DPIC Reports

Below are reports released by the Death Penalty Information Center since its incep­tion, cov­er­ing sub­jects such as race, inno­cence, politi­ciza­tion, costs of the death penal­ty, and more. When open­ing a report, please allow the report page to load ful­ly before select­ing links to sec­tions or foot­notes. Most of these reports are also avail­able in print­ed form from DPIC. For a copy of one of these reports, e‑mail DPIC. For bulk orders, please down­load our Resource Order Form.

Reports are sep­a­rat­ed into Year End Reports, In-Depth Reports, and Special Reports. In-Depth Reports are DPIC’s sig­na­ture long, thor­ough reports on major death-penal­ty issues. These include The 2% Death Penalty,” exam­in­ing geo­graph­ic arbi­trari­ness in cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment, and Behind the Curtain,” cov­er­ing secre­cy in the death penal­ty sys­tem. Special Reports are short­er, and typ­i­cal­ly address a spe­cif­ic event or ques­tion. These include DPIC’s expla­na­tion of the 2017 spate of exe­cu­tions that were sched­uled in Arkansas, and our analy­sis of the largest num­ber of exe­cu­tions per­formed on a sin­gle day.

Reports: 36 — 40

Dec 21, 2010

The Death Penalty in 2010: Year End Report

(Washington, D.C.) The coun­try expe­ri­enced a 12 per­cent decrease in exe­cu­tions in 2010 com­pared to 2009 and a more than 50 per­cent drop com­pared to 1999, accord­ing to a report released today by the Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC). Texas had 29 per­cent few­er exe­cu­tions in 2010 than the previous…

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Dec 17, 2009

The Death Penalty in 2009: Year End Report

(Washington, D.C.) The coun­try is expect­ed to fin­ish 2009 with the fewest death sen­tences since the U.S. Supreme Court rein­stat­ed the death penal­ty in 1976, accord­ing to a report released today by the Death Penalty Information Center. Eleven states con­sid­ered abol­ish­ing the death penal­ty this year, a sig­nif­i­cant increase in leg­isla­tive activ­i­ty from pre­vi­ous years, as the high costs and lack of mea­sur­able ben­e­fits asso­ci­at­ed with this pun­ish­ment trou­bled law­mak­ers. Read The Death Penalty in…

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Oct 20, 2009

Smart on Crime: Reconsidering the Death Penalty in Time of Economic Crisis

Smart on Crime is a new report from the Death Penalty Information Center that explores the prospect of sav­ing states hun­dreds of mil­lions of dol­lars by end­ing the death penal­ty. The report also serves to release a nation­al poll of police chiefs in which they rank the death penal­ty at the bot­tom of their pri­or­i­ties for achiev­ing a safer…

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Dec 10, 2008

The Death Penalty in 2008: Year End Report

Executions resumed in 2008 after a de fac­to mora­to­ri­um was effec­tive­ly lift­ed by the Supreme Court fol­low­ing its deci­sion uphold­ing lethal injec­tion. But only the South returned to reg­u­lar exe­cu­tions, account­ing for 95% of exe­cu­tions car­ried out in the coun­try in 2008. Almost half of the exe­cu­tions were in Texas. In some states, such as California, Maryland, Delaware and North Carolina, the lethal injec­tion issue remains unset­tled, and no executions…

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Dec 17, 2007

The Death Penalty in 2007: Year End Report

Two dra­mat­ic events this year sym­bol­ized the broad changes that have been occur­ring in the death penal­ty around the coun­try. Executions halt­ed after September 25 when the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear a chal­lenge to the con­sti­tu­tion­al­i­ty of the mix­ture of chem­i­cals used in lethal injec­tions in Kentucky (Baze v. Rees). This de fac­to mora­to­ri­um on lethal injec­tions con­tributed to the fewest num­ber of exe­cu­tions in 13

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