Publications & Testimony

Items: 6151 — 6160

Jul 23, 2003

NEW VOICES: Former San Francisco Prosecutor Denounces Death Penalty

After years of sup­port­ing cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment, for­mer San Francisco pros­e­cu­tor Bill Fazio recent­ly changed his posi­tion on the death penal­ty. Fazio, who now serves as a defense attor­ney, stat­ed,​“Life with­out parole is a viable alter­na­tive.” He not­ed that he began to recon­sid­er his stance on cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment after the U.S. Court of Appeals reversed his sole death penal­ty con­vic­tion. Fazio not­ed,​“It was an error by the tri­al judge, and it made me realize that…

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Jul 22, 2003

Illinois Is First State to Require Taped Interrogations

Governor Rod Blagojevich has signed a mea­sure requir­ing police to record their inter­ro­ga­tions of homi­cide sus­pects. The gov­er­nor’s sig­na­ture makes Illinois the first state to offi­cial­ly imple­ment such a pol­i­cy. Blagojevich, a for­mer pros­e­cu­tor, not­ed that his pre­vi­ous­­ly-voiced con­cerns that video taped inter­ro­ga­tions would impede police from doing their job had been over­rid­den by the knowl­edge that the tapes will yield​“clear­er, more reli­able” evidence for…

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Jul 21, 2003

Two Former Death Row Inmates Exonerated and Freed in Ohio

After spend­ing a quar­ter cen­tu­ry in prison, includ­ing time on Ohio’s death row, Timothy Howard and Gary Lemar James have been freed from prison and all charges against the men will be dropped. The men, who have main­tained their inno­cence since their arrest in 1976, were freed, accord­ing to Franklin County Prosecutor Ron O’Brien,​“in the inter­est of jus­tice.” O’Brien stat­ed,​“The les­son to be learned is what I said in the let­ter I sent a year and a half ago. We don’t want…

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Jul 18, 2003

North Carolina Supreme Court Upholds Controversial Death Penalty Practice

In a rul­ing that could affect near­ly every death row inmate in the state, the North Carolina Supreme Court has upheld the prac­tice of using indict­ments with­out aggra­vat­ing fac­tors in mur­der cas­es. The rul­ing came in the case of death row inmate Henry Lee Hunt. Hunt’s attor­neys had argued that, in light of the U.S. Supreme Court’s rul­ing in Ring v. Arizona, fail­ure to include aggra­vat­ing fac­tors in first-degree mur­der indict­ments is a vio­la­tion of the due process clause of…

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Jul 18, 2003


The Execution of Wanda Jean,” an HBO doc­u­men­tary direct­ed by Liz Garbus of Moxie Firecracker Films, and a series of news arti­cles by the staff of the York Daily Record, includ­ing exten­sive cov­er­age of the release of Pennsylvania native Ray Krone from Arizona’s death row, will receive hon­ors dur­ing the Death Penalty Information Center’s (DPIC) Seventh Annual Thurgood Marshall Journalism Awards at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. The pro­gram will also feature keynote…

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Jul 18, 2003

NEW VOICES: Australian Judge and Parent of Bombing Victim Rejects Death Penalty

Brian Deegan, a mag­is­trate in South Australia who lost his son in the October 2002 Sari night­club bomb­ing in Bali, recent­ly stat­ed that he believes the ter­ror­ists who com­mit­ed that crime should not receive the death penal­ty, but should be sen­tenced to a term of life in prison with­out parole. In an opin­ion piece in The Australian,…

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Jul 18, 2003

Texas Lawmakers Receive Failing Grade from Criminal Justice Reform Leaders

As the Texas leg­isla­tive ses­sion came to a close, crim­i­nal jus­tice reform advo­cates gave law­mak­ers a fail­ing grade for their work in address­ing prob­lems in the state’s legal sys­tem. Senator Rodney Ellis of Houston joined an array of legal experts to crit­i­cize the state leg­is­la­tors’ inabil­i­ty to pass mea­sures to end the exe­cu­tion of juve­nile offend­ers, to strength­en the con­sular noti­fi­ca­tion process for for­eign nation­als, and to require the Texas Board of…

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