
Items: 491 — 500

Jul 04, 1999

Freed from Death Row

In his wal­let, Juan Florencio Ramos car­ries a pre-prison pho­to­graph of him­self. Because of a five-year ordeal too painful to for­get, Ramos now says: That per­son is not me.” [Times pho­to: Pam…

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Dec 31, 1997

Homicide Studies

Blackman, Paul H.: A cri­tique of the epi­demi­o­log­ic study of firearms and homi­cide”; 1 Homicide Studies 169

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Dec 08, 1993

The Wrong Man

T U C S O N W E E K L YDecember 8 — December 14, 1993by Beth Hawkins and Kristin Solheim- Arizona Plans To Execute Paris Carriger For Shattering AnotherMan’s Skull With A Cast-Iron Skillet. Never Mind That Someone Else Confessed To The Crime. — Fifteen years ago, when Paris Carriger first was locked away in a 6‑by-9cell on death row at the Arizona State Prison, he, like most con­demned­men, claimed to be inno­cent. Of course, no one lis­tened. His lawyer had­bare­ly paid atten­tion dur­ing the trial,…

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