NEWS (3/​19/​20): Florida — The Florida Supreme Court has denied new sen­tenc­ing hear­ings to two more death-row pris­on­ers who were sen­tenced to death after non-unan­i­mous sen­tenc­ing rec­om­men­da­tions by their juries. Relying on the court’s January 23, 2020 deci­sion in State v. Poole that aban­doned its require­ment of unan­i­mous sen­tenc­ing rec­om­men­da­tions, the court upheld death sen­tences imposed on Grover Reed and Lucious Boyd.

Reed would have been denied relief under the court’s pri­or jury una­nim­i­ty caselaw because his con­vic­tion became final before Ring v. Arizona was decid­ed in June 2002, the cut­off the court had estab­lished for apply­ing its jury una­nim­i­ty require­ment. Boyd was denied a new sen­tenc­ing hear­ing under Pooles rul­ing that a death sen­tence is con­sti­tu­tion­al if the jury unan­i­mous­ly vot­ed to con­vict a defen­dant of an addi­tion­al charge that also con­sti­tut­ed an aggra­vat­ing cir­cum­stance that would make the defen­dant eli­gi­ble for the death penalty.