Publications & Testimony
Items: 6101 — 6110
Sep 15, 2003
Tennessee Governor Issues Reprieve to Philip Workman
Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen has issued a temporary reprieve for death row inmate Philip Workman, who was scheduled for execution on September 24th. Noting that there is an ongoing federal criminal investigation that may shed light on Workman’s case, Bredesen stated,“So long as there are outstanding issues that may be related to this case, the only proper thing to do is to wait until those questions have been answered. I am a supporter of the death penalty, but…
Read MoreSep 15, 2003
International News: World Day Against the Death Penalty
An International coalition of non-governmental organizations will sponsor a World Day Against the Death Penalty on October 10th, 2003. The coalition will host local events throughout the world to draw attention to their concerns about capital punishment. Among the events scheduled are debates, concerts, and lectures. The coalition will also host an Internet event urging repeal of the death penalty in all countries that maintain the practice, including the United…
Read MoreSep 12, 2003
NEW VOICES: Broward County Prosecutors to Continue DNA Testing After Florida Deadline
As the October 1st deadline for Florida inmates to request DNA testing of evidence that could prove their innocence looms, Broward County prosecutors have announced that they will allow inmates access to the crucial testing after the deadline passes. Two of Florida’s highest-profile DNA exonerations, Frank Lee Smith, who died of cancer on death row 11 months before he was exonerated by DNA evidence, and Jerry Frank Townsend were both Broward County cases. Carolyn McCann,…
Read MoreSep 11, 2003
NEW RESOURCE: “The Wrong Men”
“The Wrong Men: America’s Epidemic of Wrongful Death Row Convictions” by Stanley Cohen is slated for release in October 2003. This book tells the story of how more than 100 innocent people found themselves on death row in the United States. Through an examination of eyewitness error, jailhouse snitches, racism, junk science, prosecutorial misconduct, and incompetent counsel, Cohen provides a behind-the-scenes look at the problems leading to wrongful convictions.
Read MoreSep 11, 2003
NEW RESOURCE: New Death Penalty Moratorium Update from ABA
The most recent comprehensive report summarizing legislative, judicial, public policy, and other developments that have occurred since the American Bar Association’s adoption of its death penalty moratorium resolution in February 1997 is now available.“Building Momentum: The American Bar Association Call for a Moratorium on Executions Takes Hold” covers activity from August 2001 to June 2003. It is the fourth edition of the ABA’s moratorium activity update…
Read MoreSep 09, 2003
Excerpts from the Recent 9th Circuit’s opinion in Summerlin v. Stewart regarding the role of juries in death penalty cases
The following are excerpts from Summerlin v. Stewart, No. 98 – 99002 (9th Cir. Sept. 2, 2003): (page numbers refer to the on-line version; subheads are not part…
Read MoreSep 08, 2003
New Comic Strip Series Focuses on Death Penalty
A four-month series of“Funky Winkerbean,” a comic strip syndicated by King Features, will focus on capital punishment. The storyline, titled“The Danny Madison Casebook,” examines the problems and emotions of the death penalty as seen through the eyes of a public defender. The comic strip is by cartoonist Tom Batiuk, and it will appear in 400 newspapers nationally. It may also be viewed at…
Read MoreSep 08, 2003
Prior Experience for Texas DNA Lab: Cleaning Elephant Cages and Work With Insects
According to a report in the Houston Chronicle, none of the analysts who worked in the Houston Police Department’s discredited DNA lab (which presented evidence in death penalty cases) were qualified by education and training to do their jobs. The Chronicle’s examination of personnel records found that not one of the lab’s employees met national standards and only one of the employees had completed all required college courses mandated by the DNA Advisory Board…
Read MoreSep 05, 2003
NEW RESOURCE: Purposeful Discrimination in Capital Sentencing
“Purposeful Discrimination in Capital Sentencing” by David V. Baker examines the issue of race and capital sentencing in the context of three U.S. Supreme Court death penalty decisions — Furman v. Georgia, Gregg v. Georgia, and McCleskey v. Kemp. After his review of practical strategies to improve the fairness of the death penalty process, Baker concludes that court efforts have failed to eliminate race as a strong predictor in death sentencing. (5 Journal of Law…
Read MoreSep 05, 2003
After Innocent Man’s Release, DNA Links Maryland Suspect to 1984 Murder
Nearly 20 years after the murder of 9‑year-old Dawn Hamilton, Maryland prosecutors have charged the man they believe is responsible for the crime by using the same DNA evidence used to exonerate Kirk Bloodsworth (pictured right), who spent nine years in prison — including time on Maryland’s death row — for the crime. Bloodsworth was freed in 1993 after DNA tests conclusively determined he was not the source of physical evidence found at the scene of the crime. Prosecutors…
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