Publications & Testimony

Items: 5601 — 5610

Dec 21, 2004

NEW VOICES — Palm Beach Post Editorial: Plea Bargain Underscores the Arbitrariness of the Death Penalty

While applaud­ing a life-sen­­tence plea bar­gain arranged by Palm Beach County’s State Attorney in an espe­cial­ly heinous mur­der, the Palm Beach Post said the state had ​“forfeit[ed] the moral stand­ing to exe­cute any­one else.” The State Attorney said that he agreed to let the defen­dant plead guilty to killing 5 peo­ple because the life-with­­out-parole sent­nece will bring final­i­ty. The Post not­ed:​“The state saves not only the cost of a tri­al; the victims’…

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Dec 21, 2004

Massachusetts’ Foolproof Death Penalty” Idea Achieves Questionable Status

In its annu­al eclec­tic col­lec­tion of ideas from the past year, The New York Times Magazine included the ​“Foolproof Death Penalty” propsed by Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. The Times attempts​“to salute the absurd­ly wide range of human orig­i­nal­i­ty” and culls its entries not only from main­stream sources but also from the​“tat­too cul­ture and fast food man­age­ment, hor­ti­cul­ture and shoe design.” In response to Romney’s notion of​“error-free capital…

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Dec 21, 2004

Poll Finds Waning Support for Death Penalty

According to a recent poll con­duct­ed by the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, only 62% of respon­dents sup­port cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment for per­sons con­vict­ed of mur­der, and Americans pre­fer the sen­tenc­ing option of life with­out parole when giv­en the choice. Overall sup­port for cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment has fall­en since Quinnipiac’s poll in June 2004, when sup­port reg­is­tered 65%. Similar shifts in pub­lic opin­ion found grow­ing sup­port for life-without-parole…

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Dec 20, 2004

California Plans $220 Million Death Row While Inmates Wait 4 Years to Start Appeal

California already has the largest death row in the coun­try and is now plan­ning to build a new $220 mil­lion facil­i­ty designed to house more than 1,400 death row inmates. State Supreme Court Chief Justice Ronald M. George said that the large death row reflects the con­se­quences of a care­ful appeals process that is designed to ensure due process for those fac­ing exe­cu­tion.​“The virtues of the sys­tem also rep­re­sent its vices because it does end up caus­ing a lot of delay,” stated…

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Dec 17, 2004

Kansas Death Penalty Statute Ruled Unconstitutional

The Kansas Supreme Court has ruled that the state’s 1994 death penal­ty law is uncon­sti­tu­tion­al because it con­tains a pro­vi­sion giv­ing the state an advan­tage when jurors find the aggra­vat­ing and mit­i­gat­ing fac­tors pre­sent­ed at sen­tenc­ing to be equal. In that cir­cum­stance, the cur­rent law states that the defen­dant must be sen­tenced to death. The Court ruled that such a pro­vi­sion does not allow the jury to express a rea­soned moral response to the evi­dence, and the…

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Dec 16, 2004

NEW VOICES: Manhattan’s DA Says Death Penalty Exacts a terrible price”

As New York law­mak­ers con­duct­ed the first in a series of hear­ings on the state’s death penal­ty, Robert M. Morgenthau, Manhattan’s long-serv­ing District Attorney, rec­om­mend­ed that New York aban­don the prac­tice:​“It’s the deed that teach­es, not the name we give it,” Morgenthau said, quot­ing George Bernard Shaw. He went on to note, ​“The penal­ty exacts a ter­ri­ble price in dol­lars, lives, and human decen­cy. Rather than tamp­ing down the flames of vio­lence, it fuels…

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Dec 15, 2004

NEW VOICES: Andrew Cuomo Calls for Reexamination of NY’s Death Penalty

Andrew Cuomo (pic­tured), who served as U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development from 1997 to 2001, recent­ly urged New York law­mak­ers to put an end to the death penal­ty. The state is hold­ing hear­ings on cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment in the wake of a N.Y. Court of Appeals deci­sion find­ing the statute uncon­sti­tu­tion­al ear­li­er this year. In his op-ed in The New York Times, Cuomo not­ed: The Democrats, who con­trol the Assembly, should make it clear that they will not pass a new…

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Dec 15, 2004


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACTSWednesday, September 15, 2004Brenda Bowser, 202.293.6970 (O), 301.906.4460 (Cell)Valerie Holford, 202.365.5336(Additional Contacts Listed Below)DPIC ISSUES NEW INNOCENCE REPORT: 116 NOW FREED FROM DEATH ROW IN 25 STATESPublic Response Measured in Declines in Death Sentencing, Death Row, Executions, and Opinion PollsWASHINGTON, DC – The Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC) is issu­ing a new…

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Dec 14, 2004

Supreme Court Clarifies the Application of Ineffective Assistance Of Counsel Standards

On December 13, 2004, the U. S. Supreme Court ruled that the effec­tive­ness of defense coun­sel’s per­for­mance must be judged by stan­dards pre­vi­ous­ly set out by the Court in Strickland v. Washington. In Florida v. Nixon, Joe Nixon’s attor­ney told the jury his client was guilty with­out his clien­t’s express con­sent. After the jury sen­tenced Nixon to death, the Florida Supreme Court over­turned Nixon’s con­vic­tion, hold­ing that coun­sel’s con­ces­sion of guilt automatically fell…

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