Publications & Testimony
Items: 4711 — 4720
Nov 20, 2007
NEW VOICES: Former Texas Warden Reconsiders the Death Penalty
Jim Willet, former warden of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice’s Walls Unit where Texas executions take place, recently described his experiences to the Dallas Observer as emotionally difficult for him. As warden during 1998 – 2001, three of the busiest years for Texas’ death chamber, Willet oversaw 89 executions.“The first time is unbelievable,” he told the Observer.“You have this healthy person – this person who was able to just jump up on the gurney – and…
Read MoreNov 19, 2007
ARBITRARINESS: In the Leading Execution State, Many Receive Probation for Murder
In a recent investigation published in The Dallas Morning News, researchers found that 120 defendants convicted of murder in Texas between 2000 and 2006 received only a sentence of probation. In Dallas County, twice as many convicted murderers were sentenced to probation as were sent to death row. Typically in these cases, a defendant pleads guilty to murder, receives probation, and, with good behavior, can have the murder charged wiped from his or her record. …
Read MoreNov 16, 2007
United Nations Calls for a Global Moratorium on Executions
United Nations Calls for Moratorium on Executions A resolution for a global moratorium on executions was passed on Nov. 15 by the UN General Assembly’s Third (Human Rights) Committee by a vote of 99 – 52, with 33 abstentions. The General Assembly is expected to endorse the decision in a plenary session in December. Similar resolutions were introduced in 1994 and 1999 but were either narrowly defeated or withdrawn. The resolutions calls…
Read MoreNov 16, 2007
Massachusetts Again Votes Overwhelmingly Against Reinstating Death Penalty
After over an hour of debate, the Massachusetts House of Representatives overwhelmingly rejected an attempt to reinstate the death penalty. Prior to the 110 – 46 vote, Governor Deval Patrick had vowed to veto the bill if it were approved. The bill was similar to one submitted by former Governor Mitt Romney as a“gold standard” for capital punishment.State Representatives cited high costs and the possibility for human error as reasons for rejecting the bill. Rep. Sean…
Read MoreNov 15, 2007
ARTICLES: Lethal Injections and the Overall Decline in the Death Penalty
A recent Newsweek article by Evan Thomas and Martha Brant compares the historical search for humane methods of execution with the current decline in the use of the death penalty in the…
Read MoreNov 14, 2007
Supreme Court Review of Lethal Injections Attracts Advocates from Many Disciplines
In addition to the main brief submitted by the Petitioner in Baze v. Rees, several amicus curiae briefs have been filed in support of the inmates from Kentucky who are challenging the constitutionality of lethal injections as practiced in their state before the U.S. Supreme Court. The case is likely to be heard in January 2008 and decided by June. It appears that executions around the country have been put on hold pending the Court’s decision. The amicus (“friend of…
Read MoreNov 13, 2007
North Carolina Court Cites False Testimony and Official Misconduct in Granting New Trial to Death Row Inmate
Superior Court Judge Robert Ervin ruled that North Carolina death row inmate Glen Edward Chapman is entitled to a new trial based on ample evidence that he was wrongly convicted. Judge Ervin said that law enforcement officials withheld evidence, used false testimony, and misplaced or destroyed important documents that could have supported Chapman’s innocence claim. The judge’s order also revealed that Chapman’s defense attorneys did not adequately…
Read MoreNov 09, 2007
New Jersey Lawmakers to Vote on Abolishing Death Penalty
New Jersey Assembly Speaker Joseph Roberts, Jr. (pictured) has announced that on December 13 members of the Assembly will vote on whether to reduce the state’s most severe punishment to life in prison without parole. A spokeswoman for Senate President Richard J. Codey said the Senate is likely to take similar action before the legislative session ends on January 8, though a date has not been set for the vote. If approved by the Legislature and signed by Gov. Jon Corzine, who…
Read MoreNov 09, 2007
Freed Death Row Inmates Call for Moratorium on Executions in North Carolina
Eighteen former death row inmates from around the country recently toured North Carolina and called for a moratorium on executions. The tour, one of the largest of its kind and organized by People of Faith Against the Death Penalty and Witness to Innocence, included speaking engagements in churches and public auditoriums, as well as a rally in front of North Carolina’s Legislative Building. Two legislators, Rep. Pricey Harrison and Sen. Eleanor Kinnaird,…
Read MoreNov 08, 2007
NEW RESOURCE: American Journal of Criminal Law to Feature Article on Effective Counsel
In a forthcoming article in the American Journal of Criminal Law, John H. Blume of Cornell Law School explores recent Supreme Court decisions that affect the guidelines for effective counsel for capital defendants. Blume notes in“It’s Like Déjà Vu All Over Again: Williams V. Taylor, Wiggins V. Smith, Rompilla V. Beard and a (Partial) Return to the Guidelines Approach to the Effective Assistance of Counsel” that despite the recognition by researchers, litigators, and judges of…
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