Publications & Testimony
Items: 5681 — 5690
Oct 16, 2004
Executing juvenile offenders is barbaric, ought to be ended
Springfield (Missouri) News…
Read MoreOct 15, 2004
Cruel and unusual
The (Staunton, VA) News…
Read MoreOct 14, 2004
EDITORIAL: Examine the systemic problems in the death penalty before reinstating it in NY
New York’s death penalty remains in abeyance, having been found unconstitutional by the state’s high court. A recent N.Y. Newsday editorial called on lawmakers to carefully examine the fundamental problems with the death penalty before considering any reinstatement legislation. The editorial noted: On the steps of New York City Hall on Thursday, a coalition of death penalty opponents — prominently including City Council Speaker Gifford Miller and former gubernatorial candidate Andrew Cuomo -…
Read MoreOct 14, 2004
Newspapers, Opinion Leaders Call for End to Juvenile Death Penalty
As the Supreme Court heard arguments in the case of Roper v. Simmons on October 13, newspapers throughout the country featured editorials and opinion pieces calling on the U.S. to abandon the practice of executing juvenile offenders:The New York Times When the Supreme Court considers an Eighth Amendment challenge, it looks to “evolving standards of decency” — and there has been a steady movement nationally away from the juvenile death penalty. In the 15 years since the Supreme Court…
Read MoreOct 14, 2004
117th Innocent Person Freed From Death Row
117th INNOCENT PERSON FREED FROM DEATH ROW Ernest Willis became the eighth person exonerated from Texas’s death row on October 6, 2004, and the 117th person freed nationwide since 1973. Willis was sentenced to death 17 years ago for allegedly setting a house fire that killed two people. U. S. District Judge Royal Ferguson held that the state had administered medically inappropriate antipsychotic drugs without Willis’ consent; that the state supressed evidence favorable to Willis;…
Read MoreOct 14, 2004
U.S. SUPREME COURT: Are we civilized?
St. Louis…
Read MoreOct 14, 2004
Court must be moderate on controversial rulings
University Wire (University of…
Read MoreOct 13, 2004
Too young to die?
Battleboro (Vermont) ReformerOctober 13, 2004Too young to…
Read MoreOct 13, 2004
Too young to die?
Battleboro (Vermont)…
Read MoreOct 12, 2004
NEW VOICES: Major Texas Newspapers Call for a Halt to Executions in Cases from Houston
Following a call from the Houston Police Chief and from state legislators to halt executions in cases from Harris County, four of the state’s largest newspapers published editorials in support of a moratorium on executions. The Houston police crime lab has been plagued with errors in DNA testing and preservation of evidence. There have been far more executions from Harris County (Houston) than from any other county in the country. AUSTIN AMERICAN-STATESMAN (N)othing can justify an execution…
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