion, Chinese courts have been embar­rassed in recent years when…

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