Publications & Testimony
Items: 4591 — 4600
Mar 03, 2008
NEW VOICES: California Judge Says Death Penalty is “Waste of Taxpayers’ Money”
During his 15-year tenure on the court, Orange County Superior Court Judge Donald McCartin sentenced nine men to death. Now retired, Judge McCartin no longer believes in the death penalty.“It’s a waste of time and taxpayers’ money,” Judge McCartin said.“It cost 10 times more to kill these guys than to keep them alive in prison. It’s absurd. And imagine the poor victims’ families having to go through this again and again.” All but one of the nine men Judge McCartin sentenced to…
Read MoreFeb 28, 2008
Suit Challenging Racial and Geographic Bias in Death Penalty Prosecutions Allowed to Continue
Connecticut Superior Court Judge Stanley T. Fuger ruled on February 27 that a suit alleging racial and geographic bias in the state’s death penalty should not be dismissed. Judge Fuger is allowing the claim from seven death row inmates to continue because the state’s constitution gives defendants greater legal rights than the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. Supreme Court had rejected a similar claim about Georgia’s death penalty in 1987 based on federal constitutional…
Read MoreFeb 28, 2008
ARKANSAS: Convention backs death penalty abolition; bishop offers new vision for diocese
Read MoreFeb 27, 2008
NOW PLAYING IN NY: “The Two Lives of Napoleon Beazley,” a Play by John Fleming
“The Two Lives of Napoleon Beazley” is a new play by John Fleming that explores the true story of a 17-year-old African-American defendant who was sentenced to death for a carjacking and murder in Texas. The victim was the father of a federal judge. Using a variety of factual resources, including court transcripts and media accounts, the play examines race and the criminal justice system before the Supreme Court ruled in 2005 that the death penalty for juveniles…
Read MoreFeb 25, 2008
NEW VOICES: Faith in Texas Criminal Justice System Shaken after Exonerations
Two recent articles in the Dallas Morning News detail the lives of those affected by the wrongful imprisonment of Christopher Ochoa and Richard Danziger in Texas. For some, their faith in the criminal justice system has been shattered. Twelve years after being sentenced to life in prison for a 1988 rape and murder, Ochoa and Danziger were exonerated by DNA evidence. At the time of his arrest, Ochoa, after 15 hours of interrogation, gave…
Read MoreFeb 22, 2008
NEW VOICES: Mother of Murder Victim Testifies at California Death Penalty Hearing
At a hearing of the California Commission on the Fair Administration of Justice held in Los Angeles, the mother of a murder victim testified about why she believed the death penalty does not serve victims’ needs. Aba Gayle’s daughter, Catherine Blount, was a teenager when she was murdered in 1980 by Douglas Mickey. At first, Gayle told the Commission,“The district attorney assured me that the execution of the man responsible for Catherine’s murder would…
Read MoreFeb 21, 2008
BOOKS: “The Execution of Willie Francis”
Author Gilbert King, in his forthcoming book The Execution of Willie Francis, details the story of a young African-American man who endured the electric chair twice before being executed for the murder of a white man in Louisiana. In 1946, an all-white jury convicted Francis, who was 17, and sentenced him to death. The first attempt to execute him by electrocution did not work, and Francis was returned to his death row cell where he remained for almost another year…
Read MoreFeb 20, 2008
Georgia’s Budget Cuts for Public Defenders May Bring Capital Cases to a Halt
The Georgia Senate Appropriations Committee cut the state public defender budget to $513,000, less than 15% of what Gov. Sonny Perdue had recommended to cover costs until the end of June. The governor had originally sought $3.6 million for the Public Defender Standards Council, which is now concerned that without necessary funds, the Georgia court system will come to a standstill, including their defense in capital cases. House Majority Leader Jerry Keen said that…
Read MoreFeb 19, 2008
RELIGIOUS VIEWS: Christians Concerned about Execution of Innocent People
A recent poll by found that two-thirds of active Christians who oppose the death penalty are concerned about judicial error that could lead to an innocent person being executed. The poll also found that of Christians who do support the death penalty, 60% do so because of biblical teachings. According to a Pew Forum poll from 2007, the strongest supporters of the death penalty are white evangelicals, with 74% approval. However, John Whitehead,…
Read MoreFeb 19, 2008
Capital Doubts
Supreme Court mulls lethal injections as Christian support for the death penalty drops. by Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra Christianity Today…
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