Publications & Testimony
Items: 5611 — 5620
Dec 14, 2004
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Brenda Bowser Tuesday, December 14, 2004 (202) 293‑6970, cell (301) 906‑4460bbowser@deathpenaltyinfo.orgDEATH PENALTY NUMBERS IN 2004 CONTINUE DRAMATIC FIVE-YEAR DECLINEDPIC’s Year End Report Highlights Drops in Death Sentences, Executions, Death Row Population, and Public Support for Capital PunishmentWASHINGTON, DC – A five-year decline in death sentences, a 40% drop in executions,…
Read MoreDec 14, 2004
Supreme Court to Consider Impact of International Ruling in Death Penalty Cases
On December 10, 2004 (Human Rights Day), the United States Supreme Court agreed to hear the case of Jose Medellin to determine what effect the United States should give to a recent ruling by the International Court of Justice at the Hague, the United Nations’ highest court. In the case of Medellin and 50 other Mexican nationals on death row, the World Court ruled that the U.S. failed to inform Mexico of their arrests, in violation of the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations.
Read MoreDec 14, 2004
Death Penalty Numbers in 2004 Continue Five-Year Decline
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Brenda Bowser Tuesday, December 14, 2004 DEATH PENALTY NUMBERS IN 2004 CONTINUE DRAMATIC FIVE-YEAR DECLINE DPIC’s Year End Report Highlights Drops in Death Sentences, Executions, Death Row Population, and Public Support for Capital Punishment WASHINGTON, DC – A five-year decline in death sentences, a 40% drop in executions, a shrinking death row population, and waning public…
Read MoreDec 10, 2004
NEW RESOURCE: Center on Wrongful Convictions Examines “The Snitch System”
The Center on Wrongful Convictions at Northwestern University School of Law has released a new report entitled, The Snitch System: How Snitch Testimony Sent Randy Steidl and Other Innocent Americans to Death Row. The report highlights 51 cases of Americans who were wrongfully convicted and given death sentences based on the testimony of witnesses with incentives to lie. According to the Center, snitch testimony is the primary cause for approximately 45% of all…
Read MoreDec 09, 2004
Chicago Tribune Investigation Concludes Texas May Have Executed Innocent Man
After examining evidence from the capital prosecution of Cameron Willingham (pictured), four national arson experts have concluded that the original investigation of Willingham’s case was flawed and it is possible the fire was accidental. The independent investigation, reported by the Chicago Tribune, found that prosecutors and arson investigators used arson theories that have since been repudiated by scientific advances. Willingham was…
Read MoreDec 09, 2004
Texas Man Executed on Disproved Forensics
Read MoreDec 08, 2004
Texas Cases Draw Supreme Court Scrutiny
Three Texas death row appeals considered during the past year by the U.S. Supreme Court have resulted in sharp reversals, perhaps indicating an increasing impatience with two of the courts that handle death penalty cases from Texas: the Court of Criminal Appeals, and the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. In one of the Supreme Court opinions, the Court concluded that the Fifth Circuit was only“paying lip service to principles” of appellate law in…
Read MoreDec 08, 2004
NEW VOICES: New Jersey Governor Calls for Death Penalty Moratorium
New Jersey Governor Richard Codey (pictured) proposed a moratorium on executions until a study commission could determine whether the state’s death penalty system is fair and cost effective. The governor announced his moratorium proposal as the legislature began considering a bill to initiate the study.“The governor does not think it makes sense to do a study without a moratorium. So he does support a moratorium right now, and he supports it for 18…
Read MoreDec 02, 2004
Last Six Executions for 2004 Given Stays
The last six executions scheduled for 2004 have all been granted stays by various courts and governors. Executions slated in Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Texas, Maryland and North Carolina were halted for review of claims regarding possible innocence, mental disabilities, execution procedures, and other issues. The last execution occurred on November 17 in Texas. No other state has an execution scheduled for 2004. See…
Read MoreDec 02, 2004
NEW RESOURCE: DPIC’s Summary of the Innocence Protection Act of 2004
DPIC has prepared a summary of the Innocence Protection Act of 2004, which became law on October 30, 2004 as part of the Justice for All Act. The law provides rules and procedures for federal inmates applying for DNA testing, creates the Kirk Bloodsworth Post-Conviction DNA Testing Grant Program for state inmates applying for testing, and authorizes $25 million over five years to help states pay the cost of post-conviction DNA testing. Read DPIC’s Summary of the…
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