Publications & Testimony

Items: 3181 — 3190

Jun 21, 2013

Oregon Supreme Court Affirms Governor’s Halt to All Executions

The Oregon Supreme Court ruled that Governor John Kitzhaber may delay the exe­cu­tions of the state’s death row inmates dur­ing his term of office. In 2011, Kitzhaber insti­tut­ed a mora­to­ri­um on all exe­cu­tions in the state, say­ing, I refuse to be a part of this com­pro­mised and inequitable sys­tem any longer; and I will not allow fur­ther exe­cu­tions while I am Governor.” That deci­sion was chal­lenged by death row inmate Gary Haugen, who had waived his appeals in order to speed up…

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Jun 19, 2013

INTERNATIONAL: Leaders from Many Countries Address Fifth World Congress in Madrid

On June 12 – 15, polit­i­cal lead­ers and crim­i­nal jus­tice experts from five con­ti­nents gath­ered in Madrid, Spain, for the Fifth World Congress Against the Death Penalty. The World Congress was co-spon­sored by Spain, France, Norway, and Switzerland, and includ­ed del­e­gates from over 90 coun­tries. The del­e­ga­tion from the United States includ­ed Jerry Givens, a for­mer cor­rec­tion­al offi­cer in Virginia, who assist­ed with the exe­cu­tion of 62 inmates. Givens became an oppo­nent of the…

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Jun 18, 2013

Texas Court Affirms That Former Death Row Inmate Has Been Held for 33 Years With No Conviction

On June 12, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals (CCA) held that for­mer death row inmate Jerry Hartfield has been held in prison for 33 years despite hav­ing no valid con­vic­tion. The court con­clud­ed: The sta­tus of the judg­ment of con­vic­tion is that Petitioner is under no con­vic­tion or sen­tence.” Hartfield, an illit­er­ate man with an IQ of 51, had his cap­i­tal con­vic­tion over­turned by the same court in 1980 because his tri­al jury was improp­er­ly select­ed. The…

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Jun 17, 2013

Paula Cooper, Youngest Person Sentenced to Death in Indiana, To Be Released From Prison

Paula Cooper, who was 15 years old at the time of her crime, and the youngest per­son ever sen­tenced to death in Indiana, will be released from prison on June 17, twen­ty-sev­en years after her con­vic­tion for the mur­der of 78-year-old Ruth Pelke. Her case received inter­na­tion­al atten­tion, spark­ing a cam­paign that led to the com­mu­ta­tion of her death sen­tence to 60 years in prison. An appeal to the Indiana Supreme Court received over 2 mil­lion sig­na­tures from around the world.

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Jun 13, 2013

LETHAL INJECTION: Federal Judge Requires Louisiana Officials to Reveal Details of Lethal Injection Protocol

On June 4, a fed­er­al mag­is­trate ruled that the Louisiana Department of Safety and Corrections must reveal the details of the state’s lethal injec­tion pro­to­col. The rul­ing reject­ed the argu­ment that dis­clos­ing the pro­to­col would raise seri­ous secu­ri­ty con­cerns.” The rul­ing by Judge Stephen Riedlinger was on a motion relat­ed to the law­suit filed by death row inmates Jessie Hoffman and Christopher Sepulvado, who con­tend­ed that due process requires they be ful­ly informed about…

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Jun 12, 2013

CONDITIONS ON DEATH ROW: Inmates File Lawsuit Over Extreme Death Row Conditions

On June 10, three inmates on death row at the Louisiana State Penitentiary (Angola) filed a law­suit in fed­er­al court against the Department of Public Safety and Corrections for appalling and extreme con­di­tions… as a result of extreme heat.” The inmates request­ed that jail offi­cials address the unsafe con­di­tions in the death row facil­i­ty. According to the law­suit, the con­di­tions pris­on­ers suf­fer each sum­mer con­sti­tute cru­el and unusu­al pun­ish­ment under the Eighth Amendment.

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Jun 11, 2013

OP-ED: DNA: A Test for Justice”

In a recent op-ed in the Baltimore Sun, for­mer FBI Director William Sessions (pic­tured) under­scored the impor­tance of reli­able FBI foren­sic analy­sis in con­vict­ing the guilty and exon­er­at­ing the inno­cent. Sessions pro­vid­ed the exam­ple of Willie Jerome Manning, who received a last-minute stay of exe­cu­tion in Mississippi in order to allow time to con­duct test­ing on DNA evi­dence that could exon­er­ate him. Manning was con­vict­ed in 1994 based on FBI

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Jun 10, 2013

CLEMENCY: Oklahoma Board Recommends Mercy for Inmate Facing Execution

UPDATE: Gov. Mary Fallin refused to grant clemen­cy to Davis. On June 6, the Oklahoma Pardon and Parole Board rec­om­mend­ed clemen­cy for Brian Darrell Davis, who is fac­ing exe­cu­tion on June 25. The board vot­ed 4 – 1 to rec­om­mend that Davis’s death sen­tence be com­mut­ed to life in prison with­out parole. The parole board rec­om­mend­ed clemen­cy after Davis took respon­si­bil­i­ty for the crime and apol­o­gized to the fam­i­ly of the vic­tim. A weight lifted off…

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