Publications & Testimony
Items: 4611 — 4620
Feb 08, 2008
Texas Court Reconsiders Two Death Sentences
The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals (CCA) recently ordered relief for two death row inmates, acknowledging that a U.S. Supreme Court ruling from last year affected a series of cases that were tried before the state changed its death penalty statute. The Texas CCA reversed the death sentence of Jose Angel Moreno, whose execution was stayed just hours before it was to occur last May. He may now have a new sentencing hearing and the opportunity to present a range of…
Read MoreFeb 06, 2008
EDITORIALS: “Don’t expand capital punishment, abolish it”
In a recent editorial, the Concord Monitor advocated against expanding New Hampshire’s death penalty law to include multiple-murder offenses, as some lawmakers have proposed. Instead, they say,“the death penalty should be eliminated, not expanded.” The editorial cites problems in the death penalty process, such as wrongful convictions, high costs, and its arbitrariness, as reasons for abolition. The Monitor also writes that the death…
Read MoreFeb 05, 2008
COSTS: $978,000 and Eight Prosecutors Allocated for New Hampshire Death Penalty Trial
The capital murder prosecution of Michael Addison in New Hampshire will cost the state at least $978,000 in its first stage. Attorney General Kelly A. Ayotte estimates that there are about eight lawyers working on Addison’s case from her office. The state has been allocated $420,000 for the four new staff members along with other office costs, to prosecute Addison. The $420,000 does not include the costs of salaried state prosecutors who are helping to prepare the…
Read MoreFeb 04, 2008
NEW VOICES: Moussaoui Judge: Seeking Death Penalty Hindered Gathering of Terrorist Intelligence
In a recent speech at the American University school of law, U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema, who presided over the trial of 9/11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui, said that the government’s decision to seek the death penalty against Moussaoui appeared to be politically motivated. Judge Brinkema also stated that because Moussaoui’s case involved the death penalty, it unnecessarily exposed classified information and interfered with the…
Read MoreFeb 02, 2008
Florida Supreme Court Reduces Death Sentence of Mentally Ill Defendant
The Florida Supreme Court reduced the death sentence for Ryan Green to life without parole because he suffered from schizophrenia and was not able to fully appreciate the consequences of his actions. Green was sentenced to death in 2006 for the murder of a retired Pensacola police sergeant. The jury that considered his case voted 10 – 2 for death. The presiding judge, who makes the sentencing decision in Florida, imposed a death sentence despite his…
Read MoreJan 31, 2008
Texas Crime Lab Hires DNA Supervisor Accused of Cheating on Proficiency Tests
The Texas Department of Public Safety recently hired Vanessa Nelson despite her being under investigation at the Houston Police Department Crime Lab where she was the former DNA supervisor. Nelson resigned from the Houston Lab to avoid being fired for giving her subordinates the answers to a DNA skills proficiency test. The Houston Lab has a history of problems with its DNA lab, including poor training and inadequate work, causing the division to be shut down in…
Read MoreJan 29, 2008
NEW VOICES: Judge Calls Death Penalty “an outrageous way to penalize victims”
Maryland Judge Joseph P. Manck sought to lessen the pain and frustration to the victims’ family by sentencing a defendant to life in prison without the possibility of parole instead of the death penalty. In choosing a life sentence for Brandon Morris for the murder of correctional officer Jeffrey Wroten, Judge Manck noted that appeals in death penalty cases can stretch on for years. He cited one case that has been going on for 25 years and said that…
Read MoreJan 29, 2008
OP-ED: Georgia is Denying a Constitutional Defense by Withholding Funds
In a recent op-ed, Stephen Bright, president of the Southern Center for Human Rights in Atlanta, wrote that Georgia is failing to provide defense for poor people accused of crimes in a constitutionally responsible manner. According to Bright (pictured), today there is no money to pay for the defense in capital cases, while district attorneys continue to have a virtual blank check to prosecute them Georgia’s failure to pay defense lawyers has caused many of them to…
Read MoreJan 25, 2008
Truth Finally Emerges for Man Imprisoned for Murder
Alton Logan was sentenced to life in prison for the 1982 murder of a security guard in a McDonald’s restaurant in Illinois. The state had originally sought the death penalty. New information in the form of a confession has now come forward from an attorney in another case indicating that Logan may not be guilty of the crime. Soon after the restaurant murder, two Chicago police officers were shot to death, and a man named Andrew Wilson was charged with their murder.
Read MoreJan 25, 2008
DOJ Fails to Grant Funds Allocated for DNA Testing
At recent Congressional hearings, members of the Senate Judiciary Committee questioned the Department of Justice as to why it has not approved any grants under the Kirk Bloodsworth DNA Post-Conviction Testing Program. Part of the Innocence Protection Act of 2004, the purpose of the program was to help defray DNA testing costs through grants to individual states. It has had congressional funding of almost $14 million over the past three years, but has failed to dole out any of the…
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