Publications & Testimony
Items: 6121 — 6130
Aug 26, 2003
Missouri Supreme Court Throws Out Juvenile Death Sentence Based on Evolving Standards of Decency
In a 4 – 3 decision to vacate the death sentence of juvenile offender Christopher Simmons, the Missouri Supreme Court ruled that the juvenile death penalty violates the nation’s evolving standards of decency and is therefore unconstitutional. Noting that“a national consensus has developed against the execution of juvenile offenders,” the Court’s opinion cited evidence such as the growing number of states that have banned the practice. The Court resentenced…
Read MoreAug 26, 2003
INNOCENCE: Prosecutors Drop Charges Against Two Illinois Men Freed by DNA Testing
Cook County prosecutors have dropped all charges against Michael Evans and Paul Terry, two men who had been convicted of raping and murdering a 9‑year-old girl in 1976. Following DNA testing that cleared the Illinois men, the state freed Evans and Terry 26 years after they were sentenced to serve 200 to 400 years in prison for the crime. (In many states, the defendants could have been sentenced to death and executed before their exoneration.) The men were 17 at the time of…
Read MoreAug 25, 2003
NEW RESOURCE: Law Review Examines History of Colorado’s Death Penalty
In“Capital Punishment in Colorado: 1859 – 1972,” University of Colorado professor and death penalty expert Michael Radelet reviews the history of capital punishment in Colorado. In the article, Radelet reviews each of the state’s executions during that time period and uses the data to show general patterns regarding the average time between conviction and execution, types of crimes and number of victims, and the logistics of carrying out the executions. 74…
Read MoreAug 22, 2003
New DNA Evidence Could Result in Pennsylvania Man’s Freedom from Death Row
Pennsylvania death row inmate Nicholas James Yarris may become the next person to be freed from death row. In light of new DNA evidence that excludes Yarris as the person responsible for the 1981 rape and murder for which he was convicted, U.S. District Court Judge James Giles said that Yarris must be freed or granted a new trial in Delaware County within two weeks. Giles gave the Delaware County district attorney’s office and defense attorneys 10 days to confirm that the new…
Read MoreAug 20, 2003
NEW RESOURCE: Newsletter Highlights International Approach to the Death Penalty
The most recent newsletter produced by the End to Capital Punishment Movement USA (ECPM USA) highlights developments in the organization’s aim to strengthen the cross-Atlantic dialogue on the death penalty. Among other items, the newsletter contains articles on state reports on the death penalty, the Council of Europe seminars on capital punishment that were recently held in Illinois and Washington, DC, and information about the Second World Conference on the Death…
Read MoreAug 19, 2003
NEW RESOURCE: Extensive Excerpts from Judge Wolf’s Opinion in United States v. Sampson
The following excerpts are from Judge Mark Wolf’s opinion allowing the federal capital prosecution of Gary Lee Sampson to proceed. In his decision, Judge Wolf of the Federal District Court in Boston expressed reservations about the risks of executing the innocent and appeared to criticize the Justice Department’s zealous approach to seeking capital convictions. The headings for these excerpts, which are not part of the original text, are followed by page numbers…
Read MoreAug 18, 2003
NEW RESOURCE: An Analysis of Death Penalty Cases in Georgia
A new report by Michael Mears of the Office of the Multi-County Public Defender provides a detailed examination of every death penalty trial in Georgia since the state passed its current death penalty statute in 1973. This resource contains a listing of death penalty cases by name of the defendant, name of the county, name of the judicial circuit, as well as the disposition of every death penalty case. It also provides a brief overview of the historic role Georgia has…
Read MoreAug 15, 2003
NEW VOICES: Death Penalty Fails to Meet Conservative Standards
In a recent Greensboro News & Record op-ed, Marshall Hurley, a long-time Republican in North Carolina, questioned giving the state authority to carry out executions when the current practice of capital punishment fails to meet conservative standards and risks innocent…
Read MoreAug 15, 2003
NEW RESOURCE: Magazine Highlights Life on Death Row of “Crips” Founder
The New York Times Magazine recently explored the life of Stanley Williams, an original founder of the“Crips” gang and a convicted murderer who has been on death row in San Quentin prison for more…
Read MoreAug 14, 2003
Speech byDPIC Executive Director Richard Dieter at the American Correctional Association Annual Conference
American Correctional AssociationAnnual Conference — Nashville,…
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