Publications & Testimony

Items: 4621 — 4630

Nov 02, 2007

Court Rules California’s New Lethal Injection Procedures are Invalid

Superior Court Judge Lynn O’Malley Taylor held that the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation failed to fol­low prop­er pro­ce­dure for insti­tut­ing new reg­u­la­tions when it issued new lethal injec­tion pro­to­cols in May. Under state law, an agency that adopts new reg­u­la­tions must first pub­lish the text, invite pub­lic com­ments, hold a hear­ing if a mem­ber of the pub­lic requests one, and sub­mit the final draft to the Office of Administrative Law, which decides whether the proposed…

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Nov 01, 2007

Texas Prosecutors Ask for Delay in Executions Until Supreme Court Issues Lethal Injection Ruling

As the U.S. Supreme Court pre­pares to con­sid­er the con­sti­tu­tion­al­i­ty of Kentucky’s lethal injec­tion pro­ce­dures, pros­e­cu­tors in three Texas coun­ties have decid­ed to await the Justices’ rul­ing rather than ask judges to set exe­cu­tion dates and press for­ward through the courts. It seems the com­mon-sense thing to do at this point,” said Roe Wilson, who han­dles death penal­ty appeals for the Harris County District Attorney’s Office in Houston. Harris County sends more inmates to…

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Oct 31, 2007

NEW RESOURCE: The Angolite Examines Death Penalty, Its Impact on Families of the Condemned

The most recent edi­tion of The Angolite, the nation’s largest prison news mag­a­zine, con­tains an arti­cle detail­ing nation­al death penal­ty trends and devel­op­ments. The piece also high­lights the impact of cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment on fam­i­ly mem­bers and close friends of those fac­ing exe­cu­tion. It notes, Lost in the shad­ows of these cen­tral argu­ments is some­thing that defines us human beings: Taking care of our own. Unseen, unheard fam­i­ly mem­bers and close friends of those on death row have com­mit­ted no…

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Oct 30, 2007

Closing of the Capital Defender Office Will Save the State Millions as New York’s Death Penalty Ends

New York’s Capital Defender Office is prepar­ing to close its doors in the wake of a N.Y. Court of Appeals rul­ing that dis­posed of the final appeal of a death sen­tence under the cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment law declared uncon­sti­tu­tion­al in 2004. It is … my inten­tion to close the office as soon as prac­ti­cal­ly pos­si­ble,” said Kevin M. Doyle, who has served as Executive Director of the defend­er office estab­lished in 1995. Doyle said there is no point in keep­ing the office open giv­en the sta­tus of the…

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Oct 30, 2007


The American Bar Association (ABA) renewed its call for a nation­wide halt to exe­cu­tions fol­low­ing a series of state stud­ies that found seri­ous prob­lems in their death penal­ty systems.“After care­ful­ly study­ing the way states across the spec­trum han­dle exe­cu­tions, it has become crys­tal clear that the process is deeply flawed. The death penal­ty sys­tem is rife with irreg­u­lar­i­ty,” said Stephen F. Hanlon (pic­tured), chair­man of the ABA Death Penalty Moratorium Implementation Project. During the…

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Oct 29, 2007

New Mexico Supreme Court Stops Death Penalty Trial Over Funding Issue

The New Mexico Supreme Court halt­ed a death penal­ty case against 2 prison inmates charged with killing a guard dur­ing a 1999 riot because the defense has received insuf­fi­cient fund­ing to pro­ceed. Defense coun­sels’ com­pen­sa­tion is inad­e­quate under the facts of this case, vio­lat­ing defen­dants’ Sixth Amendment right to effec­tive assis­tance of coun­sel,” the court said in a unan­i­mous rul­ing. The court held that an addi­tion­al $200,000 must be appro­pri­at­ed by the leg­is­la­ture before the case…

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Oct 29, 2007

PUBLIC OPINION: Poll Reveals Marylanders Prefer Life Without Parole Over Death Penalty

A recent Washington Post opin­ion poll found that Marylanders pre­fer the sen­tence of life in prison over the death penal­ty. In the October 2007 poll of 1,103 Maryland adults, respon­dents were asked to choose between the sen­tence of life in prison with­out parole or the death penal­ty for the crime of mur­der: 52% said they favored life with­out parole and 43% sup­port­ed cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment. Among black respon­dents, sup­port for life with­out parole was even stronger, with 65% respond­ing that…

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Oct 29, 2007

RIGHTS-INDIA: Sikhs Worldwide Campaign for Death Penalty Abolition

By Sujoy DharOct 29, 2007IPSBRUSSELS — On March 23, 1931, an Indian Sikh named Bhagat Singh attained mar­tyr­dom when he was hanged by the British for his role in the mil­i­tant free­dom strug­gle against the colo­nial rulers.About 75 years lat­er, Professor Jagmohan Singh, a nephew of the lib­er­a­tion hero, preach­es peace and mer­cy as he joins a world­wide cam­paign, espe­cial­ly in Europe, by his Sikh com­mu­ni­ty against death penal­ty. The life and work of Indian free­dom fight­er Bhagat…

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Oct 26, 2007

Attorneys’ Organization Files Judicial Conduct Complaint Against Texas Appeals Judge

The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) has filed a judi­cial com­plaint against the Presiding Judge of the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, Sharon Keller (pic­tured), the first time the group says it has ever filed a com­plaint against a judge. NACDL has asked the Texas Commission on Judicial Conduct to review Judge Keller’s deci­sion to turn away the last appeal of a death row inmate because the rushed fil­ing was sub­mit­ted past the court’s 5 p.m. clos­ing time.

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